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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. thanks Piet Mark I am with you on that . I need to get a good mp3 player and download (legally offcourse ) all those good old songs. in the end I had to add 2 steps to the ladder . here I have put a first coat of paint on it here my setup for tapering the dowels had a few accidents. the middle dowel broke in half . but with some CA and tape I was able to fix it and finish the tapering the one the right broke also , I had just enough of the 4 mm dowel left to replace it
  2. hope all is well and that we can see those amazing skills at work again soon
  3. thanks Popeye. i better if i want to finish her by end of year thanks Robbyn still lots to do but i love working on her again thanks Mick and Mark . might see if i can get that song and play it while i work on her
  4. thanks Mick they are from the brand CraftRight. I bought 4 sets of 2. so far one has broken when I put too much pressure on it. they can be reversed so you can do clamping spreading. one thing annoying is that the orange non marring pads slide off too easy. overall I good investment because I use them all the time as you know
  5. thanks Robert cutting a little slot all around the top deck has made it easy to fit the brass parts with that done I can now finish the walkways that give access to the steering cabin I did notice that the ladder is not high enough (8 steps according to AL instructions) so I ll need to extend them with one more step. the sides are painted white so I should be able to cover up any gaps
  6. woot I started planking . the first 2 master planks are soaked and drying [ had to do add extra reinforcements as there would have been no hold for the planks
  7. Thanks Edwin I might try that next time. I am now waiting on the last 2 of the side parts to dry . so tomorrow I can begin pre-bending the master planks
  8. well the last bit of sanding went quick. I am happy now I glued the first of 4 parts on to the hull
  9. Sherry, my sincere condolences to yours and your families loss I will light some candles and pry for you all
  10. I hope so Piet. I hope so I have taken a day of Friday to take care of some financial business but that will leave plenty of time to continue the sanding , might even be able to finish so I can start pre bending
  11. finally a small update installed the small steps in front of the 3rd deck doors also working on the top deck edge, but the parts stick to everything but the deck . I am using the cut-out of the deck to form the brass parts and keep them in place while glueing I am now thinking of cutting a small slot around the edge so that they fit in there
  12. i hope it works Rick. i am dying to see those paddlewheels spin
  13. excelent work Robert. you ll be working on the finishing touches next . you ll probably finish her before me lol
  14. its so much fun watching your build Danny not only showing use amazing craftmanship but teaching us newbs the correct terminology
  15. Piet , yes i l be soaking the planks and bend them temporary in place till they dry. then i l be sanding them so they ll fit snugle against the planks already in place. i want to make this as good as i can Popeye, even tought they are 3 mm they are still flexible enough (even the 4x5 masterplanks) and i am hoping to have to do as little sanding as possible For me this will be lots of learning because its the first time i am really planking (when i did the virginia i just wne for it and hoped for the best and hought i could sand/fill any problems)
  16. I am on win 7/IE 10 also and on rare occasions I have issues but not like you describe. have you got any toolbars like yahoo or Google installed. In the past these could cause a fair bit of issues
  17. I always read it that each file could 2MB, with 10 each that would make it 20MB per post Maybe one of the admins can let us know what the limit is
  18. thanks Piet I haven't considered adding a filler block. I don't think the planks need added support as they are 3x7 mm strips but now that you have brought this up I might test this out just in case
  19. umm sorry Danny but look at this post of mine where i have 8 pics of around 450K (so over 3MB) http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1555-gorch-fock-by-adrieke-occre-195/?p=121162
  20. hello Rick looking good so far i am really looking forward to all the enhancements you are going to put in as for making it that you can still access the insides, its not going to be easy (ask me how i know ) might be easier to make the back wall and paddle wheel detachable so you can get to the inside from there
  21. hello Rick are you using windows or Mac and can you tell us what version of browser (internet explorer/ safari) you are using ?
  22. thanks Mobsie certainly workign on my patience skills with this thanks S Coleman i certainly hope so thanks Mick for the encouragement, i do need it as its so easy to say its good enough while i know its not thanks Robert yup certainly is . normaly i would have been sneezing after that but i think doing it outside has prevented that
  23. actually I find it more grinding on the muscles in my arm , after 2 days its really hurting and my hand feels numb i am using a half round file and a square one and some sandpaper wrapped around a wooden block for the big areas i guess the square file gives the same result as a long strip of wood as the bow end needs to be sanded to a point i slowly reduce the width until only a fine line is left, this to make it easy to see where the middle is the master plank is 1 mm thicker and fits in the slots in all the bulkheads, so to make sure it doesn't stick out i filed out a slot in the bow too finally i sand it down to a point and use a wooden strip to make sure it runs smoothly all the way after one and a half hours of sanding the bow is done finished all the bulkheads in between and all that is left is the stern, but its getting too dark now. i estimate at most an hour or two more of sanding but that will have to wait till next weekend. i ll work on some other parts in the mean time and also spend some time on finishing the kom
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