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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. Beautiful build, Matti. Myself (and several work colleagues) are really going to miss your Wasa updates.
  2. Nice work on your sails, Jesse. Thank the heavens that I only had to do two !! (PS: I have some left-over sea-gull droppings, in case you want them)
  3. Exactly !! Sure, other details could have been open to interpretation (just like for any modeler), but you wouldn't think that sailors from the very ship would just take a guess, or use artistic licence, on the number of windows. And, yet, the Corne paintings show a 5-window display ... (But I do recall reading somewhere that he was not a naval man)
  4. Any day you choose to take more pictures of this fine model, is OK with me ...
  5. Correct, StGeorge ... (mebbe not as long as I thought it would take)
  6. Sorry, Amateur, I really don't know too much about this one ... Although, I do know it isn't the Glenlee. (Google tells me it was not built at Tyne or Clyde)
  7. Let's see how long this one takes ...
  8. Thanks, Nigel ... Having seen very many methods of trenailing on MSW, this is, without question, my (new) favourite !! Incidentally, I'm aware of the aroma produced by the LoS. Speaking from personal experience, the smell does fade (after awhile) and the neighbours will (eventually) forgive you.
  9. Those whippings are looking mighty fine, Matt !! I be thinkin' the ones on the real Launch started out in life a-lookin' like yours .... and ended up more like mine.
  10. Sooo ... sumink like 0.1ml of the LoS to 375ml water ?? The stuff I have is quite syrup-y ... (PS: A standard Coke can in Oz is this size)
  11. Beautiful work, Tuffarts !!! I think the plumbing will really make the whole thing POP when added.
  12. If an adventurous soul wished to try, they may even take a 3mm to 4mm watch-hand and magnetise it ... They might then decide to float that watch-hand in a few drops of (very thin) oil under Geoff's reject contact lens and then affix it to Buck's piece of cedar (see above). Just Sayin' ... [EDIT: If someone ever does this, PLEASE quote this post and add photos]
  13. Is it the Himiko ?? ... a cruise ship designed by anime/manga artist, Leiji Matsumoto.
  14. Hmmm ... that could just work, Geoff. (Dang !! Now I have to get Buck to re-do the whole thing!!)
  15. Arrr ... Thank Ye, Buck !! Methinks your compass will be making an appearance in a few upcoming Bounty Launch builds ...
  16. Dave, The word is "contemplating" ... not "stuck".
  17. Nigel !! Yet again ... stunning !! I would never have contemplated washing the planking with LoS ... I would've thought that stuff would eat the wood. Most definitely one for the memory bank.
  18. That be a TERRIBLE thing to sa .... Oh !!! Wait a sec ... Thanks fer the compliment, DG !!!
  19. Nice start there, Cathead !! Take care with those frames. Some of us had no problems with bending them, whilst others (like myself) experienced (ahem) a few teething problems. Your question re: plank lengths is valid. You're right. They're a close thing. Oh. I just remembered ... you might wanna check the pintle/gudgeon cut-out on the stern-post against your plans. With my kit, it was the same as one plan Sheet, but different compared to another.
  20. I'm working on it now, Keith !!
  21. Doggie, There was, as I recall, an entry on 10 May, where Bligh rigged up a canvas weather cloth ...
  22. Just stunning, as always, Matti. I feel like I've been transported back to the 17th Century !! (PS: Help me out ... Google doesn't know what a 'svabel' is)
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