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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. I think I speak for us all, but I, for one, am looking forward to seeing your final arrangement, Matt !! (PS: Gotta agree ... I quite liked 1:16 scale)
  2. Hahaha ... Anton, I'll be certain to bring my camera along when I do visit. Meantime, I can absolutely confirm that your RFD decals are exact renditions of the logo of Survitec ... suppliers of life-rafts and safety equipment. Nice touch !!
  3. Arrr ... CaptainSteve, blushing a deep colouration somewhere a-twixt red and pink, doth indeed-eth and most verily, wish to express-eth his gratitude to one and all for the platitudes above !!! “Truly,” were Our Hero to sigh most gratefully, “you guys (and gals) have been of incalculable assistance and have kept me going throughout this build." “Whatsomore,” he didst continue, “there be NO WAY that me Launch could have ended up a-looking the way she does wi'out the Horde and MSW !!” Now, as he were-eth to mention above, CaptainSteve didst have a couple o’ final touches in mind ... “I be a-wanting,” he were to announce-eth, “a couple o’ extra tools.” To that end, today Our Hero didst mock-eth up a pair o’ extra chisels and a cross-cut saw to be placed “lazily” ‘pon one o’ the thwarts. “Me idea a-bein’,” he were to explain-eth, “to display the tool-box that little bit betterer.” And so, without further waffling, here be pictures … The chisels are just a pair of cast-metal belaying pins which hath been salvaged from the remains of kits gone-by. They has been shaped using the Dremel with a grinding bit, and given a touch o’ paint. The cross-cut saw was made wi’ some scrap timber. The blade was, once 'pon a time, an Exacto saw-blade which hath been cut, trimmed and grinded to shape. And the tension wire at the top be the wire middle trimmed from an ordinary twist-tie, folded o’er, twisted into shape and chemically blackened. "Here they be a-fixed into position." ("Arrr-geth," were Our Hero to roll-eth his eyes, "I be a-maintainin' that the yellow on them bread-fruits be not-eth a-lookin' SOOO YELLOW in reality !!") ("Dang it !! Why cant-eth me camera be taking pictures like this all the time ?!?!?") “Tomorrow,” CaptainSteve were to blather on, “be the big launching o’ me Launch.” Our Hero plans to be adding some final photos from the Launch party, but then this build-log can be considered, most verily, to be-eth finalized !! “I be a-hopin’ to see each an’ e’ery one o’ ye over at the continuation o’ me USS Constitution build !!”
  4. Winter ??? Isn't that scheduled for three weeks from next Thursday ... ?? Sometime around 2pm, as I recall !!
  5. Geezer !! Great to see you back with renewed vigour !! As it is, you are further ahead than I am with my build .. but I plan on catching up with you very soon.
  6. I was wondering just exactly what your role was, Anton !! Seriously. You've a stunningly beautiful build going there. But, y'know, I'll just have to be sure to compare your work to the real thing ... next time I'm down in Fremantle !! (Purely so as I can inform the rest of MSW of your build accuracy, o'course)
  7. Not so much a 'protective case', George ... ... but precautions have been taken. Foremost amongst these being that the sales-rep at work who first suggested 'Bring-Your-Launch-to-Work Day' has been threatened wi' the most grevious o' bodily harms shouldst any damages occur.
  8. Arr … CaptainSteve hath been most busy o'er these last few days, for it doth seem-eth that he hath been a-boasting o’ his Launch around the work-place … “’Twouldst appear-eth that there be such a thing as ‘Bring-Your-Launch-to-Work Day’”, Our Hero were to state-eth, most perplexed. “But, I be most perplexed ... for I know-eth not o’ any other Launch modellers around me place o’ employment ??”, he didst continue. “Furthermore, apparently this newly proclaimed ‘Day’ be tomorrow ?!?!” Arr ... But never fear, for CaptainSteve be working better whence under pressure. As such, Our Hero hath been at fever-pitch a-finishing off the décor and details o’ his boat. “I be aiming,” he were to re-iterate, “to be a-launching me Launch this coming weekend.” To that end, CaptainAndrew hath already been liaised with … the BBQ steaks be marinating at this very moment … and the local publican be standing by wi’ cartons o’ beer … “Well, I be almos’ done,” Our Hero stated, most triumphantly. Firstly, these be the items which were not to make-eth the cut ... ("Eighteen out o' 79 ... Verily, most hath been included !!") And so, with great fan-fare, CaptainSteve were to most heartily proclaim-eth, "Wi'out further fan-fare, here be pictures !!" "Oh, and these as well," .... "Finally, this one ..." For all intents and purposes, CaptainSteve's Launch now be complete ... "I be a-wanting to add just a couple o' final pieces," he didst add-eth, paradoxically. "But they can be a-waitin' until after this 'Bring-Your-Launch-to-Work Day' !!"
  9. Wow !! I thought your Hind was looking good beforehand .. but your work on the cannons is quite spectacular. Keep it up !!
  10. Thanks, David, As to the colouring, well, may I just refer you to any point in this log where the word "Colouration" doth appear. External plank staining and graining was covered back in Post #165. The rest was, mostly, multiple coats of various stains that were cut back with sand-paper, once dried. Other touches were done with dry-brushing paint to give highlights.
  11. Thanks everyone ... seriously !! If you do copy, then you'll only be copying from your own squirrels ... I plan on using your suggestion. They will be tied into two bundles (five each), and then suspended o'er the sides. I want to tie the ropes to the riser strip on the inside. The oars should hang just below the purple Docker strip.
  12. IMHO, Skip, I think your rope coils ("What was I thinking..") would most probably be more historically correct than the pretty, flat, tightly-wound and even Flemish coils often seen on ship models (and which, yes, I did include one of on my Launch build).
  13. Thank ye, Crackers, However, as you may notice in the following pictures, there be plenty o' buckets to choose from. Now, here be a brace o' (in-progress) poor-quality photographs ... "A brace," CaptainSteve were to add-eth most helpfully, "by way o' definition, wouldst be two !!" Next up, Our Hero shall be dealing wi' matters o' weaponry (cutlasses and spears), followed by various fruits and nut-foods. "I be a-hopin'," CaptainSteve were to close, "to launch me Launch this coming weekend !!" More pics be a-pending ...
  14. I'll second Matt's call above. The only proviso is that, in looking at your very first support (Chock #1), the bottom part should actually be bigger than the top part. Soooo ... mebbe you could just turn the whole thing upside down.
  15. Thanks, Shoule. I don't recall a fishing pole at all, but there certainly was mention of using a hand-line to try to catch fish. Unfortunately, according to Bligh, despite numerous attempts, they caught nothing. Chickens ?? Why on Earth would I want to make chickens ?? Indeed, part of the reason for me hand-balling the sculpting of a William R Bligh fer this boat was the distinct likelihood the final product would more closely resemble Jabba the Hutt.
  16. Actually, Matt, as I start to arrange a few of the larger items (tool-chest, barrels, sacks), the overall picture shouldn't be too over-populated, after all. As mentioned, o'course, Bligh will be keeping the vast majority of food-stuffs up his end (large barrels, sacks), but moving the tool-chest amid-ships and chucking the oars overboard definitely frees up extra space.
  17. In truth, George, and verily, the Squirrel Whisperer were to grant-eth me access to his squirrels ... as such, I be most strongly considering a suggestion to suspend-eth the oars alongside me boat. Whilst I would assume that some paddling did occur, there were only a couple of mentions of oar usage in Bligh's log. Scantlings, huh ?? I was a-wondering what that word meant.
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