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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. thanks Sjors, Mick, Augie and Popeye and psst Augie I thought with Sjors going for the title of biggest windbag on this site he wouldn't need a compressor
  2. I actually thought of an aquarium for the Virginia and asked at the fish shop . because it wouldn't be a standard size it would come down to around $200 he said . and that's for the smallest ship I have and without the wooden base. yesterday I finished planking the aft deck today I worked on the little structure. it has a small ridge on top made by 2x2 dowels.
  3. dragzz dont worry . the ones you made yourself look really good and see it as the first steps in doing scratch building
  4. ther is no rush whenever you feel like workign on her and i bet John liked the Leffe i myself am not in to the heavier beers and cant get the one i like so at the moment i have a feww bottles of bitburg in my fridge
  5. hmm somehow i must have missed these updates . beautiful work
  6. thanks Mick. no i havent gotten a place yet and display cases are expensive even if you make them yourself. so i am really thinking of buying a big display case (something like these : http://www.bethelshopfitting.com.au/index.php/products/s/17/glass.display.showcases ) that would fit all of my models and more. although expensive in the end it would be cheaper then all individual cases. thanks Popeye . i had alook and yes that Ez airbrush set would be whta i would go for. for now though i am going to see if my store got the spraycans. i wil only need white and dark green. cheaper way to try out if spray painting is for me or not.
  7. nice work Mick for shaping the masts and yards you can use a drill
  8. thanks Keith and I shouldn't have peeked . I should know by now that most kits are just a representation of the real thing and can be very different. thanks Piet. haha yeah the curved stairs certainly gave me experience. and yes some bashing to make her look better thanks Popeye . I am hoping to figure out how I am going to do the doors and windows this weekend we ll see how it goes did a bit more planking tonight 1 hour to do half the remaining deck this weekend I will also stock up on the paints needed. for the hull I am going to try and get some spray cans for the hull painting. never done airbrushing but I want to get a nice smooth finish for it
  9. nearly there and an excelent job done what i was goign to ask the little mast ? at the end of the bowsprit i havent seen that on other ships (makes me think like the horn on a rhino) do you know if it has a special function or just extra sails ?
  10. thanks for the suggestions and comments Sjors,Popeye and Mick after looking at the few pictures i realise how much differences there are with the real ship (although its difficult to know which pictures are off the 1958 version and which of the 1933 version). i most likely are going to do what Popeye suggested . the windows (no such windows on the real ship) will only stick out a bit. the doors about half . i ll try it on a piece of scrapwood first to see how it looks as i said i am not going to do much modification on this build (the stairs are just flat pieces off brass strips which proabbly will look horible so i ll have to figure out something for those) I see this as a fun build to experiment with planking without having to worry too much if i have it wrong( its double planked and then painted) with thiat experience under my belt i can tackle the endeavours planking (and have loads of pictures from when i visit her)
  11. middle deck is finished and I did some sanding on it. not really happy about some parts. deciding if I should fix it up or not the 2 structures will have lots of doors windows and hand railings attached later on but I marked them now so it will be easier . especially drilling the holes for the eyebolts to hold the hand railings the windows and doors are supposed to be glued on top . somehow it doesn't look good to me. going to have a peek at some pictures to see how they look in real
  12. i am just wondering were he is going to attach all the rigging
  13. running rigging on a 2d piece of paper is very difficult to understand unless you know all about it. bbut once you start ataching it and you see where it goes youc an imagine whta it was for. atleast thats how it went wiht my virginia (i know not as much rigging on her) What's that strange howling sound I hear.... I believe it is the Syren calling... i always though Syrens called sailors with their beautiful singing
  14. beautiful John. wil you be working on a new project at the museum once she is done ?
  15. haha Randy . It will slow down soon when i start on the fiddly bits and there are lots of them on this build Thanks Mick. and thats just the dock supervisor but as i have said before he is a bit weird so better not insult him :| thanks Robert
  16. hey I got those news views too , well on my computers background atleast
  17. don't worry Robbyn that bit of sadness goes away when you start on your new project very nice looking yards
  18. thanks Piet I finished planking the middle deck. relaxing not using brain just going with the flow : check plank to see if shape is even, check length, use pencil on side, use toothpick to apply glue, fit plank on deck, use metal ruler and clamps to hold plank down and then on to the next thought I was racing along but when I checked time I had worked for over 3 1/2 hours (around 2 minutes per plank) just one more deck to go now (the one you see in the background)
  19. congrats on the promotion Mobbsie . post count rising must be the influence of some other that we shall not name :|
  20. thanks Robert and yes lots of fun planking on this one thanks Mick . 2 bottles shoudl do a lot but she is a big ship and most of the parts above the waterline need to be painted white. i am thinking of buying some other similar white and use that for the first few layers so i cna finish off with the admiralty paint not sure what its called (spanish translation comes out as hatch) but its the structure thta sits on the aft deck
  21. thanks Mobbsie I am trying. the skill I lack most in is patience but I am improving slowly planking the deck I assembled the little structure . the curved part will needs lots of filling to get it all smooth before it can be painted also need to get a list of paint colors I need. I am hoping the 2 bottles of admiralty white will do the whole build
  22. congrats captain Randy best is to write down on a piece of paper what you need your computer for . that will give you a baseline on what the minimum is that you need and then depending on your budget yuo can go from there my old computer (P4 with 2GB) run win 7 put sometimes the fan speeds up so much i think it is going to take off. funny thing i am the it guy at home and i have the worst computer lol. hoping to get it replaced somewhere end of this year maybe for my b day
  23. only had a bit of time today and that was spend fixing up th elast bit of the deck witch was not completly centered. i am at work now (all alone ) but hopefully i can do some more planking tomorrow
  24. Thanks Mick . i checked again this morning and the flow of the deck is now without lumps. a bit of smoothing out because of the ripping out off the deck and it should be fine. i have to have a closer look but i think the deck plankign has come out well and might only need a bit of sanding
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