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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Vaddoc Many thanks and yep, the photos were taken during a work session. I guess that's the advantage of these small build's...less mess! Cheers. Patrick Hi David. Many thanks. A cruise like that sounds great. I can only dream... All the best Patrick Thanks Kees. Greatly appreciated! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Hyposhagma Many thanks and greatly appreciated! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Michael Yep- she's beginning to take shape nicely now. At long last...my brain has finally shifted into gear. All the best Patrick
  4. Hi Ben I love your work! The injector lines, plus all the other little details you're adding just makes it look even more realistic. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi everyone By jove, I think I'm getting the hang of this superstructure riddle! Slowly, by slowly, it's starting to come together. It's been a long haul, but at least I'm getting there. Still a bucket load of work to go, though. My son took the following photos; hence why they're better than anything I could do. Have a great New Year and thanks to all who commented and hit the Like button! Cheers Patrick
  6. Yep! Gotta agree with Bob. The hull is looking great after the filling and sanding. It looks like it won't be long before you could actually do a floatation trial. If so, I'd look forward to seeing that! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Denis Just a thought...and a very laborious solution, perhaps. Could you use some sort of stencil to cut the exact shape of each mesh panel out of coloured plastic (like cellophane) and place it in each panel. You could then sandwich them in between two clear sheets of plastic. Could work quite well, but it'd be fiddly for sure. But that way, you'd Be pretty close to simulating a stained glass panel. Anyhow, just me thinking wildly... Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi PIet Like Greg said, lots of research to get things just right, but more importantly, is the family time that you're getting now. Enjoy and have a great time. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Willie Woohoo! She's looking great, especially with the varnish on her. Very nice. Hopefully the sea-trial voyages will be next. All the best! Patrick
  10. Hi Mark Absolutely love what you've achieved so far. Just the symmetry of the planking on the port and starboard sides of the hull, (ie when viewed from astern), is marvellous, not to mention the stern framing. Now that's care and precision, for ya. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Michael I agree with Bob and Pete. Boy, you're moving fast! Nonetheless, there's no mistaking the shapely lines of the hull coming through. Very nice. I also love the way that your Bristol cutter makes a cameo appearance in the background. She must be itching to get into the water once finished Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Hartmut Wow. Wow. Wow. Truly beautiful workmanship. What more can I say? All the best for 2016. Cheers Patrick
  13. Thanks Greg! What? More pressure.....??? Christmas was very good to us. Lots of food and lots of fun. I hope yours was the same too. All the best Patrick
  14. Thanks David!! Michael Mott gave me a few good pointers in an earlier post about mouldings, but I haven't tried it yet. Maybe I might give it a go for the cabins, but I'm not sure yet. Knowing me, I'd probably stuff them up. Thanks Steamschooner! I hope you're having a great Christmas today and all the best for 2016. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Matti Those deck fixtures and cabins are looking super! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Piet Yep - you're absolutely right...I need to get the grey matter going. Have a great Christmas and 2016! Cheers Patrick
  17. Nice work on the bow and stern mouldings! Looking really sharp.
  18. Hi Dave Sorry about the vacation spoiler, but I hope that your Admiral gets better soon! Have you got travel insurance? Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Michael I've always preferred a high peaked gaff-rig because to me, it always looks 'just right'. It comes as no surprise then, that I reckon your proposed sail plan is going to suit the hull beautifully. Nicely done! Cheers Patrick
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