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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. 21 minutes ago, Patrick Haw said:

    I'm torn here, Kevin. As much as I want to see your progress with Enterprise, you AV is coming along beautifully. Oh well, I'll take what I can get from your wonderful work!



    im torn as well, on one hand i feel quilty from leaving her again, when i know i could possibly complete her within a few months, But p want to rid myself of the demons  that made me put the Enterprise away in the first place


    and also knowing the 1/48 Bellona is out there waiting for me


  2. good evening everyone


    standing rigging continues

    i have been asked to provide more info on the lines being put in, i so hope i am getting this right


    plan is to have  standing done within a few weeks, in which i have time to decide on the sails, at this time i am moving away from them, it a very busy boat and a lot of detail is going to be lost, but that idea might change by tomorrow



    IMG_1284 - Copy.JPG




  3. 11 hours ago, yvesvidal said:


    Kevin, I have been following your Enterprise kit and was seduced by what CAF is offering. The Bellona is a little simpler since it is Plank on Bulkheads and it has a reduced and simplified interior. It compensates in size, though.....


    If I ever manage to do something decent with Bellona, I'd like to do the Chebec from CAF one day. I have always been in love with those sleek and fast ships.



    to be honest, had i waited another year, i would have bought the Bellona, been waiting for a 74 gunner, but i have agreed to finish the AV then we will see

  4. thank you comments and likes


    had a day off yesterday, infact i was doing some jobs for me mum (which basically meant me and the dog were sat in the carpark for 5 hours whilst my wife took her in for appointments


    any way today i sorted out the centre island and got the derrick area sorted


    a few photos of my workbench, which i tidied ny before the shots
















  5. 2 hours ago, Patrick Haw said:



    I just came upon your HMS Enterprise build and spent a very pleasant couple of hours going through it.  It's fantastic and I'm impressed that you took on a challenge like this. You've done a great job. As others have said, don't let trolls on Facebook get to you...most of them probably couldn't glue two toothpicks together. I'm looking forward to you getting back on this build and seeing your results.



    TY Patrick 

    at present i am up to my neck in foremast backstays, she will be back def by the new year, i will need a break from the AV by then 

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