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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. Congratulations, Mark. Beautiful work. Your customer file now shows you will get a 10% discount on the next kit you buy from us. Nic
  2. When doing the chains for the Red Jacket, I first tied fine sewing thread to the chain, then stiffened the other end with CA glue. I think you will find it much easier. Nic
  3. Started to fit out the rear boom. Interesting that on the bottom of the boom there is a block and tackle setup that apparently goes nowhere. I seem to recall (and correct me if I'm wrong) that it is a tensioner to help prevent hogging of the boom itself. In the Penobscott Marine Museum there is a schooner model with the same setup, belaying to the jaws.
  4. And installed the bobstay chains as well. I tried 6 times to get them taught by myself, but wasn't happy. Ended up holding the knots and have my wife put on the glue. Best I could do alone. With extra hands, much better result.
  5. And on the Wyoming front........ Ran the fo'c'sle mast forestays thru the bees to the stem.
  6. In modern ships, the spreaders actually spread out the stays for more leverage. But in old ships, my opinion (without any direct evidence) is that they are to stabilize the long run of the stays rather than change their direction. Nic
  7. When I bought Bluejacket 9 yrs ago, I told people I never bought so many kits at one time in my life!
  8. Starting the rigging with the spring stays etc. working from the middle out. I plan to do the booms and gaffs before the shrouds.
  9. Very nice. And a quick build, too! Your customer file now shows a 10% discount off your next kit from us. Nic
  10. Regarding the line on the jumbo sail, to me it looks like a reef line, but that is inconsistent with the reef points on the main. It is unlikely but possible that the sail was added onto at some point, which is cheaper than making a whole new sail. Other than that, I don't know.
  11. Very nice. Your customer file ow shows you will get a 10% discount on the next kit you buy from us. Nic
  12. We have had many requests to resurrect both the Maine and Olympia kits, but I believe that would be unethical and I won't do it. However, our soon-to-be-released kit of the USS Oregon will be open stock, and not limited. Nic
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