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Everything posted by fmodajr

  1. Hi Mark, Nice to hear from you! I used a walnut stain and then put a coat of a satin polyurethane on afterwards. Quick question for you: The Corel plans show the lower platform of the mizzenmast slightly higher than the lower platform for the mainmast. On the Vasa museum plans (Fred Hocker's plan's from the 1980's) shows the mizzenmast platform slightly lower than the mainmast. Any thoughts? Right now my mizzen mast is slightly higher, but would be easy to lower. Thanks, Frank
  2. George, Thanks for your kind comments! Working on the bowsprit now! Frank
  3. Hello! Thanks for all the "Like" clicks! I had a few minutes (in-between shoveling out from 2 large snow storms) to finish up the upper sections of the 3 masts. So now I will set them aside and begin work on the bowsprit assembly. After I am finished the bowsprit, I have to figure out and install the blocks on the masts and bowsprit before I mount them. Thanks, Frank
  4. Karl, Very nice work! You seem to be near the end. What project (if any) are you thinking about next? Frank
  5. Hi Andy, Welcome! Do you have any more picts of your ship? The couple I see are very nice! Is it a kit model your building? Frank
  6. Hi George, Thanks for your kind comments. Your more than welcome to follow along. There are a few other fantastic active Vasa logs at this site to give you a different perspective! Thanks, Frank
  7. Hello Edwin, Too Funny!! Thanks for your comments I started model ship building back in 1998 (after a 15 year hiatus in order to raise a couple of kids). I have slowly built up my collection of tools over the last 17 years. Yes, it can get expensive! I try to treat myself with something new once a year. Hey, I could be spending my money on Golf Club memberships instead! This hobby is more fun! Thanks, Frank
  8. Photos of the mast caps mounted on the tops of the lower masts. Photos of the mid sections mounted onto the lower sections and mast caps. Metal brace attached to the mast and mast caps. I almost forgot! I drilled a hole thru the top of the mid section masts for the future rigging of the yards. Now onto the upper sections of the masts. I did not realize that they would end up this tall! Thanks, Frank
  9. Hello, Thanks again for all the likes! I know I am repeating myself, but I really appreciate it. Thanks for visiting. I am now working on the mid section of the 3 masts. I don't have a lathe, so here is how I tapered the mast sections, using my drill press. Shaped mid section pieces, ready for staining. I decided to remake the mast caps from scratch. I did not like the ones that came with the kit. Also, I wanted to keep the wood consistent by using walnut. I squared up some walnut and drilled and squared the middle to fit the lower mast tops. Now I glued a second piece on top of the lower piece above. The next step was to measure the mid section mast dia's at the point where they would meet the mast caps. Then I drilled the holes thru both sections of the mast caps. Now I cut the mast caps thru the center of the holes drilled above Photos of finish mast caps shaped, rounded, stained and with metal fittings applied.
  10. Mark, Great job fitting in the lower stern tower! Looking very nice! Frank
  11. Thanks again everyone for the likes! Karl and Michael, Thanks you for your comments! It is appreciated. I finished up the last steps to the platform and mounted them to the masts. I am glad this step is over! I used 28 gage black wire and twisted them around the deadeyes Then I drill the correct size holes thru the platforms and inserted the deadeyes. From underneath the platform, I cut the excess wire and formed a loop. (I will later pass the rigging for the shrouds thru the eyes) Now I fitted and glued the platforms to the 3 lower masts Test fitted the masts onto the ship Now I will be moving onto the mid and upper mast pieces. Thanks, Frank
  12. Karl, Fantastic update to your log. I love the look and the job you have done with your rigging and sails. Looking at the pictures is getting me excited about starting the rigging and sail making on my ship soon. Frank
  13. Hi Michael, Thanks for your remarks above, but as you know, it works both ways. I have also picked up many great ideas following your excellent log! Frank P.S. Tomorrow night into Thursday morning is supposed to be the coldest weather that we've had in 4 years. Perrrrrrfect!!
  14. Congratulations on your beautiful model! Like Jan above, I did not realize you would stop after the lower masts, so I will miss continuing to follow your progress! Superb work and glad to hear that a case is in the works to keep her safe! Frank
  15. Hello Edwin! Thank you so much for your thoughts. Yes, I agree that the workmanship quality of the other Vasa builders has been an inspiration for me to improve the quality of my ship model! Thanks again, Frank
  16. Michael and Mark, Thanks for your kind comments. It is appreciated! I finished the work on the upper railing for the platforms. These platforms have taken me way longer than I had anticipated. Hopefully they look a little bit more like the real thing than those metal pieces that came with the Corel kit! This is a photo of a completed post for the upper half railing Six posts glued onto the larger platforms Four posts glued onto the smaller platforms Photos of the upper railing glued and nailed into place on the large platforms! Photos of the upper railing on the smaller platforms So, I have only 1 step left before I mount these platforms onto the masts. I have to position and attach the deadeyes on the platforms. I think it will be easier to drill out the holes and position them before I attach the platforms to the mast. Hopefully I will be starting the upper masts sections real soon. Thanks, Frank
  17. Andre, Glad that your back working on the Vasa. Nice work on the anchors! Frank
  18. Mark, Great work on the bow section! Yes those galleries are a pain. I think you and Nigel got it right in that there should be more of a taper to the side of the hull. I barely got my Rear tower on the lower gallery to fit under the upper gallery. Keep the photos coming! Happy New Year. Frank
  19. Hello Michael, Happy New Year! Glad to see that you were able to salvage that broken piece. I almost had that happen to me! I was going to add a comment about maybe getting the gun port lids on first, but I see from the pictures that you have the hinges predrilled and ready to go. Good thinking! Have fun with the other side! Great job, Frank
  20. I finished wrapping my Christmas gifts, so I had a little time for another post before Christmas ​This may be a little repetitious from the above post, but I took some pictures of the work I did on the smaller platforms. I cut some walnut to the length and width I needed. Then I notched the bottom front corner, using a table saw set to the correct height. I notched the top side to establish the correct spacing and then ground the angle on the bottom side to match the angle of the Corel platform. Then I ground the top side using an oscillating sander. Pictures of the 4 platforms all assembled with the lower railing, similar to the large platforms Now after the Christmas holidays, I have to figure out the posts for the upper half railings on the platforms! Thanks, Frank
  21. Matti, Best wishes on your recovery. Your Vasa continues to be an inspiration for me. Happy Holidays and may the New Year bring you good health! Frank
  22. Thanks Ulises! I think your Vasa log was one of the first logs I started visiting in order to give me inspiration to start my Vasa build. Hopefully you have it proudly being displayed in your home! Frank
  23. Hello Nautilus! Thanks for your comments! I think a lot of us Vasa builders are in roughly the same stages of the build. It is very interesting to see all the different ideas that come from all the logs! Frank
  24. Hi Michael! The nails I am using were bought at Micromark.com. I believe you bought your spikes there? The nail size item number is #14315. I blackened them before I nailed them in. Sounds like you are going to have a great time with you son and his family! Enjoy! I will have a difficult time working on my ship this next week or so due to all the festivities going on at my end. Happy Holidays and talk to you soon! Frank
  25. Mark, Thanks for visiting! I wanted to let you know that I used 3 tools and manual files to make those brackets. First I cut the width and length of the brackets with a small table saw (I have the Byrnes model but a preac would work fine) Then, using the same table saw, I set the height of the saw and making a few passes, I notched the slots on the right side. Next step was to grind the lower angle using a small face (disk) grinder. Finally I shaped the curve on top with my Rigid oscillating grinder, using the smallest tube I had. Then I touch up cleaned everything with a small hand file. (no milling machine used!!) The brackets for the 4 smaller platforms will be a little more difficult, because the items will be much smaller and harder to hold while repeating the steps above. Happy Holidays to you and best wishes for the New Year! Frank
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