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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi everyone There's been a lot of work on Rainbow, but ironically, not much to show for it. For instance, I've done lots of prep work and measurements, but, none of that work is visible. However, I have started to paint Rainbow's hull. Initially, I'll use this white enamel, but later, the finishing colours will be black top sides and red under the water (as per the real ship). Hope you enjoy the progress so far. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Nils. Your engineering background certainly shines thru each time you post your hand drawn sketches. I bet the young fresh faced engineers can't do them half as well! All the best! Patrick
  3. Hi Bob She's looking amazing. I can't wait to see more photos of the interior. Will you have a partially open deck and cabin as well? Lastly, the last photo really shows off the beautiful lines of these types of hulls. Good luck with the rest of the build. Cheers Patrick
  4. Thanks Row You're absolutely right....and I have marvelled constantly at just how beautiful the modern unpainted aluminium J hulls are. It's amazing how they do it. A true testament to the skill of the workmen who weld and grind the hulls smooth. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  5. Hi David Thanks for the question! You're definitely not hijacking anything.... My thoughts are that because I'm basing my boat on the modern replica, the hull will be glass smooth, ie without the run of the planking being visible. This seems consistent with the hulls of other modern J Boats as seen via various photos and You Tube vids. Hope this helps and I hope you're staying well. All the best Patrick
  6. Hi Vaddoc You're off and running, now. Great work on the multi-chined frames, too! Well done Patrick
  7. Hi everyone! Rainbow's journey continues, albeit slowly. I've applied putty to the external planking of the hull and proceeded to sand it back. There's still more sanding and filling to go before I can achieve a nice and smooth surface to paint upon. But here's the results so far. Hope you enjoy the photos. All the best Patrick
  8. Hey Piet! I second Remco's comments about the nut and washers. Are you totally insane!!! You've taken the basic kit and turned it into a "Piet-Masterpiece" as only you can do. With all the love and attention that you're pouring into it, it would be difficult to part with it. However, there're few causes more worthy than the Wounded Warriors project. I take my hat off to you! It's definitely going to be a worthy prize to cherish. Be sure to inscribe your details somewhere in the ship for future generations to uncover. Seriously well done. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Leo. Trust me. You don't want to do post card collecting! You've got too much to offer. Beside, us miniature fanatics have to stick together! Seriously though, thanks for your comments. Greatly appreciated! All the best Patrick
  10. Hi Gabeu Thanks for your compliment, which is gratefully accepted. I hope you enjoy browsing my logs, as well as others on this Forum. Anytime you want some advice or inspiration, we're all here to help. Also, pls don't forget to post your Beagle photos as well. We'd all love to see them. Lastly, I've started a new miniature model of a J Class yacht, Rainbow. Please feel free to join me on her journey. All the best! Patrick
  11. HimLextin I saw your Black Pearl in the Gallery section and was really impressed. Do you have any more photos of the finished ship before it was bottled? If you have, I'd love to see them. No dramas if you can't, though! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Sir Blue Henry Great job you've done, so far. Trawlers always make beautiful and interesting models. I especially like the planking that you've done on the hull. Will you put the same amount of deck details as shown in the first photos of the magazine model? No worries if you don't, but it'd certainly add to the character of the ship. Can't wait to see the photos of your boat on its maiden voyage. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  13. Hi CWG Thanks for your enquiry. I just used the plans that I put in my first post. There's not much else that I could find in terms of actual plans. There are, however, some photos of the replica that you can get from the Internet, but, other than that, I used my imagination to guess how things may have looked. Good luck and pls post your progress if you decide to build her. She's a beautiful boat and you'll have a ball building her. All the best! Patrick
  14. Hi Bob Hah!!! That's actually not a bad idea If only it were true, then life would be so much easier! Please thank your Admiral for me. I wish her all the best for 2015 and beyond. All the best Patrick
  15. True, very true! I have the same problem as well. The Internet is a double-edged sword; with it's good points and its bad points! I spend too much time on it, my wife does the same and so do the kids....oh well...
  16. I know how you feel Leo and thanks for replying. Sometimes there's not enough time in the day. But, as long as we enjoy, it, time doesn't matter!
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