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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. Hi Ben, the gun deck will be complete with all the 24 pdrs as well as cabins, chain pumps and fittings. It will be fully viewable through the framed upper deck with minimal planks. As soon as the hull is planked I will begin working on the gun deck. Im looking forward to making some progress on my Winnie as well, it’s been way too long and I’m so close to the end!
  2. Thank you Glenn. Hope to be working on Winnie in a couple weeks!
  3. Quick update: Planking above the wales is complete on the port side and all the gun ports are cleaned up and painted. Need to finish a few details on the stbd side channel wale planking and that’s it for now. My Winnie awaits me back home! Crating model and shipping to mainland and its eventual trip across the country.
  4. Beautiful work Marsalv! The joinery on the ebony looks very good.
  5. I think I’m going to, 17th century Dutch ships always grab my eye. Perhaps I can collaborate with Ab and produce any one of the wonderful models/plans he’s made.
  6. Hi Brian, ha! nothing larger in the pipeline as of now, but seriously considering another 4th rate from the 17th century and possibly a smaller 17th century Dutch vessel. Have to see how Portland finishes up and if anyone even builds it. Chucks work, specifically Winchelsea, is a major source of inspiration in designing Portland.
  7. Hi Ab, thank you for the info. I think I’ll take a stab at this one on my computer first. This or one of the ships in your book. I love the shape of these 17th century Dutch ships. JJ
  8. Your model is coming along nice! Well done on the framing, it looks wonderful!
  9. Hi Ab, Is there more information available on this ship? Like deck drawings/layouts profile, carvings, gallery’s… everything to build as you have? Your model is incredible! I would love to build this. JJ
  10. Very nice joinery! The pear wood looks really good. I’m sold!
  11. Thank you Glenn! Thank you Gregory, if these prove successful I think I will do something similar on my next design. Indeed they are very difficult to construct and require a lot of patience and double checking to ensure that both sides are identical and located exactly the same. My aim is to make this part of the build a little easier without sacrificing detail.
  12. Thanks Yves, you are correct. The only foreseeable resin part on the model will be the QG’s, outfitted and surrounded by boxwood and AYC parts. There may be other fittings along the way that I will possibly offer in resin.
  13. Hi Giampiero, thanks for looking in and your compliment. Yves is correct, the drop is simply a test piece to make any necessary adjustments before it is carved in wood. However the basic QG’s will be printed and outfitted with many boxwood parts, I guarantee that once complete, they will be indistinguishable from a wooden construction. My reason for this is the QG’s on this model are very complex and I didn’t want to leave anything to chance for the builder. I began designing and could offer a wooden construction alternative for the QG’s if there was enough demand. These were an extremely complex assembly in an effort to keep everything lined up. JJ
  14. Quick update. received the prototype print for the stbd drop. The fit is nice without any adjustment to the QG or the drop, both are straight off the printer as designed. Will make a few slight adjustments and proceed with boxwood CNC carved ones for the model.
  15. Very nice work! Congratulations on retiring, now you have plenty of modeling time!
  16. I finished the stbd side planking of the main wale up..finally. I apologize in advance to anyone who takes on this planking behemoth! I attempted to give a more “worn” look to the wales, similar to some of the contemporary models I’ve seen, I need to play with it a little more but I think it adds a little character. I still need to clean up the gunports a little more and then paint the margins of the planks after another coat or WOP, but I’m finally making some noticeable progress. Thanks for looking in. JJ
  17. Thank you Fred, I’m making a career change that’s going to allow me to dive into Portland almost full time, but I have to wait until January, but I do have some updates on Portland coming shortly. In the meantime, in about a month, ill be able to direct some major efforts towards completion of my Winnie.
  18. If you’re interested in laser cutting, I’d be happy to discuss.
  19. I had to immediately tie all mine together on Portland, some were over 5” long. The longitudinal gunport structure is a good way to do this and kill two birds with one stone. I also utilized the strip along the top, but mine is integrated into the design and permanent and like Chuck, I’ve used it for a fairing guide on the inside and out.
  20. Stunning work Fred! I’m now extremely motivated to resume work on my Winnie, next month. Keep the updates coming! JJ
  21. Hi Fred, Thank you! The lower gunports will have all their doors but I will be showing them Open, as shown on the painting. The gun deck will be fully fitted with 24pdrs and visible through the main deck.
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