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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Just to add my own to the Excellent replies here, you could also try the Admiralty Acrylic range of paints, they come in a plastic bottle with an easy push back lid that's attached, they are made especially for wood but also go down well on plastics, its a very high quality paint. OC.
  2. You are doing an Amazing time consuming minute detailing piece of model building - loving this. I was once lucky enough to live 2 minutes away from a castle, the castle (towns curtain wall) was our back garden wall, thought you might like to see a few pics I took of it. OC.
  3. Keep up this great work Alan, I know its a bit tedious with all those stone blocks but boy its so worth it - they look so like the real thing. Some nice castle pics also - there something special about the atmosphere in/around a castle - love them. OC.
  4. Another change of plan (who said Waterloo research was easy lol) anyway one of my 2nd Life Guards is going to be changed for a Kings Dragoon Guard same body slightly different colour details but his head will need changing as he wears a different helmet - higher peak and some hair detail. So here we have a comparison between the 2nd Life Guards (First plate) and the Kings Dragoon Guards OC.
  5. Hi there Gary, Thank you kindly, I use a blob of Blue Tack thats been squashed down - I just push the base of the figure down onto it, they just about keep in place but pull off easy enough after. OC.
  6. Evening all, I mananged a couple of hours on my little ones today - I started off by making Two 2nd Life Guards from my old light cavalry spru and gave then a primer, they will be sat on my already made ex Hussar horses that just need their facing colours chsnged. I also decided to dig out of my trash box a few 2nd KGL that I had put a side because I did not think they were molded well enough - so I gave a few primer and the others some paint, I did the same with Three more French that I decided to have a re make of - primed and some basic paint on - faces and hands/belts and other bits of colour. OC.
  7. Loving these new additions Grant, what scale is this again? will you be adding figures mate? OC.
  8. What I love about this build - it hits on a subject that I love as I always loved castles, when I was a a kid my dad took me to see a English Civil War reinactment battle at a castle - I was completely stunned by it all. I always wanted to build a dio of what I saw in the flesh - but I never saw a kit of the castle. This is a video of the event and castle I went to - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Warwick+Castle+siege&t=ffab&iar=videos&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8ew_dIUGegQ OC.
  9. Love these Laser cut kits mine was from a company caller Sarissa Models - OC. https://sarissa-precision.com/
  10. Thats a toough job to pull off Alan as i know it falls to the security of the case (as I read in other resin ship/sub dio's) as you know I have my Flyhawk Hood on hold that I plan to make her in the sinking role dio. OC.
  11. Evening all, I have been doing more research earlier and discovered something - the British Hussars where not closely connected to any action near LHS these should have been the Light Cavalry in the shape of the 2nd Life Guards who charged on the West side (Road side) of LHS so this is something I will have to look at latter. OC.
  12. They are glued down using Super Glue and all the other fittings/scenery are glued down - hopefully making a permanent base etc - mind you hope it never needs moving. OC.
  13. Thank you kindly Mark, I thnk the shadows and loss of light add some depth - wait till I Start to populate it even more includiing the Trees in the orchard - that will be interesting as I need to put the base on my table and there sin't much room left - still some time off yet though as I need to finish my few figures than get my airbrush going to flat coat them all. OC.
  14. Thank you kindly Alan, it also ties in with acess to orchard would have needed a door and there was talk in written files about the 2nd KGL rushing through it and through the Barn, when over powered by the French. OC.
  15. Thank you kindly Harry, I have placed a handful of figures shown in some of my earlier pics, the dio base is 36Inches by 24inches. OC.
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