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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. Creativity and ingenuity prevent everything being cookie-cutter. I couldn't be more delighted. Send me a couple of pix and a paragraph or two of your mods and I'll make it "model of the month" sometime. Nic
  2. Even though this ship has battens instead of ratlines, it still has ratlines every 5th batten to the outer shrouds.
  3. After a month, although there were a couple of initial inquiries, I am still actively searching for the right person to carry on the tradition. Nic
  4. Once the battens are glued to the shrouds, the ends are clipped off and we have beautifully spaced and even battens.
  5. Now to add the battens. We developed a unique method to insure the battens are evenly spaced. We made a "batten ladder"
  6. Congratulations, Mark. Beautiful work. Your customer file now shows you will get a 10% discount on the next kit you buy from us. Nic
  7. When doing the chains for the Red Jacket, I first tied fine sewing thread to the chain, then stiffened the other end with CA glue. I think you will find it much easier. Nic
  8. Started to fit out the rear boom. Interesting that on the bottom of the boom there is a block and tackle setup that apparently goes nowhere. I seem to recall (and correct me if I'm wrong) that it is a tensioner to help prevent hogging of the boom itself. In the Penobscott Marine Museum there is a schooner model with the same setup, belaying to the jaws.
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