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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. #1-Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. #2- Experience is what you get right after you needed it.
  2. The pin vise we sell is good for drills down to #75. Smaller than that I use a Dremel universal chuck.
  3. Nothing looks better than even battens. We are now putting them in the Bowdoin, Pauline, and Charles Notman. And the Wyoming when it is finished.
  4. by all means do a build log of your Swampscott dory. When you finish, I will give you a 10% discount on the next kit you buy from us.
  5. Yes, that would be interesting - Justin is a good friend of mine. However, my purpose is to make a display model for our gallery. It will have a water base, but not a real diorama.
  6. Our Wendameen display model is really getting, shall I say, tattered. It was never cased and 20+ years of being exposed really shows. So I'm going to build another one to replace it. I didn't bother with the whole kit, nor did I take any rigging, wire, or eyebolts because I have plenty. Here's the rest of the kit contents. First, the plans Next comes the hull, laser-cut caprail, and the fittings. FInally, the wood package
  7. BlueJacket has the lobsters. They are Britannia castings, 1/2" scale. i painted them in Army Helo Drab, then dry-brushed flat red. Followed by gloss clear.
  8. Very credible job, Nathan. A little putty and you'll have a fine hull. I can recommend these fillers: Auto glazing putty Bondo Wall spackle plaster if Paris I would stay away from carpenter's fillers, they dry too hard to sane evenly with the softer basswood. Nic PS - nice to see you last week.
  9. Actually, there is a 4th option - re-cut the handles. But being so delicate, I didn't want to risk it. So my option #3 is to put the end of the oars somewhere where it is not easy to see that the handles are missing, like under a thwart.
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