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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Piet Beautiful work AND, not to mention picturesque. The colours are wonderful and contrast nicely. I also agree with Gwen. She's looking very spiffy! All the best for Christmas and the New Year. Cheers Patrick
  2. What??? Who told you to put your model on hold? Seems a bit of a shame, really, but I'm sure it was well intentioned advice. I would've perservered and just kept going. It's amazing what you can learn as you go. Anyhow, hopefully you'll be able to get back to it. We'll all be here to offer you help and support. Have a great Xmas and New Year. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Piet and Michael Many thanks for your comments and feedback. Greatly appreciated. Michael-I'm not sure what you mean by a 'drape mould'. Are you able to give me some more info? Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Dave Simply marvellous work! I love the castings and your ingenuity. Nice. I reckon you've earnt a break now; thereby allowing you to concentrate on the cannons. Have a great Xmas and 2016! Cheers Patrick
  5. I love the wheelhouse and all the added details you've added to the hull. Nice work!
  6. Thanks and your proposed model sounds great! I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully you're going to start a build log so that we can all enjoy following your progress?
  7. What a great idea and thanks for the suggestion. I'm not quite sure how that'd work in practice as it would mean that each deck would have to slide across on those 'hinges', but it's not impossible. I may just stick with making each deck lift off. Whether I use your method or some other solution, I can't escape the fact that it's gonna be lots of fun trying to make it all come together. Thanks and all the very best! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Greg, Pete, Denis, Bob and everyone who hit the Like button. Greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Panagiotis and Thanasis Please don't feel bad! We'd feel the same way if we had to speak German. The fact that we can each admire and enjoy each other's models, is reward enough. Have a great Christmas and Nw Year. Many thanks Patrick
  10. Hi everyone Thanks for all of your comments and Likes. The whole idea of trying to think how to do the superstructure with removable decks was really doing my head in. To try and figure things out better, I decided to do a very rough mock-up of the cabin structure out of balsa wood. Please bear in-mind that it's a really, really rough approximation of what it'll look like, but nonetheless, it should be a great aid for me. Here're the photos. All the best! Patrick
  11. Hah! With my mechanical prowess, it'd probably be rubber powered.....And with my luck, it probably still wouldn't work!
  12. Hi Mark At the risk of harming your personal safety, it wouldn't be wise to go against your Admiral's order. I reckon you'd be wise to obey! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Bob Very nice. Between you and Nils, I think I'm going to have to call you guys the 'Rivet Duo', such is your prowess at simulating the metal plating! Cheers Patrick
  14. Very nice, Mark. As others have commented, the wipe on sheen gives the hull a warm lustre, which shows off your hard work beautifully.
  15. ...well....my Dad did make a fully functioning flushing toilet for his RC cabin cruiser model many years ago. The water pressure was fed by the movement of water through an inlet pipe underwater. It was pretty nifty. I guess I can only try....
  16. Hi George and Denis Yep! Each deck will be removable so that the interior can be viewed. Should be a challenge, but oh, so worth it. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Kees Mmmm....I wonder. Is it the internal accommodation of the cabins that you're also going to be building??? Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Nennad I reckon Mark's right about the base.jog choice. It would certainly give the hull the most support. My thoughts only, of course. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Giorgio Looking really good. In fact, every new detail you add, serves to bring the model to life. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Nils Very nice! There couldn't be much left to do, by now? Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Ben Amazing job on the engine! I hear what you're saying about striving for the 'essence' rather exactness, but in reality, your engine looks so good, that who would know the difference. What you've managed to achieve is really impressive, especially given how fiddly it's been. Thanks also for the compliments...not sure I deserve it, but, it's nice to hear nonetheless. Many thanks Patrick
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