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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. the spray painting isn't going as it should but not giving up on it yet I did get a bit more done on the gratings the right part is almost done just need to fit the last piece on and sand the edges same goes for the middle bit when studying the instructions I noticed that the middle bit will not be supported from the bottom. 2 choices I add a bit of construction underneath myself or drill holes in the parts and use dowels (tooth picks) to secure it the outer parts
  2. looking good Sjors more ratlines soon and the way you are going with the aggy you ll be doing those too soon :P
  3. that torpedo laucnher wil be a build of its own love to watch you slowly putting it all together
  4. Ferit i think that stone is more times right then the reall weatherforecasters
  5. Robert 5 years ago i would have cringed when hearing those temperatures but now i got used to it. and however weird it sounds i sweat alot less here then when i was living in Belgium. one of the first years i was here on new years day we had 47 degrees and bushfires all over (almost had to stay somewhere as the roads into sydney where closed). thats the first time i was in such heat and it was like sticking your head in to an oven the way its going wont be surprised if we l be getting close to those temperatures this summer
  6. and if it keeps that way they ll have an ice skating ring
  7. yes it was a bad day again today . and glad we didn't decide to go to the aquatic centre in Homebush Mick I don't think you can escape the crazy weather. we get high temperatures this summer while you guys are freezing and Oz is my home now didn't get to do much this weekend but I did get to experiment with the spray painting. I ll have some pictures of the results soon
  8. sorry to hear David, but you are doing the right thing . hopefuly you find the source of the problem and a solution to it
  9. hi Randy yup we are heading for a hot hot summer we havent even put away the shorts and thongs (thats what we call flip-flops) as it was a mild winter we didnt reach the record temperatures yesterday but 37 degrees iwas very unconformtable (more so when you have been in an airconditioned building all day) atleast there were no big bush fires
  10. class finished early so had some time to kill and there was a hobby store just a few blocks away just had a bit of a browse didn't buy anything put a second coat of paint on doors and windows for tomorrow I hope they are wrong with their predictions : 39 degrees (102 Fahrenheit) and strong winds and its only spring
  11. first day done and I did have the energy to do a bit of painting (doors and windows) no Sjors I don't get tired from sitting in the bus, I do get tired from standing in the bus these days I travel by car to my work but before that i used public transport : bus to the station , train to next station, train to another station , bus to work and then the same thing at night . 50 minutes in the morning 1 1/2 hours at night and that for only 15 km and yes most of that travel is running and standing (sometimes packed as sardines)
  12. hmm after some thinking I asked the admiral and the choice has been made so I filled up the hole I have considered going with Andy's suggestions but don't think I could make it look good . turning the doors over would have worked but the handle is very small so I don't know how I would add that and the hinges would be on the wrong side so they are going to stay the way they are. same goes for the windows not sure if I will be doing much the rest of the week since I have training (deploying sccm 2012) in the city which means traveling by bus and train and coming home late (and tired)
  13. very nice dragzz and did I see correct you have successfully bend the wave breaker at the front ?
  14. your attention to details will make this an extraordinary model Piet . must be the good influence of the Belgian beers :P
  15. Andy you mean like in this picture ? http://www.h-a-schroeder.de/index.php?eID=tx_cms_showpic&file=uploads%2Fpics%2Fwetterdichtetuer_weather_tight_door_klein_01.jpg&md5=d73e57a5bbc7478c45deaf768b229763
  16. MIck yes macro is on photo is set at 2MP as I think it gives a great result and each photo takes about 1/2 MB. Don't see th e point in making them bigger and it would add a lot to the disk space the forum would need no the problem here was not to use a flash on a white surface first picture left door totally inside wall, left one stuck on top of wall. the unpainted area underneath the door is where a 1x3 strip of dark green wood will be attached this one has the left door sticking out about 1mm other door is still on top of the wall what I do realised is that it will be difficult to cut out a door and 2 windows in the curved wall of the structure I am working on, because the curved wall is actually 5 small pieces of plywood stuck together. cutting in to that will most likely collapse the whole wall
  17. until I just googled this saying i didn't realise this saying has been around for awhile. I got it from Farcry 3
  18. thanks Popeye, Sjors and Robert was going to ask which of these doors looks best : edge of door even with the wall , door on top of wall or something in between but the flash has made the picture all white will retry to take it tomorrow the ridge on top of the structure is finished and filler is applied to fill the little cracks.
  19. I am not afraid of the cotton ball armada :P things are going well but soon I need to put my attention back to the King . I feel like I am ready to tackle the last few problems so I have smooth sailing till the finish today I raced to the hobby store before it closed to get my paints : undercoat spray can, dark green and white spray can, dark green and white for the smaller work and light brown dark brown and brass. there are a few other colors needed but I should have those in my rack of revel colors most of the day spend on making gratings finished one. used mitre cut corners to make it look nicer
  20. that's the definition of insanity Augie : doing the same thing over and over and over and over ......
  21. very nice work on this little boats. might use the technique for the one on my endeavour instead of using the metal one supplied
  22. lol unfortunately for me the heavy beers give me headaches so I enjoy a light beer now and then . the 6 pack off bitts will most likely last me a month or two lol
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