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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Michael Really nice work on the hull. It's great when you see things all coming together nicely. Well done Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Dave You know, sometimes you see a model that looks so complex and challenging that you think "I wouldn't even know where to start in building it". The SOS is one such model for me. Even though I've built the Victory and other fully rigged ships of the line, I still get stumped when I look at your ship. I guess what I'm saying is that you make it look so easy.... Cheers and all the best Patrick
  3. Piet! That's not fair...you have to tell us what your secret project is!!! Is it another submarine, per chance? Cheers Patrick
  4. A joke??? Whoops! Swallowed that one, hook, line and sinker....! LOL.
  5. Hey Pete Silly question time again (sorry!)... But what's a "Board Stretcher?" Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Jond I really admire your workmanship and commitment to replicating the full sized fittings in your model. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Nils ...I'm speechless again. Wow, the case looks great, as does the Pegasus resting within it. Nice!!! Cheers Patrick
  8. Wow, the hull's looking nice, Matti, especially now that the bowsprit has been fitted. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Michael I agree with Pete and Jond. She's coming together really nicely and, well, for me, anyways, there's lots of great lessons to be learned from watching your builds. All the best! Patrick
  10. Hi Mike Congratulations on reaching this critical milestone! She's looking great, irrespective of the photo quality issues. I'm looking forward to the fairing of the hull, next. Cheers Patrick
  11. Brilliant workmanship and weathering, Mehmet! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Denis Now, that's really great work! Having said that, what's even more important is the inspiration that you're giving the boys. We need to entice this and future generations away from the digital world so that they can experience and appreciate what it's like to build something with their own hands. I'm sure they're going to love it and be inspired to build their own. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Nenad The colour of the stand is really nice and, you're right, it does have that 'old but shiny' look that you were aiming for. Nicely done. Your story about your mother's gloves is a good one, too. It just goes to show how easily we can be fooled at the best of times!! Keep up the great work, Nenad. All the best Patrick
  14. Hi Matti Now, that's clever! Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Jond ...ahem... I've looked at your photos and I have to say that I'm finding it a real challenge to distinguish between your models and the real boat; such is the realism that you've achieved. Very impressive! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Dave What????? I really feel for you, whilst at the same time I applaud your commitment to getting it right! Are any of the carvings salvageable? Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Denis Nice work! Now, would those windows in the bottom right of the last picture be from your Holiday Harbour build??? Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Kees ...always nicely detailed! I know that there's more to come, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in store. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
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