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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Wayne, Joe, Mark, Joachim, Ferit thank you for the latest kind words..(:-) Fellow postings are always so nice to read. But I need help (Hmmm) with knots ?? So I decided to build a small box for the capstan oars(?) with some left over pieces I had used for the stern trim detail. The pics are self explanatory, but please note the last pick of box on the deck. I don't know what kind of knot to use. I found this really cool website that also animates the knots in three speeds (link bellow) So, do I use a buntline hitch?? Hopefully one of you will help me out on this bit. I'm sure that when I get to the rigging I will be semi-lost for sure. Again regards to all of you. Michael http://www.animatedknots.com/indexboating.php?LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg&Website=www.animatedknots.com
  2. If this is a re-post I apologize. Super cool website. It also animates the knots in three speeds. http://www.animatedknots.com/indexboating.php?LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg&Website=www.animatedknots.com Regards, Michael
  3. Ferit, As everybody is saying....beautiful. Hmmm one question, On your barrel, did your make the small tap? such attention to small details (:-) ? I would like to think of something like that as well for my build. You are my guide ! Regards, Michael
  4. Buck, I'm a bit late to the party, but I side with the Golden Hind crowd. A great stepping stone for the Wasa. The GH will let you explore painting details which the GH certainly has. I also agree with the group that says that you are ready for a bit "deeper end". Your skills, and attention to detail are "way up there". My brother has the GH, though he never started it. I've seen the kit. Piece of cake for your skill set. And it is closer to a Wasa type compared to your other available choices. Many of us will look forward to your new build log, whatever you decide to launch next. Regards, Michael
  5. Hello Colin, I have been silently following your build. Its time to say something. So beautiful, the level, and quality of detail is superlative. Love the razor blade "tool" I may try something like that-great idea. Thanks for posting so many pics.....This will be an amazing cross section. Regards, Michael
  6. Original installed piece. Hmmm wrong !!Vasa original (the only one, of the three, to survive)Ferit thanks Thank you JPett and Joachim A minor update, but apparently a significant one, I owe this change to Blue Ensign and Ferit. They were discussing the spectacular capstan that F installed on his Berlin (If you have not visited his build log you are really missing an astonishing upgrade for the basic kit). So it turns out that the "parts bin" capstan supplied by Corel for the Wasa is period inappropriate. Something I had no knowledge of, not surprising in that I am just now learning so much... Pulled the piece and rebuilt a more period looking example. I learned how to do square cuts from Ferit (not to his level, but...) So I include these updates. Again thank you B E and F you own this change. THANKS Michael
  7. Popeye, She continues to impress more and more with each visit. Looking so excellent. I'm really enjoying following you build. Regards, Michael
  8. Buck, Aways such a pleasure catching up on your progress. You're also amazing with miniature tools of the trade. Super nice details on your latest -- harpoons (:-) Just don't practice in your fish tank, if you have one!? Regards, Michael
  9. Joe, and Buck thanks for taking an interest in following this build. Your kind words are appreciated. So I decided to complete the upper part of the stern, that also incorporates details to the upper deck. The pics are self evident so I won't add comments. However, in general. I tried, several times to paint the deck side of the upper gilded piece. The paint would not hold well, and it looked super weak. So I went with vertical wood beams. It looks as though the 1:1 used a solid piece, or so, to carve out the griffons (that reminds me, I have to add a couple of tongue marks) and a young beardless inherited king (thank you Fred Hocker from his book Vasa A Swedish Warship) I also learned painting this piece that the King's initials were carved into the wood. G A R S (Gustavus Adolphus Rex Sueciae) To their absolute credit Corel did an excellent job of crafting this piece. I had posted earlier, then retracted, as I will again. Corel's figures for-all-intense-and-purposes are actually really excellent. Kudos to their design team. The only exception being the weak figures that cover the galleries- go figure? One last thought these is an occasional metal bleed through between the vertical planks. I could not paint that part and then add wood to the metal. It would have poorly adhered. I did not notice the small gaps until I stated adding the large cross members. OK enough chit-chat on my part here are a few pics. Regards, Michael
  10. JanV, I'm very much enjoying following your version of this build. Regards, Michael
  11. Ferit, Hi. I have some questions regarding your capstan. I now realize that the one I installed on my current build is all wrong, and as BE about the "not period appropriate" style (I'm sure learning a lot reading on MSW). So; 1) how did you cut-in those square holes? I don't see stacked "slices" in your wood at the cut locations? 2) your vertical braces, did you stack the woods and then Dremel them into shape? Thanks for your time.... Regards Michael
  12. Matti, Thanks for your time. Yes I already have those. Clayton's scratch build is so awesome. I have admired his build for a long time. And now that he has finished the rigging it is even more spectacular. Michael
  13. Matti, Hi. did you by any chance take a good photo of the stern deck? I need to detail the wood framing at the very stern of the deck. This is the best photo that I have. But I think that I am missing some details. Can you help? Thanks in advance. Michael
  14. Daniel, Spectacular. The dime puts this amazing art work into perspective. Whoa!! Regards, Michael D
  15. JPett, Your planking looks so good. Very nice touches using various lengths of planks, really looks nice. I also really like your separate timbers for your keel members along the longitudinal length. The cuts are so great. Nice details. I'm enjoying following your build. Regards Michael
  16. Your capstan is spectacular. PS: Thanks for posting large format photos. They allow us to really see [and copy (:-)] your amazing work close up. Michael
  17. Mark, That would be nice if you could dig up some info for us Vasa builders. PS: You folks who do scratch builds are like PHD rock stars. Your Licorne is so cool. I'm always so intimidated visiting the scratch build section, Though after a nice stiff single malt I always spend comfortable time there as well. You folks are so far ahead in this art form. Love the work...As you know there is a Victory build (Alexandru) that is so amazing.... Regards, Michael D
  18. Here is a photo of how the 1:10th model looked in the early days of research. MJD
  19. Brian, Hi, I dont think so. It seems that after many years of forensic analysis, the look of the painted 1:10th is supposedly very accurate to the original. The data are very clear about this. Which, of course, makes this ship almost impossible to fully paint accurately in a 1:75th model. Just the white scalloping of the gallerie tops would drive a model builder of off a roof. The museum 1:10th is continually being updated as the research discovers new paint details from the original timbers, and figures. When the museum first opened the 1:10th was not painted at all. It was just replicated in wood. Each year they would add more colors to the model, as the information became available. Regards, Michael D
  20. Ferit, Of course, I should have known that you would take the original hinges, and do a tremendous amount of alterations to make them perfect. I looked again on your build this morning and realized that you also added the nails. That is why they looked so "not Corel". So you did not only add nails you also completely redesigned the hinges. Perfect solution. The amount of extra detail that you are incorporating into this kit is really of such high quality. It is so impressive. By-the-way you have been receiving responses from builders who "walk on water" and the lake is not frozen. Silly USA type of joke, but it is a big compliment, especially from master artists who post on MSW (:-) Congratulations. Your artistic skills are so amazing. Love your vision of how you want this ship to be. You are right with the Vasa, it is much easier to represent the look of the actual ship. In your case your artistic mind is your guide. A good guide for sure. Regards, Michael D
  21. Matti, Buck and Andy are correct. Don't be discouraged with the "few" responses. There certainly is a lot of interest with your build. If you want to play a numbers game, there are some people on this forum who have over 10,000 views and only a 5%+response return. You are right in-line with most others. I also assume that you also visit other builds, as I do, but do not necessarily post remaks with every view. Many certainly visit silently. Your build is very interesting, especially given that it is the Billings kit. I think that all other Wasas are currently Corels. Your build is excellent, a pleasure to look in as you update your progress. I'm speaking as a newbie as well, but I already have very good feelings about some of the very creative and artistic people who have responded to my build, as you have...It's a very nice back-and-forth kind of thing. It takes a while, don't get discouraged, what Buck and Andy said is certainly true. Please keep us up-to-date on your progress. But, I get it artists are sensitive (:-) Regards, Michael D
  22. R K, EXCELLENT ! 3D printing is the absolute future of printing. Nice to see its application in your build. Now if only HPQ understood this, its stock would soar, as it did in the early days of dot metrix. There are other companies that are only working with this tech, DDD is one of them, as is NOVO (but they are a BB stock) their application is in the medical field for surgeons (this sector will be huge). Sorry a bit "off topic" but I am so interested in this, the absolute next tech. revolution. I will follow your build with great interest. And the S Trinidad is a beautiful ship. I purchased the OcCre cross-section, it will be my next project. Regards, Michael D
  23. Hello Ferit, I discovered your Build after you were kind enough to visit my Wasa (so happy you looked in). I clicked on your link, and I am super impressed. The level of added details, the rebuilding of "kit included" parts is so excellent. This Berlin will be indeed very special. I must have spent an hour looking over your entire log to date. I downloaded and put into folders several of your ideas to help me with my project. Thanks for sharing. Your custom building of the window frames, windows, canon carriages, furniture, barrels, doors (so perfect), canon doors, bilge pump, long boat, bowsprit, hull planking, and so on...Really a beautiful project. I will follow your build with pleasure. Oh, I have a question. Your canon door hinges; are they the Corel, from the kit ones? They look too good and correct to be from the kit. Regards, Michael D
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