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Everything posted by JesseLee

  1. I need to learn how to do that David. Have no experience with casting. Jesse
  2. Still working on turning the carronades. going very slowly, still not feeling well. Got 11 of them turned. Here is a shot of 3 of them being formed on a dowel, the metal template & various other tools I'm using to make them. Jesse
  3. I couldn't find much info on rudder coats when I did mine. Wish I had taken more time to research it before I went ahead & made it. The information we learn from your research is just as pleasing as the work you do. Jesse
  4. She looks too good to keep hidden away for your eyes only! Jesse
  5. Those are great below deck shots! What are you using? Jesse
  6. Looks very good. I am really liking all the research you are puting into each step of this build. Jesse
  7. Hope you had a very happy & blessed Birthday Piet! Jesse
  8. That is an interesting method for the keel. It would be much stronger & straighter. Jesse
  9. Hi Richard. I have been silently following along. I am trying to use a home made lathe made from my hand rill in my Syren build right now. I'm having trouble getting anything to cut the spinning wood very well. Small files seem to do better than anything else for me. Jesse
  10. Guess I'll be following along too even though I'm not too fond of anything Yankee in that war, lol. This one hits home for me. I am from the area of North Eastern NC between the Chowan & Roanoke Rivers which enter into the Albemarle Sound. My hometown is just across the river from Plymouth near where all this happened. Jesse
  11. Thank you all. I feel blessed to have such a community of friends here on MSW! Jesse
  12. Made a makeshift lathe out of my drill. Some true Redneck engineering. Pretty crappy looking & it wobbles some but does ok for what I'm doing. Used a bunch of the scrap pieces left over to create the cradle to sit the drill in. I know I could have cut out something that looked better but I don't like to waist anything & this gave me something to use all those scrap cut off ends for. I made it for function not for looks so I'm ok with it. Real life, health & other things are keeping me from getting much done but I am very slowly working on them. I've only turned 4 but they are turning out to be very consistent so far. Wish I could feel better so I could move along a little faster. Jesse
  13. Wire keeps its shape & holds everything in place but I always use rope. Jesse
  14. Very good Eric. The lip around the gun ports are very nicely done! Jesse
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