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Everything posted by Katsumoto

  1. It’s a kind of magic...😎 i’ll make a drawing to show you how I did this because I can’t explain it with words alone.
  2. I like the V sir. Nice! Keep going and it’s me nicking your ideas...😬
  3. Yes, time flies...I am just a bit older than your son sir. 😉 I use a plain walnut woodstain, nothing special actualy. Brand name is Rustins and I believed it to be of English or US made. 🙂 glad to answer it sir.
  4. I consider it a honour if you nicked my ideas! 😎 Both of my sons are like building things, at least if it got wheels or wings. 😁 kids... 😆
  5. **Chapter 11 - Main Mast** Hello fellow mates, It's been a while since my last update. I've been in preperation for our new home. just a few more months, and then we move. So, my spare hours are slim so to say. I've started with some construction work on the main mast. Unfortunately a few pictures seems to got lost somewhere during the proces. So, the main rope which is provided with the kit is of a light colour. I do not like it and changed it into a darker colour by staining it. I just used a normal woodstain for the job. I'm not in heaven with all the wires and knots....but I'll manage... An overview of the workplace.... Starting with contruction of the main yard... During my work, my son and little friend of 3 years old, wanted to help out. So we got a block and placed it onto the yard. He was very proud and continued to play with his trains and told his mother he helped daddy with his ship! These moments are gold! So, this was it, until next time. Stay tuned and please leave a comment if you like! Peter
  6. If you have a darker coloured wood you can make a V into the door. Just replace a few pieces of that light coloured walnut with a ebony colour to link to the name of the ship. So one part of the V into door one and the other part into the other. When closed you see the V. Great work and I would keep the Windows as well.
  7. Ahoy matey! great progress, I really like your inspiration for your windows. 😉 With a bit of oil, that cherry wood will pop!
  8. Very nice job and beautiful model. Can you point out what kind of modifications you made during the build? I see you also make your own rope! Peter
  9. It’s a work of art, ofcourse I’m watching. 🙂 your level is just as good or better than mine, so no worries about that my Cyprian friend. 😉
  10. Great progress and beautifull crafted. Well done so far. I really like all the details. I'm glad to see you are a good painter, which I am absolutely not!
  11. Thank you Gregory, it’s a Nice kit to build, not to difficult or complex but lot’s of fun building her. regards, peter
  12. Thanks, Mark As a matter of fact, they have the historical Spanish flag in store. The shipping costs for overseas / international orders aren't cheap. The size of the flag is way too big... a bit bigger is okay, but this is tripple the size of the current flag... so, it won't do unfortunately
  13. It's a thing indeed. I know that these flags were in fact bigger and were in range of the lanterns. The lanterns were of bronze and glass. So the flame could not reach the flag. I don't know how hot the bronze or metal would become and if the flag was there at night? Maybe they didn't raise the flag during nighttime? Also the flag should be raised with rope and not been folded around the flag pole. However, I took the decision to do it like this due to the material of the flag. It's like a big fabric-like sticker...It was not easy to do with rope. However, I can change it if I can manage to do it the right way..I just don't know if I succeed.
  14. Hi guys, Today a small update. Just a few pictures but it took me some time to figure this one out. First a made a second lombard, just copy the proces of the first one and make a duplicate. So two down, two to go! Second is the flagpole at the stern of the ship. This took me a while to find the proper solution. First I'll show you how AL designed it. Situation by Artesania Latina: source: www.staticmodelkits.com Then the situation at my ship. And look at the center cleat...this one is in my way to place a knee to hold the flagpole. Current situation I decided to take the cleat away and place a knee. Then replace the cleat on the knee which is fairly common. I made the flagpole from a bbq stick which is made of bamboo. Nice thing about bamboo is it's strength. A negative aspect is it's hard to stain with a walnut stain. So I compromised and stained it a bit and then placed it on the ship. New situation: What do you think? Peter
  15. I'll pull the rope after the waxing between my fingers a couple of times. This creates friction, thus heat and does the same thing the flame of the candle does, melt the wax and gets absorbed into the rope. Both methods are perfect for the job. Just be carefull you don't burn your fingertops!
  16. perfect, very very nicely done. A master model, by a master builder! pter
  17. It’s what gave me the idea because I need to run a few wires myself in my new house. Simple but effective! 🙂
  18. Well, yes it makes the rigging a little bit sticky. The bees wax lasts a long time and make sure you rigging will last for a longer time.
  19. **Chapter 10 - Oiled** Hello my friends, From the kitchentable I write you guys this update with a little smile on my fase. Today was an important day on the shipyard because I've coated the SM with some Danish Oil. I really like this oil due to the mixture of Tung and Lindseed and some other stuff. It's a clearcoat, transparant oil which let the wood really pop! The grain, the colour, all will be accentuated by the oil and it gives a very nice finish and protection to the wood. It's easy to apply, with a rag or a brush and after it's been soaked into the wood, with a clean rag or towel rub it out and your finished. but, there is some assambly of some parts as well, and I continue with the cannons or Lombards, what they are called. As mentioned before, they aren't that pretty looking and a bit hars to operate, but I'm having fun building these lombards. So, I've bend some brass wire into rings... two different sizes as well... After blacken it, I place them onto the base of the cannon. After some oil, they look like this... I'm excited about the first finished Lombard. Now I have to make 3 more...but that's for another time. Next I continue with the ship's lantern. Now, the lantern included with the kit isn't that bad so I decided to go for it and use it on the SM. However I painted the thing first so it look a bitter better. The way AL wanted me to place it on the ship doh, is another pickle. AL choose the easy way out and choose to use some brass wire and place it on the top deck of the ship. So, drill a hole in the deck and put the lantern on a pole into the deck. This wasn't what I had in mind. So I used the brass wire allright, but mounted the lantern a little bit different... I took the brass wire and flatten one end with a hamer. Then I bend the piece into the desired shape and drilled two holes... The lantern on the constructed part... and on the ship! So next step is the one I feared most....Rigging! I've always had troubles with the rigging part of the ship. I don't know if it's me or the knots and wires that gets me on my nerves. So I decided to help myself this time a little bit and I bought some 100% natural beeswax. All the wires and ropes I have to make, I pull it through the beeswax first. I makes the ropes more sturdy and better to handle. It's great! Buy yourself some beeswax for you rigging and before you use the cotton threat's, pull it a couple of times through the wax and you're in heaven! By placing the anchors onto the ship. I needed to pull a piece of wire throuh a couple of holes. This was impossible so used a piece of brass wire as a guide to get the wires through! And that's the end of this update. See you next time and thank you all for the previous replies, likes and comments! Ciao, Peter
  20. I’ve build the Beagle from Revell once, probably around the same year it came from it’s mold and do look so similair to your Bounty... Nice kit and good luck with the build.
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