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Posts posted by woodrat

  1. Thanks, Carl. Let me know if I am going too far astray.

    Druxey, I am mainly concerned in producing realistic seam lines on the sail. Some illustrations show just longitudinal seams but many show a cross-hatched appearance. I like your idea of using dilute acrylic paint to stiffen the silk which may also be able to reproduce this appearance. I dont really want to print pictures on the sails  although this would be good for flags.





  2. Yes Mark and Carl. It sounds too risky to use a laser printer. However, sails are a long way off. I have to draw up a sail plan. Fortunately I will be able to stand on the shoulders of giants to do this. The important thing is to remember that this is a mediterranean vessel and should be rigged as such. Sailors in the northern seas did things rather differently. Consequently, I will not be using deadeyes for this vessel and the standing rigging will look strange to some.  Dick :)

  3. Have received my Silkspan and will experiment. Can you use a laser printer to print on Silkspan?


    Here are some pics of the typical mediaeval arrangement of huge wedges for the mainmast at the partners and the reinforcing wooldings. There were many variations on this . I do not exaggerate the size of the wedges:












    I need to go away and make some mediaeval blocks.





  4. The problem is how to reproduce the bellied out appearance so characteristic of the carrack. It was thought by many experts last century that this was an exaggeration by artists but the ballooned out appearance is consistently shown. How do you cut the fabric to allow this? What fabric to use that would look like real canvas to scale. ? silk. How to stiffen it? glue hairspray plaster of paris. Is it all too hard to do? :(



  5. Thanks Steven, Jesse and Druxey and to all of you who have been following this thread. Your support spurs me on. This largely completes the hull build and now I can tackle (pardon the pun) the masting and rigging. There are good research publications on mediaeval rigging and this should be fun. I am still tossing up whether to display her under sail or furled but am tending toward the former.



  6. Thanks Steven and Carl. There aren't many but the illustrations I have managed to find show the port opening as shown and at least one shows a rope leading up to the rail.  It would close by gravity and be probably held with a crossbar inside.To have it opening the other way would be hard to close by pulling from inside.



    This drawing is probably of a model and seems have the port on the starboard side!



  7. The loading port. The origin of the word port (opposite to starboard) is the loading port. In the days of the steerboard it is said that a vessel could not tie up at a jetty on the steerboard side for fear of damaging the steerboard and so the loading port was put on the opposite side, hence port and starboard


    Many 15th century illustrations show the loading port.












  8. The mainmast. This tapered mast is often undersized in carrack models. Contemporary illustrations show a very substantial mast made even thicker at the base by long wedges inserted vertically into the partners. Although, as discussed previously, the mainmast was usually a built mast with a central spindle and at least eight outer spars, I did not have the carpentry skills to reproduce this in miniature. Therefore I chose to fudge it just a little while maintaining the look and feel of a mediaeval built mast.

    Many illustrations show the longitudinal lines along the mast that you would expect if the mast was built and not a single spar.




    note the wooldings


    I started with a tapered spar


    Made a paper template


    Made strips with the template so that I would end up with eight tapered strips


    Glued the strips to pine strips


    Stuck the pine strips to the mast with double sided tape



    Vessels with built masts had quite a variable number of rope wooldings to reinforce the mast. However they did not use wooden hoops above and below the wooldings as was seen in later periods. It may be that the ropes were reinforced with nails to prevent the ropes slipping.



    The completed mast





  9. For all my photos I have used an old Nikon Coolpix 5000 digital camera. For these pics I shone a small LED torch through the windows and waited till the autofocus focused the desired bit. It didn't always work. Sometimes I post process with an image processing software but not for these images. I just reduced the image size and cropped.


  10. Thanks Steven and Jesse. Yes , I believe Zorzi sketched the vessel while in a slipway or dock. This would explain the incomplete planking on the main wales exposing the frames (see earlier discussion), the lack of masts and the lack of anchors.

    Also I would be loath to deride the ancient illustrators especially those drawing "from life". They are usually correct (vide Carpaccio)



  11. Well that's good, then. I didn,t want to be the person who tells you stuff that makes you throw away something you've just spent lots of time and effort making because it turns out to be wrong. A



    With this type of reconstruction, it is inevitable that future discoveries will make mine obsolete. Maybe it already is. But it's all about the journey, not the destination.

    :) Dick

  12. This is my concept of the capstan as it might have appeared. It is based somewhat on the capstan of the Wasa. The rocker pawl is a not unreasonable device for the period. The capstan will be used to assist raising the yard.













    this painting by Botticelli shows the capstan eccentrically placed in the waist






  13. The author's instructions for the Mariner's Mirror are downloadable as a .pdf from the web. I suspect I would be leaving myself open to a bunfight from the european and especially italian mavens of nautical architecture. But that might be fun! :) I have published in academic journals in the past and know there would be a lot of toing and froing with reviewers and editors, even if it was accepted. Glenn's opinion would certainly be valued.


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