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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Ben Thanks for the encouraging words about my disorganisation! I don't really know how it's come about. I think it's because Majellan is a multi-decked ship; so much so that I've had to build all the decks all at once in order to ensure they can be pulled apart easily and also that the staircases are lined up. If it wasn't for those considerations, I would've been starting with the internal work on the lower deck first before I'd even get started on the upper decks; but, hey, there's no harm doing it this way. You know what? I reckon you've got one of the best jobs around! Being asked to design a hull capable of carry a M1 battle tank...well, that's school boy fantasy stuff!!! I envy you (even if this exact example may not have been your project). Not just because of the challenge of making it happen, but it's also like 'wow', imagine the fun designing, thinking, wondering, etc. great stuff! Naval architecture is one really cool career. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  2. Hey Hartmut I like! I like! I like! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Nenad Looking really good! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Michael A brave decision to rework the hatch, at this late stage, but I have to agree that it looks better. All the best! Patrick
  5. Hi Dave I can definitely empathise with your loss. 'Charlie' is the name of our feathered friend, who looks exactly like yours. He was hand reared and is quite a character in his own right. I'd hate to lose him, so, I know how you must feel. Take care and remember the happier times. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Greg Many thanks! The deck is wattyl veneer that I cut into as tiny planks as I could. It takes a bit of practice, but I can generally achieve strips that are slightly less than a millimetre in width. All the best! Patrick Thanks and yep, like you, I'd love to sail on the real boat, too! Nice to have these dreams, every now and then, isn't it? Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Pete Thanks, but if you're the 'domkop', then I must be even lower (LOL)....I got a hell of a long way to get up to your standard! All the best. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Mark Thanks, but if I'm really bad, ALL of the voices in my head start arguing with me. Then, the fun really starts!!! Cheers Patrick
  9. Thanks Pete! I do get a bit concerned though, because, as the 'boss', I have been known to argue with myself quite regularly! All the best! Patrick
  10. Hi folks! Well, I've done a bit more work on the decks, such as laying the individual wooden deck planks (where appropriate, that is). I've also begun to do the preliminary fit out of the Bridge Deck, which houses the Bridge, as well as a large seating/dining area, toilet and washroom for the guests, etc. I'm being a bit naughty, I must admit, because I'm jumping all over the place with the building sequence. I mean, I haven't really completed one single area of the build at all. In fact, I start a bit here, then I jump over there to do something else, etc. I really need to settle down and start sanding and cleaning the external areas up first, followed by painting, etc before I start on the internal fit out, but hey, I'm the boss, so I can do anything I want, right??? Heh heh. Oh well, here are the latest photos, so far. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  11. Hi Freek It looks like you've definitely got your work cut out for you, but judging by your previous subs, you're up for it! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hah! Thanks Greg!!! Somehow, I think that Mt Everest will really get the best of me, but it'd be fun trying.... On the other hand, I'll definitely keep the photos coming. Stay tuned for tomorrow's update. Cheers and thanks Patrick
  13. Hi Freek Please count me in! This is going to be another one of your little beauties! Cheers Patrick
  14. Thanks Jeff! That looks like fun and a great project. I'm looking forward to following your Build Logs. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Pete She just keeps getting better and better with each update! Cheers Patrick
  16. Thanks Frank! I'm pretty pleased with it, as well so far; even though, she must be the most complex ship I've built. Oh, well, we need a challenge every now and then, don't we? Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Jeff Nice work! Can you give some idea as to what the overall Board Game is? For instance, did you develop it and are you building individual ships for each of the board markers? If so, then, that'd be a really cool project. Hopefully you'll have a build log for each ship so that we can follow along. Cheers Patrick
  18. Thanks Matti, but ahem....I wouldn't class me in the same "super builder" league as Nils, though. Nils has got quite a few yards on me in terms of superb'ness! But thanks, anyway!!! Cheers Patrick
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