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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. thanks Dragzz I finished the aft structure (although on the picture I can see I need to work on the handrails as they are not straight) now I could glue the deck on top the forward structure is glued in place but there is plenty of work to do (the green border,5 doors, 4 windows and lots of handrails)
  2. as you know the last few weeks I have tried to find a way to fix the deck on top so it would still be removable if I had prepared better I might have been able to implement some of the suggestions made. I had no desire to rip out the 3rd deck stateroom again so I finally admitted defeat . this morning I connected the last wires, checked the lights where working and then glued the deck on top now I can finish her off (I am aiming for the end of the year) i will post some pictures soon
  3. did a bit more painting tonight also used the mat varnish from admiralty for the first time . when applying it is a bit whitish but that goes when it dries. so far I like the look of it
  4. very nice Robert. definately better then the manual. i did go with the yellow myself which goes i think with my scratch build windows
  5. hello Bill it looks similar to the AL stage coach i am building but the way its constructed might be totaly different. i believe Jim (script) has build that one about the export i have no idea. i have only been in Oz for about 5 years
  6. very nice Dragzz. those stairs where for me the most difficult part on this build
  7. did a bit of painting tonight I am happy with the colors I selected I did forget one plus I need to replace my paint brushes. since this whole week I am in training again in the city I am not far from the hobby store also worked on the steering house ?
  8. some small progress : planked the top of the structure that will go on the aft deck
  9. lookign great my hands are itching to start on a ship like this. one day i hope
  10. have a look here Mick : http://www.occre.com/index.php?option=com_productos&task=showProduct&idproducto=121〈=en it seems the English index doesn't list everything click on the Spanish flag and you ll see her listed if you are in the detail page you can click on the English flag to get the English text
  11. i have to say wow again. lots of very fine work and the result is excelent
  12. thank you Augie,popeye when you ever visit Oz Sjors you know where you can sleep thanks Mick
  13. got little time so not much progress I have started on adding the green bottom border which will cover up any gaps although instructions says to paint the little windows completely white I have painted the inside black next will be to add the doors and the hand rails. Having completed that I can add the aft top deck
  14. Thank you Piet . i never thought about the slide and lock method . that sounds like the way to go together with the magnets i have already installed
  15. thank you Piet . today is overcast so a bit of reprieval for all the hard workign firemen but tomorrow might bring disaster. hoping the forecasted heat and strong winds will not come through popeye gave me some suggestion with locating pins will look into that but i am open for suggestions . i wil take some pictures of the top so youc an have an idea what i am workign with
  16. pfeww caught up with another build log loking really good and excelent recovery
  17. "We have 3 bedrooms for just the two of us. So plenty of space." is he inviting people over ?? :P
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