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Old Collingwood

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Posts posted by Old Collingwood

  1. 1 hour ago, mtaylor said:

    Excellent paint work OC.   And that dio is amazing.   

    Mark,  that  not  my work  its  the  companies  advertising  shot,  I am  waiting on the  spru  containg the  parts  to assemble  it  yet,  I posted it  to show  how it could paint up  and to show  the level of detail  in the  sculpt.



  2. 7 minutes ago, king derelict said:

    Wow what a beautiful miniature. I’m sure you will create fantastic renditions too.


    Thank you kindly Alan,  its  one of the latests  sculpts  by  Victrix  - they  have  sharpened up  the details  including  thinner  more  realistic  horse  reins  and  even  scribed  details  on the  saddle details,  even the  figures  look good.



  3. Evening all,   I thought  i should  try  an incentive  to  kick my self into  doing something with my build,  so  I have brought a single spru  containing Three  riders and horses of the  Polish Lancers  that  where at  Waterloo  -  should  make an interesting pose  when made  and painted  - here is  how  they  paint up  from the  Victrix  catalogue.




  4. 6 hours ago, Old Rentner said:

    Thank you very much for the tips, may I ask about painting?  If I use primer and a top coat how can I avoid clogging the spaces between the  rails.  The spaces between the rails are thinner than four coats of paint I think?

    Just a  case  of  playing  with  the brush  to  get the  paint on  while  clearing the  gaps,   just  technique  -  a bit fiddly  but do able.



  5. 1 minute ago, Old Rentner said:

    I did manage to get a set finally!  My god they are small!

    Indeed  -  requires  some delicate  handling,  but very  nice  when  on,    there  are  different ways  to   attach  them  -  some  people like  to  do small   lengths  at a time, others   do  longer  runs, also  there  are different  ways  to  apply the  glue (super glue)  you  can use a  fine  wire  or needle  to  apply  on the  ship  where  you  want to  fix the  railing,  or  you  could  make a  small  puddle  on a  scrap  piece of  flat  board  etc,  and  gently tip the  bottom of the  railing  using some  fine tweezers  just to coat the  bottom  of the  railing  -  then place on the  ship.   Its  all about finding the way that  works  best  for  you.



  6. 44 minutes ago, Old Rentner said:


    The problem is how to make them, tension them and fix them to the bridge structures.  Thank you for the pictures.  The scale makes them very thin!

    You could  buy the  PE railing  sets  I thunk they  do them in 600scale   or  you  might get away with 700scale,  because they are thin metal  you would need to use super glue  to attach them.



  7. 2 hours ago, Old Rentner said:

    It’s nearly ‘finished’!  The funnels, railings propellor mechanisms and the stabilizers are in place.  It’s difficult to understand how the latter could stabilize a big hull but I guess that they did?  The mast and foredeck structures remain and then it’s the railings and ariels etc.  How to do them, how to fix them and where to fix them, I know not!

    Help please!!









    Without railings the aft decks look pretty dangerous!!!

    Not quite sure  how  you  could create the  hand rails  without  having some  PE   ones  to hand, might be  difficult,  I have found  two  pics  of the front  masts   etc  and   securing  lines, also  the  rear  showing the  railings   -  double click  on both  or  drag  them with  the  right click mouse   to enlarge them.





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