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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. Looks great Fred, I need to start the same carving project very soon, thanks for the roadmap. JJ
  2. Hi Greg, i experienced a lot of the same problems. If you want to edge glue you still can, use scotch brite pads soaked in denatured alcohol and that will take the excess glue off without taking away the wood. I was doing the same thing and getting too thin in the stern, it’s a tough part of the model to plank. Also try planking from the stern and join the bow and stern strake in the middle, it makes that joint at the counter a lot easier to handle. JJ
  3. Computer generated cut files have infinite scale and customizable possibilities without “having to start over”. What a wonderful time to be a ship modeler. Keep the updates coming Jack. JJ
  4. Wow! That’s stunning work Greg! Work of art! JJ
  5. Oh those look nice Matt, I’m right behind you and just as eager to build those things!
  6. Thanks for the comments and likes guys. Appreciate it. Hopefully I’ll begin the coamings this week and start planking soon. JJ
  7. Kits sure have come a long way from when I started building. This is amazing design work.
  8. That’s a lot of lumber there Jack, this looks like a serious project now. If you need another verification builder you can sign me up! JJ
  9. Thank you for the likes and comments fellas! So the process for painting the black squares was very simple. All I did was, first I sealed up the checker floor with a generous amount of WOP and let it dry over night. The next day I began painting the darker squares in with black acrylic paint with little regard for staying in the lines as the acrylic won’t stick to the WOP very well. Once dry I lightly sanded the whole floor and since the lighter squares are higher up than the darker ones it cleaned up nice. You can see a small spot on the port side where I didn’t seal the wood well enough and some of the black bled through, so make sure your WOP gets everywhere before you paint! Then after you clean it up just WOP the whole thing again to seal up the bare wood as well as lock in the black paint. JJ
  10. Small update: I got the checkered floor glued down tonight, I wanted to go with a black pattern but keep it a little more subtle so I kept the light squares just plain AYC with WOP. , I am almost finished with the margin planks, a little bit of clean up some sanding and then off to the hatch coamings! JJ
  11. Fred, your bricks look too good to paint over, take the small hit on accuracy in the name of eye candy for this one I think.
  12. Love the brick work Fred, how did you pull that off? You are moving along fast!! JJ
  13. Chuck, I’m looking at the drawing in the profile and stern view for the stern lantern and I’m trying to determine exactly how the lantern post will attach, it appears it will land right on the middle of the carving. I am just trying to run my small light before I close up the inner counter. Are you planning on drilling a small hole into the carving to attach the post? JJ
  14. These columns will be fun to make, are you going to take a similar approach to What was done with the bollard timbers?
  15. Looking great Chuck! Are you going to add all the tackle to the guns or leave them bare? JJ
  16. That looks really good Mike! thanks for the tape tip, I will definitely be using that. JJ
  17. That looks good Fred, moving right along. I couldn’t even tell your panels were painted by the shade of light on them, I was going to ask if you carved your own. I’m still on the fence with painting mine... did you consider some weathering powder in the groves to help define the panels more? This is what I was thinking about doing. They look very nice. I cant give advice on the rudder box or benches, I’d see if you can find any photos of the real thing. JJ
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