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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. Great start to an addictive hobby! Bounty looks great!
  2. I bet Jack @hjx could whip up a 3-D figure that matches the image you posted for cnc or 3D print pretty quick.
  3. I would be interested in a few figures if you were to offer them through syren. I assume that is the Capt you are showing above?
  4. Thanks Matt, I followed Ron’s advice and kind of mangled up the lines defining the bricks with a blade a little to simulate chips then painted them black, rubbed the finish with denatured alcohol to give it some fade then I used some weathering powders. I’ll probably go over it again when the deck is finished as it’s getting a lot of brushing and touching. Thanks Chuck, I've been giving those bolts the stink eye since I put them in. I’ll probably rip them out and replace when I finish planking. JJ
  5. Vlad, Your deck is off to a good start! Try sanding the planks to the width with a long flat sanding board or stick rather than cutting or sanding by hand, you’ll get much cleaner seams. And test fit several times before you finally glue down, that way you can make several adjustments. Then once all the planks are glued down give them a nice sand with a small sanding block to take them all down to an even height.
  6. Looks great Greg! Huge milestone! I was so happy I took a vacation! Lol JJ
  7. Beautiful work Mike! Your build log is like an alternative instruction manual to Chucks build log. JJ
  8. Planking party day three: ive decided that from now on whenever I work on my Winnie, I’m going to fasten my phone camera to my head and build it through it’s eyes, I’ll do a much better job lol!! JJ
  9. Wow! Stunning work Chuck. I can’t plank my deck fast enough now. I think I’ll go for the extra credit on the jeer bits! Lol
  10. Looking good Greg! Well done! A little sanding and some wop and you’re set!
  11. Inspiring work Alex, a work of art. The choices of wood are perfect. JJ
  12. Back on the wagon again with my Winnie, it’s been too long. Got all the coamings completed along with gratings. Everything is in place and I’m almost ready to start lining off for planks. I’m not too happy with my stove base, its finish turned out ok but it warped really bad when I glued it down, I think I’m going to have to remove it and start over again. Somehow I messed up with the forward subdecks and had to deviate outside of the etched lines increasingly as I worked forward, I used a tight line to constantly check my centerline when glueing parts down, I ended up being about 1-1.5mm off at the forward most part of the bow.
  13. Looks nice and straight Frank. All the reference marks look good as well. JJ
  14. There are no 3-D models of the Olympic class available commercially. Titanic honor and glory probably owns/developed the most accurate version in existence but they are not going to just hand that over and probably wont even sell rights to it. Building a 3D model will require detailed 2D drawings of the ship and a powerful 3D program to produce it with many many hours of modeling. JJ
  15. Looks good Ron! I think I need that saw blade for mine. Cuts look really clean! JJ
  16. Beautiful model Matt! Your choice of wood and finish is stunning! regards, JJ
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