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Everything posted by JesseLee

  1. They are looking very good Richard. Still working on mine. I can tell by yours that I don't have the best wood. Jesse
  2. Thanks for the comments and likes everyone! Did the lugs and got them on the carronades. Painted them with Testors gunmetal enamel. Having trouble with them not looking as smooth as I would like after painting. Some have a slight lumpy look. We have very humid summers here and the paint isn't drying very well. Wondering if the paint is too thick and maybe thinning it down will work better. Some of the rings are breaking off and I'm having to re-do them. Getting a little frustrated because I feel like I'm spinning my wheels in the mud and getting nowhere. I feel like I've been on these forever. Seems I can't get these carronades done so I can get to putting them on the sleds and rigging them. Jesse
  3. Thanks for all the supportive comments and Likes! When I started on the sleds he parts did not get cut through very good & most of them broke in the process. Made a template to keep all the eye bolts in the same place on all of them. Got them all done & ready for the carronades. Jesse
  4. Drilling out and shaping the rings that the elevation screws will be in. Sanding toothpicks down to make the elevation screws. Drilling small holes & gluing metal eyebolts for the breech line rings. Haven't completed these steps on all the carronades yet but showed the pics for the few that I have so far. Making & painting the sleds, pics coming...... Also have to make lugs & add them to the bottom of each carronade. Jesse
  5. Finally after a longer than expected delay for multiple reasons I have got my carronades turned. They still look messy at this point. I tried putting a coat of paint on some before they were sanded down to the right thickness so some of them show traces of paint. The earlier ones I cut off without thinking about the big ring on the back. After a few of these I made sure I left enough wood sticking out to file out the rings. Two of the kit supplied metal ones are laying beside them as a comparison. The ones without them I shaped out a ring plug in wood, drilled a hole & glued it in. The holes still need to be drilled out of the rings and the lugs still need to be added. The barrel holes still need to be drilled out too but they are moving along now! Jesse
  6. Got past the appraisal. Now have to get past my body crashing from all the work. Hope to get back to the shipyard soon. I'm really missing it. Jesse
  7. Been thinking about that Richard. With my limited resources I will try wood first. Everything has been put on hold for me. We are getting our house refinanced to get our payment lowered. The appraiser is coming Tues. morning, I'm having to get the house inside & outside ready which means no bench time at all. I'm dying to get back to it! Jesse
  8. I have used handkerchief material for sails. I always use watered down PVA glue. Paint in on wet, shape your sail (there are several ways to do that) In this case you might try wetting the sail in the watered glue, hanging it face down with string on each corner & setting a small water balloon on it to give it the ballooned out look. You can also use a hair dryer to blow the sail out & dry it in shape. The glue dries clear. If it needs re-a\shaping just re-wet. Jesse
  9. Hmm.... Igor & Patrick......... something in a bottle???? Jesse
  10. I wanted to use it as the cutter- would have made it all faster & easier but it does not cut well. I have been using chisel end exacto blades & mini files to do the cutting. Look on page 26 of this log. The cutting tools are all in the pic there. Jesse
  11. Just ran across this, good to find you again! Jesse
  12. Michael, I used metal strips I found when cleaning out our burn barrel. I have strained my brain trying to figure out what they were in. I just don't know. They are about 4 inches x 7/8 inch. They were blackened and can be bent fairly easily (but that might be because the fire annealed them). I drew/traced the side shape of the carronade on the side of the metal & used a cutting disc on the Dremel to cut the shape out. It took several attempts to get one right. I pinned the piece onto the end of another one of these mystery metal strips. I dilled 2 holes through the pieces. Used cheap small silver colored nails to brad them together. After putting nails through the holes I cut them off about 2/16" on the back side & cut a split/notch in the cut off nail ends with the same cutting disc on the Dremel. Then wedged those splits open with a screwdriver end & hammered them flat. It's kind of crude but it does what I need it to do. Jesse
  13. Popeye, the news is sad. I'm afraid Keith is gone from MSW for good. Lyme disease is a nasty thing . It infects every part of the body including the brain. His had gone to his brain & changed his personality. He has smashed his ship models & no longer builds. He is not the same person we all knew. He is very hostile & suspicious of the administrators & argues with anyone now. He has isolated himself & is in a very dark place now. It is difficult to talk to him & honestly I have stopped trying. I keep him in my prayers & hope & pray this disease doesn't do the same thing to me. He was the first friend I had here at MSW & we had many personal conversations about our shared illness. I miss my friend. Jesse
  14. Jack, the max distance is about 6 inches. Michael, do you mean the metal template I'm using to keep them all uniform?
  15. That brings back memories David. I used to use them when I was a bench jeweler before I got sick. Will have to try to make some
  16. Got the lathe in today. Already started playing with it. This is going to make things so much easier & faster than the way I was having to do it before! Jesse
  17. I have paused my work on the carronades for the moment. Another MSW member is sending me a lathe Dremel attachment. I am very humbled a blessed over the kindness & generosity people here at MSW have shown me. Since being disabled from my chronic lyme disease our income has dropped dramatically so finances make it difficult or impossible to buy kits, tools, etc. to give me something to work on. I have been gifted 3 kits, an assortment of wood, had tons of support & encouragement & now this is coming. I feel so blessed to have found this group of people! As I thought about all this it brought a tear to my eye. Ship modeling is wonderful therapy for me & helps keep my motor skills from deteriorating as fast. It means so much to me. Thank you so much everybody! Jesse
  18. Congratulations on the award Sal ! She is a very beautiful build. I have enjoyed following along & I am happy for you and a little sad that it is ended. Jesse
  19. Love the anchor stocks and buoys. Thanks for showing me how to do it when I get to them on mine Jesse
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