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No Idea

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Everything posted by No Idea

  1. Hi Marc I'm just catching up on your amazing build. I have used Birchwood and I also had issues with it rubbing off when it was handled. I did exactly as you using acetone to clean the parts before dipping them in the solution. I then (after) read the instructions and they advise cleaning the part in alcohol (IPA) and then washing this away with water before dipping. After doing it this way the results were excellent. Keep the updates coming as this is such a fantastic build.
  2. You're right Greg - I could never leave it in the mess that it became but I'll sort it. On the positive side though the planks into the rabbit on the transom are spot on! Well so far!
  3. Hi All I've not checked in for a while as I cannot get any work done on my ship at the moment. My workshop has been turned into a storage room due to a contractor letting us down to fit a complete bathroom - The bathroom is in my workshop - such is life. It looks like it's going to be this way until October so I will have to be patient. I did start the planking and it was going on very nicely following my marking out. I did find it quite hard though as the planks are 3.2mm thick so require a lot of clamps. Here's a good indicator - the coin is a pound coin. The bow and stern required spiling as otherwise the planks just don't fit and will not sit flat on the frames. Now here is where I hit a really big problem. If you look at the above photo's you can see that I used a black toolmakers clamp. It was brand new and did the job great. Unfortunately what with the moisture and heat in the planks the black oil coating ran straight onto the ends of 4 planks. It didn't do this for the first 3 planks and then Boom! I tried every kind of solvent to try and remove the blackness - it was so bad at the tips that I tried to cut away part of the tips and replace them with small scraps. I even tried diluted bleach but the results were very bad - see below (I had already removed one plank). Basically at this point I was bodging it up! So I realised that I was trying to cut corners and I could not leave it looking like that. I removed the stained planks and that's where I'm at now. It's going to need a really good clean up but thats OK. I also have to damaged planks to use a templates too. I'll recut the rabbit and clean up the stem at the same time. As soon as I get my workshop back I'll be at it again and hopefully never make the same mistake again. If you've followed my build this sort of thing is pretty much on par for me Thanks Mark
  4. Just seen your build as I've not been able to be here much just lately - really good luck with your build and you have made a great start
  5. What an experience and also what a momento - if that film turns out to be a classic that boat will be worth a fortune 👍
  6. Shipping costs about £350 to the UK as it has to come by airfreight. It also included angled table which is quite expensive. Add onto that the 20% VAT we have to pay on arrival plus handling fees.
  7. These guys hand make any prop you want - I've used them and they are excellent https://www.prop-shop.co.uk
  8. David congratulations on your finished build it looks fantastic and I have enjoyed watching your progress. Good luck with Speedy.
  9. Also selling a thickness sander https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186417418533?itmmeta=01HWG33Z91A44S3HKQM7B6RGG4&hash=item2b67581125:g:ASgAAOSwNRtmLKTK
  10. Nothing to do with me but I saw this on eBay so I hope it helps someone https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186416714352?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D777008%26algo%3DPERSONAL.TOPIC%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20240131095853%26meid%3D8def67556d804af1b662f9d2c097a3da%26pid%3D101949%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26itm%3D186416714352%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4375194%26algv%3DRecentlyViewedItemsV2Mobile&_trksid=p4375194.c101949.m162918&_trkparms=parentrq%3A202fce9818f0a8cd77bf80b9ffff20f6|pageci%3A5f064672-04ab-11ef-8221-ee1deb3fac2d|iid%3A1|vlpname%3Avlp_homepage
  11. So sorry to hear this Kevin and I would have done exactly the same thing as you.
  12. Tobias in hindsight I should have used your method as it's far more accurate than the way I made these parts. When it came for me to apply the planking to the dogs legs I had to thin them out to get the correct hull shape. This pretty much showed my errors in the way that I made them. I can see by the way that you have made yours you will not have the same experience as me. I shall be using your method on my next build and thanks for sharing how you did these difficult parts. Cheers Mark 😃
  13. I have to say that your work is fantastic - Great joints and it's so symmetrical too. I found that making the fashion pieces correctly to fit the wing transom and filler pieces was particularly difficult and you have smashed it - top job!
  14. Hi Nic and welcome - thanks for showing your grandfathers build that really is a lovely ship. If you would like to get into ship building get in touch with @chris watton as he supplies the most beautiful kits. He's based not far from you in Gloucester
  15. To be honest I have liked all of the variations of this piece so I guess it purely comes down to personal taste - Looks great
  16. Hi Tobias and thanks mate - I like to draw every strake as I firmly believe that if I can draw them I can make them. Nothing worse than trying to make major changes half way through the planking. My marks are very much a guide but they do let me see if I'm roughly on track.
  17. I've spent the last few days marking out the strakes which is pretty time consuming. I wanted to stay as close to the plans as possible and try and achieve a nice even look too. I like to use automotive lining tape as it's nice and flexible - the only issue with this sort of tape is that it doesn't stick very well to the wood. So after using tick tape and a planking fan to mark out the master frame I started the job. My planks work out to be 9.9mm wide on this frame so I'll cut them to 10mm as my measurements are probably out a bit. Lining the stern Then the Bow I have one stealer in the stern straight off of the garboard plank and one drop plank towards the bow. So it's just as the plans suggest. I had better start cutting some planks now and get on with the job Mark
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