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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Michael I'm just catching up after missing your last few updates. I gotta say, your carving, the ship's coaming, the deck framing and bulkheads...just brilliant! And...the black and white photos, really do add an extra touch of class. Really nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi SV Wow! I'm impressed.. That's a great looking model. I hope that you'll continue to place updates for us to enjoy. Well done Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Igor ...I see it, but I still don't believe it...unbelievably good! Cheers Patrick
  4. Thanks Lawrence. Greatly appreciated. It keeps me off the streets!
  5. Hi Jond I totally understand the importance of getting the fit of the sails perfect,as they are, after all, the engine of the ship. A little bit of tweaking here and there is worth it. Quick question. Will you have multiple sails so that they can be changed according to the wind conditions? Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Igor Now that's teeny tiny!!! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hey Igor You're back!!! Welcome and I'll be eagerly following along! Nice job on the America's hull. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Dave Nice! I reckon you've earnt your poker and golf. Enjoy Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Matti Brilliant work and congrats on the 'christening' as well. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Pete I agree with everyone. She's looking great, but I reckon one thing's missing. Can you guess what it is? The trailer! Somehow, I can't get the image of the boat on the trailer ready for transport to the water, out of my mind. I think you posted it in an earlier post. Hint. Hint? What's life without another challenge? Cheers Patrick
  11. Thanks Denis! Yep..I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with the engines. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Piet Looks like you've made some good progress. It probably won't be long before you'll have it all assembled and ready to show us! Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  13. Hi Piet It's a shame about the hassles from the broken drill bit and, the fact that the wooden bending trick only did half of the job. But, as expected, you came up with some great work-arounds and things are looking pretty speccie now. Nice ! Cheers Patrick
  14. Thanks Piet! I hope that I'm up to it, too. Otherwise, if it looks crappy, I'll make sure that my photos will be 'accidentally-but-purposefully' blurry!!!!! Let's hope not, though! But, it'll be fun, nonetheless. Cheers and all the best. Patrick
  15. Lovely work Pete! I especially love the openable hatches in the cockpit floor. Nice touch! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Bill Many thanks and you're right about not having enough watches, although my wife would disagree. On the other hand, both I and the Swiss Watch industry would think there's never enough, either! All the best! Patrick
  17. Hi Nenad I share your pain. Perhaps in retrospect, maybe a resin would've been better? Cheers Patrick
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