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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. good afternoon


    well i put in the three lines, replacing the two that i had in position, but not fitted, these are white, and although not confirmed i believe these are steel on the real vessel, but i am constantly moving away from the kit, lol nothing seams to be in the right place, 


  2. Good morning everyone


    with the foremast shrouds in place, i am going to proceed with the front end standing rigging, as the main mast is not ready (or needs adapting)



    time to bring the serving machine back out, not seen the light of day for quite a few years, it was very dusty and had a little light rust/corrosion on the rope feeders, so i stripped it down, and put a plastic sleeve through the rope holes to stop it marking the white thread





    you can see the rust marking the thread, do this line eventually went to the bin





    my first attempt which i think is to short and mouse to large


    made thes to long but maybe a better mouse




  3. 3 minutes ago, Kusawa2000 said:

    Kevin: I wouldn't get jaded by comments from FB.. as they say.. consider the source.. 😃 In any case, I do want to mention I was impressed on you obtaining the necessary information in order to construct the lower deck area. I will be keen to see you get back to the Enterprise. Keep up the good work. 


    Mike Draper

    thank you

  4. 2 hours ago, Kusawa2000 said:

    Kevin: Makes total sense from my perspective! 😀 I have to say you have taken on a arduous task "infilling" the lower deck on the Enterprise. Im going to find the kit a challenge in itself! Good luck and keep the posts coming. 


    Mike Draper 

    i was enjoying the Enterprize build very much, but it was slated in a FB group, and somewhat threw me off my perch, hence the restart of the AV, i dont have the skills for a full scratch and this was at the time the best kit for it, im now ready to get on with her, but so enjoying me present build, so i will continue with that for a while longer 

  5. 5 hours ago, Kusawa2000 said:

    Kevin: I have been following your build log for the last while as I have this kit in the wings as a project down the road. I read the few posts and I was wondering, why did you need a replacement upper deck? Did your additions of the lower deck change the configuration of the upper deck? Just curious.


    Mike Draper

    Good morning mike, i adapted the upper deck to make it fit in the lower position, im sure i could have attemped scratching one, but i went for the easier option

  6. good evening everyone

    well considering this build has been in the bin on more than one occasion, i am so glad i decided to restart it 

    today the foremast shrouds were put in, i pleased the way they turned out, as for leaving the brass showing, the jury is out on that, but it is to far down the road to paint it all now


    i have been thinking of new names for her, Pandemic and Covid are no longer contenders, it will most likely be "SIRA" my surname in reverse and i can name her from the kit contents photo etch





  7. good evening everyone


    i have had to change my approach to the rigging


    i am making my own rope, and have been making 8 sizes from 4 different thickness spools Guttenburg Mara in 120, 100, 70 and 30



    the plans i have say size 6 for the shrouds but using the above sizes (which happens to be 4x70 is just over 0.5mm where as 4x 30 is about right at just under 1mm

    i hope that makes sense, what was the largest size will drop down from 7 and 8 to 5 and 6

    so i have ordered another size 11 which now allows me to change my 8 sizes  and possibly not use the 120 size through the rope walk


    now i am able to use my new size 6 to make up the first pair, 



    no deadeyes on here, so the only way to get the tension right is using slip knots  on the sheavef





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