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Posts posted by ollagynot

  1. I had been a little intimidated by the cannons, I was unsure if I would be able to produce two similar cannons (still a newbie with the lathe).  I turned them on my Sherline lathe out of brass and I'm pretty happy with how they came out.  I also used the lathe to turn the Carriage Wheels with the grain running along the length of the wheel.  The wheels took a couple of tries, I broke a few.  Still need to blacken the cannon and add a few more parts to the carriage.





  2. Thanks for the comment Bob, means a lot coming from a talented builder like yourself.


    I have fitted and glued all the major deck components and dry fitted it into the hull. This deck is coming along much nicer than the lower deck. I am more happy with my joint work this time around.


    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what would be on the lower deck in this section of the ship, cable tier? Any info would be appreciated.






  3. I tried making the deck beams differently on the gun deck.  Rather than shape the deck beams on the sander and then cut the notches in them with the mill, I cut the notches first, with the table saw and then got the final shape/camber of the beams with the sander afterword's. The results were identical but it was much faster to cut the notches first with the table saw.


    The last picture shows most of the major components of the deck cut out. Next is gluing and fitting. The beams and carlings are made of cherry.


    Thanks for following along,





  4. Thanks you for all the likes and comments so far!  Finally got around to completing the lower deck today, ready to move on to making the lower deck spirketting and gun deck clamps.  I decided to attempt to take some nicer photos (more in focus), most of the photos posted before where taken with a cell phone.







  5. I have completed most of the lower deck and installed it last night.  Next I will be working on making the hanging knees and the hatchway / grating.


    I have also milled all the planking for the lower deck using maple.  I will be looking for some ideas on deck caulking, I would like to try black or dark brown construction paper but am open to suggestions. 


    Thanks for all the likes and comments so far,





  6. Small update,


    I have been busy at work and have not had much time to work on the project this week. I did complete the treenails on the hull planking. A few coats of wipe on poly and I am happy with the results.  I also managed to finish cutting some more carlings for the lower deck.


    I have also decided to add a hatch to the lower deck which is not in the cross section plans, there is a square hole that looks like a perfect spot for one. I have an X on it in the picture below. Upon looking at the plans in the full build downloads (TritonInboardWorks@48-1.pdf), it looks like there is a hatch at this location, but I could be wrong.






  7. Finished treenails on the interior. I like the bamboo in the maple but the bamboo did not show up like I wanted in the walnut so I chose to fill the holes with dark walnut putty instead and am very pleased with the turnout.  I went over the inside with some wipe on poly.


    I also made and installed the limber boards. I chose to make them out of cherry, I wanted them to stand out from the other wood on the interior.






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