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Old Collingwood

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Posts posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all,   I did a bit more work  this evening  - firstly I removed the tape and checked the seams, these needed just a bit of sanding  (but no filler I dont think)  this was a supprise to find two companies who manage to build kits with quite high build standards  - it  also makes my first observations  what I first started to build this kist  (in my  earlier build log - Not Eduard one)   as being incorect.

    Anyway  next off was to fit the prop cone bulkhead, then when set  I  had to fix one of the exhausts stcks that had broken in two, this was fixed then glued in place in the recess - same the other side,   then I got the engine cover  and test fitted it,  quite a bit of scraping and sanding was needed to get a good fit  - then this was glued down.

    It needs sanding and cleaning up whne its set.


    So here are a couple of pics including one of my Supermarine  prod line.






  2. 11 minutes ago, Kurt Johnson said:



    She's coming along marvelously! I love all the spitfire marks, the MK1 best of all. Have you seen the Guy Marshall special about the reconstruction of a BoB MK1, it's really a great piece of work. It' on you tube, its a Channel 4 Full episodes video. Sorry I could get the link to work right, there shouldn't be any problem finding it. Sorry too, if you've already watched it.





    Thank you for  your interest Kurt, and your very kind word,  I havn't seen that vid  but I do pay a lot of inteest in the BoB  flight  as I have a friend who is one of there pilots.



  3. 15 minutes ago, mfrazier said:

    Dry brushed is painting with an almost dry brush. You dip your brush in the paint ,scrape most back off on the container edge, then dab it on a cloth so it is just damp without a lot of paint. You brush the part and this only deposits a small bit of paint at a time, (takes a lot of brushing) so it must be done several times to get any finish. This will color a part without gobbing a heavy layer of paint that  hides fine details. I do this on something that has small detail I don't want to lose with a heavy layer of paint. Grates such as these on this model have small holes with square corners and sharp edges and lines. Paint tends to clog the small holes and round the tiny corners.  I want the fine details to show. The acrylic paint is thick so I thin it to a water consistency to help keep detail.


    Mark Frazier 

    Like I do on my plane builds in the forum - its a great way of showing raised detail also.


    Still loving what you are creating Mark.



  4. So  another spit on the go  - this time I am rescuing the ICM Spit IX  kit  and turning it into a Seafire Mk.111  as I believe they were basically the same  apart from a few mods that I should be able to create  - seam on the wing that would have been for the  wing fold, and scribing under the bottom rear to simulate the cut out for the arester hook,  I will also fashion a hook and fit it  semi recessed,    the rest is basically  built  as  the kit  IX.

    Reason I have chose to do this  is  during the war my father cut his teeth on Seafires  before moving on to RAF types.


    So here it begins with the already fitted out cockpit wall - I  added the paintwork (cockpit green)  and picked out the details then my normal  pencil for shading and white highlight,   I then closed both sides together  as the cockpit floor/seat/insrument consol  are made as a unit  and popped in from underneath.


    Here are the first pics.








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