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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. good evening everyone


    looking through all my old builds, the one thing i have learnt, if you don't like it, dont hide it, just re-do

    the lower deck beams i now believe to be in the correct position

    looking through the AOTS Pandora book i need to move the bulkheads to the sailroom and others to match the beams, so as they were fixed to the deck i ripped it out cleaned it all up, which gave me the opportunity to put a  bulkhead in under the 1/4 platform (coal store)


    now means i am in a good place now to get the passage way doors scuttles and bulkheads in place


    a test fit of the upper beams show they are in the right place




  2. On 10/30/2021 at 8:50 PM, No Idea said:

    Hi Kevin - you say that you are worried about being a ship builder. 

    Mate you are building a ship so you are  a ship builder 👍

    keep going bud as it looks great and stop beating yourself up!  This is a really good build. 

    thank you, i have a nasty habbit of doing that to nyself

  3. good evening everyone


    work continues, but i never thought it would be this difficult, the main deck is fine, but matching the deck below is very slow (i will never make a  model  ship builder)

    sail room deck made up and fitted



    lower deck in and secure, was also pinned 

    getting the lodging knee on the port side the right shape is my biggest concern, but it is in line and the right height  for the hanging knee


    lower deck in and secure, was also pinned 


    sail room buikhead and pillars inIMG_1401.thumb.JPG.46ccf60c61bce56b654b9d02bdb20470.JPGIMG_1402.thumb.JPG.d6d46e4426ce2ca598767ac32f717843.JPG

    lining up the rest of the internal bulkeads



    the upper deck is just for the photo





  4. Good evening everyone


    after a few good days on the build, yesterday i went backwards, 


    the fwd mast step went into the wrong position and set before i realised, and then i varnished the internal decking with the wrong varnish, i was gutted, i dont even know how i allowed myself to do it


    today was much better

    the fwd mast step was salvaged, and although it might be a couple mm more fwd than it should be im pleased with it

    the two decks line up with it, and i seam to have plenty of room to put the number 1 deck beam in and the breast hook (please correct me if im wrong)

    nothing i can do with the varnish, oh hum (another monster)


    tomorrow i will cleam up all the forward frames so they look better in the photo's














  5. 11 hours ago, gjdale said:


    Hmmmm…….can I persuade you to re-think this Kevin? A few hours spent now fixing the problem would be well invested……..


    I’d hate to think that not fixing this now might cause the build to hit a wall later on.

    agred, its the last two sub frames numbers 59 and 60 i put them in the wrong way round after shaping them, even now they dont look right




  6. good evening everyone


    plans were to continue with the internal planking, But i very quickly realised i need to do the transom, 


    i rebuilt the after part of the building cradle, and ensured everything was still lined up


    i have messed the last two frames up, but for now i am going with it, and regret later not sorting it now












  7. good afternoon everyone


    for a few months now, reluctant at the start, i knew i had to return to this build, a few of my followers know the reason why. but having got over that i have my build back on the table

    my next step was how to proceed, i used the main deck (for some unknown reason) in the lower position and had to order a replacement from CAF in china, i should have just used some cherry and made horizontal deck beams, but was worried i would not get the internal bulkheads height right,

    then i was concerned that fixing the lower deck beams in would hinder the top ones going in if they were not quite in the correct position, if placed the to far fwd or aft

    Anyway i have been setting up the replacement beams and everything lines up (im totally amazed)  only because my photo' make the hull look like a two year old had made it


    with that hurdle out of the way, i am now going to plank the rest of the inner hull


    new upper beams being test fitted, they were then taken out














    now going to continue planking inside the hull


  8. good evening everyone


    well she made it back to the work bench, it took most of yesterday and this morning to get back into it and sorting out


    But i have done something wrong


    real wrong


    I made up deck beams 1 to 4, sanded them down, milled the notches and located the correct position, and they fitted, with out any agro, that is just so not right (well not for me anyway)


    i need to think carefully now as i am going to have to adapt the lower deck to accept ladders and hatches now, but i am so happy, i could skip



    new deck beams to the left, and the adapted originalsIMG_1326.thumb.JPG.3e820d99cefc678d776843055546e476.JPG


    now im confident that this will work out,  the mast is going into correct place


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