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About Shamrock

  • Birthday 04/29/1953

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    Swedish west coast

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  1. I just noticed that the Eskader shop is celebrating their 90:th anniversary and are selling out a lot of old kits. If you are looking for something special it might be of interest (does not know if they ship outside Sweden, but it may be worth to try) https://www.eskader.se/sv/43-eskader-showcase?page=6 - ships start from this page
  2. Maybe not the part of the world that you are looking for, but the city of Karlskrona in Sweden is a world heritage site with lots of history. It is still a naval port, with modern shipyard, but a lot of the old buildings (one of the earliest dry docks, ropewalk building and so on) are still there - possible to visit with a guide (as I said, naval area - no free roaming around) Naval City of Karlskrona - World Heritage Sweden The whole city is built for the naval port with wide streets (to parade through) Take a look att google maps - satellite view. Made my military service there in the seventies on the island of Kungsholmen - Kungsholms fort - a fortification at the Karlskrona inlet. Can´t tell you about any brothels though......, but outside of that the city is well worth both some closer studies and maybe a visit This is an interesting site - also in english Start | Världsarvet Örlogsstaden Karlskrona (orlogsstadenkarlskrona.se)
  3. Hi, I recently bought this kit together with the detail-up set of screws, but as I understand from this post is that the abovementioned screws are not included? So where did you find them? Great personal detail-up, I will certainly steal ideas from you!! //S
  4. Would an early touchdown (before a wire) rip the landing gear off, or are the wires low positioned so that the wheels will roll over? Anyway - very impressive build when seeing the detailing and weathering👏
  5. Really a great idea - I began to wonder a few posts ago why the supports where sideways (have not read all postings) - but now I see. And no need for a shelf........ 👏
  6. Excellent! The blueish colour is new to me, was it used only in the Pacific? A certain period and only on some ships? I have always had the impression that WW2 warships were grey or maybe camouflage pattern (like Bismarck). It looks great, and the rubber marks on the flight deck is also great.
  7. I guess that she will be really impressed....... or am I wrong? So far it has been with great delight that I have follow your progress - impressive (showed some pictures of PE where you can see the "smallness" - she was impressed but commented " I hope you are not going to build something as big as that" Shamrock
  8. When drilling several holes in plastic models (motorcycle brake disc vent holes scale 1:12) I have found that using a tool that you can hold like a pencil. Dremel or Proxxon multitool or a simple pin vice (I use Amatis), will put less stress sideways on the drill - thus less drill breakage Shamrock
  9. Any reviews or experiences on this kit? Bought it second hand from ebay. Looks fine, but quite old, no laser-cutting, have to do it with a scroll saw. Major problem is - instructions are all in german. Has anyone got an english language instruction??
  10. A beatiful ship!! And the craftmanship looks really great. No worries mate (about the frame thickness). As you say - when you are ready the overall impression will be great Shamrock
  11. Your ropes looks great to me. Is there any tricks or advices you can share if I try one? Or is it just trial and error to getting used to it? Shamrock
  12. Thanks Good advice is always listened to Shamrock
  13. Has anyone tested or read a review on the Amati ropewalk? It looks very simple and the price seems fair, but does it work properly? Shamrock
  14. What a kit! I do not think I can stop myself from getting it - even though I have too much in pipeline right now (three ships, two motorcycles) For anyone wanting to put som extra effort (and too much money) into this kit, I found this http://shop.autographmodel.com/L-P-1-8-motor-kit-Arno-Hydroplane-Ferrari-Engine "Only" 900 euro!!! I am lucky that it is not in stock - the Admiral would have me keel-hauled. But what a kit!!! The building instruction is downloadable if you want to torture yourself Scamrock
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