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Not so sure now about the new canons I've decided to build both sets the Caldercraft will be stained and the plastic billings I will paint red hopefully show some pics tomo and ask for advice as to which to use 




Hi Steve,


I'm not a slave to scale, but the bits and pieces have to look the part. The guns the Bounty carried were 4 pounders. More for "bark" than for "bite" really. The shot they fired were about the size of a tennis ball. That said, the Caldercraft cannon look a tad large to my eyes. Especially when you show one of them positioned at one of the gun ports. I vote for the Billing guns, since you're asking. As for the plastic bits, I'm not adverse to that either. A coat of suitably coloured paint hides the material from the squeamish... The Billing gun barrels are also more pleasing, to my eyes anyway.



Build Log: Billing - Cutty Sark


In The Gallery: HMS Unicorn, HMAV Bounty, L'Etoile, Marie Jeanne, Lilla Dan, Zeeschouw "Irene"


A Toast: To a wind that blows, A ship that goes, And the lass that loved a sailor!


thank you peter for your imput I will def reconsider which to use and will put 100# into building both sets so not to favour wood or plastic as I'm sure great things can be done with plastic a side of modelling I'm a bit unfamiliar with




hello all some more shots of the canons I disassembled the wood carriages and rebated the axles in deeper this has reduced the height a bit ive painted one of the plastic canons im prob overthinking them but im interested in you guys opinion I personaly prefer the wooden ones but the plastic could work the wood version are certainly a bigger cannon and not what bounty would have carried is it so much wrong looking that it takes from the model ? I do not know what do you guys think? there is no right or wrong answer here im only looking your opinion thanks DSC00727.jpg.806c34e4b2278f54439b377da6ecd566.jpgDSC00728.jpg.23c58b52abeaef741e87dfbbaf9de72a.jpgDSC00730.jpg.711d62d17a68fc576fed30ff66e6d1d3.jpgDSC00731.jpg.d138528981d5440343a3bf8e82b87f94.jpgDSC00732.jpg.d1a7511b13d64b300fbfcd6b93a57f06.jpgDSC00733.jpg.f18ad055f4a3fca25a5137abb53def43.jpgDSC00734.jpg.bbfc8a80c72022fda4bbbdaa627196cd.jpgDSC00735.jpg.1d5b2afe77e758191185a1dd74dc309b.jpgDSC00736.jpg.7bcd429df863b12d3dc72a136b992fab.jpg




I do respect peters opinion very much he has built one before I haven't yet , my issue with adding plastic is as soon as I do that friends and family have the opinion oh it's just a kit they have no idea of the work involved they just think kit and anyone can do that and as I have added before the closest ive ever got to a ship like this in real life is a passenger ferry

the tall ships festival did visit Belfast in 1991 however I would have been 11 and took no interest ,what a site to see if that occurred again 

EDIT It's seems after a google search they also visited in 2015 a time still before I had any interest 




Hi Chap,

Having not built anything before with Cannons, I don't know.

with "Comparison" there doesn't seen to be an awful lot of difference, however, I am no "Aficionado" on such matters.

(Personal choice?)




Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Hi Steve 

i think the wooden cannons are better, the plastic ones don't look like cannon from that era. The wood ones look more like the real thing. Google search "Cooks cannon" should come up with pics of the cannons recovered 200 years after they were thrown overboard. They are most likely the same type as would have been on the Bounty



Current Build: HMB Endeavour 1:51 (Eaglemoss part work)

Previous Builds: USS Constitution (Revell plastic) HMS Victory 1:96 (Corel) HMB Endeavour 1:60 (AL)


Hello all here is some pictures of the wooden canons rigged I still need to add some rope coils but will wait until more deck furniture is placed so I can position them .

I was going to build and rig the plastic canons for comparison but feel I will only end up back with the wood canons purely because I like the different colours interacting and also it has taken me the best part of a week of my free time to rig these ones





Hi Steve,  This is a question not a criticism. The blocks seem large - are they in scale with the cannon?


Current BuildsBluenose II - AKrabbenkutter / Prince de Neufchatel / Essex Cross-section / Syren / Barque Stefano / Winchelsea / Half Hull / Maria HF31 - Dusek / Bandirma - Turkmodel

On the Shelf: Santisima Trinidad and Cross Section / HMS Cutter Alert / Tender AVOS / Confederacy

Suspended Build: Bluenose II - Billing Boats Nr 600 


Hi Doug thanks for asking I was going to ask others the same question they do look rather big especially the double hole blocks unfortunately they all I had to hand as I don't think the kit provides any for the canons ,also the space between the rear eyebolt and the rear of the canon surely is not enough to retract the gun from the gun port I did consider not using blocks at all but feel adding them gives a bit more realistic look to the untrained eye which apart from on here will be her audience 




I think the blocks are a positive for sure.   By the way, the cannons look very cool.  


Current BuildsBluenose II - AKrabbenkutter / Prince de Neufchatel / Essex Cross-section / Syren / Barque Stefano / Winchelsea / Half Hull / Maria HF31 - Dusek / Bandirma - Turkmodel

On the Shelf: Santisima Trinidad and Cross Section / HMS Cutter Alert / Tender AVOS / Confederacy

Suspended Build: Bluenose II - Billing Boats Nr 600 


Thank you Doug and thank you for raising the question I'm keen to hear from others on there verdict on blocks and scale however I'm happy as they are but advice for future builds would be positive 




The blocks, especially the double ones, are a little big. I think once things are all finished on the deck, rigging and masting  there will be so much to look at that they won't be noticed. I would not worry about it too much, just one of those things to keep in mind for the next build. Your build is coming along great, nice work


Ahhh that is a good one:D:D:P. You brought tears to my eyes laughing


Howdy Steve,


What a beautiful boat you have there.  I mean, really, REALLY beautiful.  I read the entire thread, and I have to admit that the planking job you did alone is enough to scare me off of ever doing a wood kit (unless it's solid hull).  I will be following your build and then stealing good ideas for my plastic bounty.  


Ciao for now 


Hi Steve,


I've just started following your build. I'm 3 months into building the Artesania Latina Bounty myself and started my own build log a few days ago.

Whilst your kit is obviously different to mine in may areas, I've already found your build to be very useful in helping me deal with some of the up and coming issues I'm expecting to run into.

Your planking is absolutely fantastic, I'll definitely be taking some tips from your expertise if you don't mind.

I'll continue watching your progress with interest. She's looking truly beautiful so far :) 


I've run into the same problem of the blocks supplied with the kit being too large for the canons. I have bought some smaller ones through Syren that I intend to use on S.R. but on on other builds I have left the larger ones and while I know and a lot of people on here know they are not quite right, my main audience of friends and family are just impressed that I rigged all of those blocks! ;) As already stated, once everything else is in place there will be so much to look at that they will hardly be noticed.


By the way, your rigging on the canons as well as the canons themselves look fantastic!

"A Smooth Sea NEVER made a Skilled Sailor"
- John George Hermanson 



Current Builds - Royal Louis - Mamoli

                    Royal Caroline - Panart

Completed - Wood - Le Soleil Royal - Sergal - Build Log & Gallery

                                           La Couronne - Corel - Build Log & Gallery

                                           Rattlesnake - Model Shipways, HMS Bounty - Constructo

                           Plastic - USS Constitution - Revel (twice), Cutty Sark.

Unfinished - Plastic - HMS Victory - Heller, Sea Witch.

Member : Nautical Research Guild




Thank you very much EJ for the kind words and continued following and thanks others for the responses I'm blown away by the kind comments I never thought when I first joined and looked at other builds I could achieve a build worth a following from others Grendal the artesania latina kit looks very nice I recently built an artesania latina kit and went for a natural unpainted finish I'm really enjoying this painted build but I think my next build will be natural and perhaps another artesania kit as I really liked there way of doing things I used a clear gloss laquer (maybe not for most but really liked the finish ) U can check that build out see if it gives you any ideas it's the mare nostrum mentioned earlier in this log 




Hello all thinking ahead I'm considering what to do with the dead eyes my initial thoughts was to paint them and asked the question of how to paint multiple parts at once on another thread with some nice suggestions my question is should I paint them or leave them as they are 




Are you asking about the deadeyes themselves or the iron rings and chain plates? I think the iron works should be black but I have seen some nice models with them made from brass. Unless the deadeyes are made from a very white wood, in which case I would probably stain them walnut, I would leave them their natural color. 

"A Smooth Sea NEVER made a Skilled Sailor"
- John George Hermanson 



Current Builds - Royal Louis - Mamoli

                    Royal Caroline - Panart

Completed - Wood - Le Soleil Royal - Sergal - Build Log & Gallery

                                           La Couronne - Corel - Build Log & Gallery

                                           Rattlesnake - Model Shipways, HMS Bounty - Constructo

                           Plastic - USS Constitution - Revel (twice), Cutty Sark.

Unfinished - Plastic - HMS Victory - Heller, Sea Witch.

Member : Nautical Research Guild




Some of the deck furniture and gratings built and fitted im trying to replace plywood parts with hardwood where reasonably possible the plywood will stain or paint up but I find less coats required with hardwood .


The next  few pictures show the bowsprit bracket fitted or how I fitted it billings instructions don't show much in this, after studying for a few hrs a checking all other logs I found nothing so decided to rebate the brackets into the keel I know this will make more sense if your actually building the billings version so I hope these help





Howdy Steve,


She continues to become a beautiful girl!  You are my muse on this one.  Question:  The bulwarks are red.  Is that historically accurate or an aesthetic choice? 


Ciao for now

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all back with another update ,after rigging the ships wheel and rudder control lines using the kit supplied blocks I decided to replace the blocks with smaller walnut blocks and whilst I was at that I ordered up some replacement blocks for the canons and had a redo on those ,and also while I was at it ordered all new walnut deadeyes to replace the kit boxwood deadeyes .there has also been a few more bits built not included in the kit like the ships binnacle and belaying pin racks I built from scratch and added using the john McKay book for ref.




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