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Posted (edited)

I have found the drawing files and have reduced them to below 2Mb (from 5.5Mb originals). I hope they are readable. I will post the written instruction sheets asap. The originals are 1:50 scale at B1 (1000 x 707) print size.




Edited by Blackie

Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah


Blackie - I just realized I have been remiss in getting that gun lid sketch to you.  Tonight I will draw something up to show the direction I was going.  Sorry!



  • 4 weeks later...

Bdr - You should start a log of your own. this is interesting. You did a great job on the rigging of this gun, but is a bit out of period? are you building a Baltimore clipper? if so I doubt they have a gun of this type.

Current Builds - 18th Century Longboat, MS Syren

Completed Builds - MS Bluenose, Panart BatteStation Cross section, Endevour J Boat Half Hull, Windego Half Hull, R/C T37 Breezing Along, R/C Victoria 32, SolCat 18

On the shelf - Panart San Felipe, Euromodel Ajax, C.Mamoli America, 


Its a sailor's Life for me! :10_1_10:


Sorry to be out of the loop but I am travelling with limited access to wifi.

Bdr, I agree with Floyd that it is great gun rigging but also query if a BC had that type of gun. perhaps you are not making a BC.

I also thing that you should start your own log as you are likely to be going much faster that I am just now,

I'll be I touch in a few weeks.


Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah


Igor - Since you posted your pictures in this build log, I think both Blackie and I assumed you were building a Baltimore Clipper. You are correct that the Harvey never actually existed. And BCs are closely related to the American Pilot Boat. I can see lots of similarity between yours and this model. Is yours a kit or did you build from scratch.


I still suggest you start your own build log. I would not worry about the Language differences. We have lots of non native English speakers on this forum. If you had your own log you might get more input.


I would like to know where you got you plans and other materials. This boat is interesting. I also note the date of 1815. 

Current Builds - 18th Century Longboat, MS Syren

Completed Builds - MS Bluenose, Panart BatteStation Cross section, Endevour J Boat Half Hull, Windego Half Hull, R/C T37 Breezing Along, R/C Victoria 32, SolCat 18

On the shelf - Panart San Felipe, Euromodel Ajax, C.Mamoli America, 


Its a sailor's Life for me! :10_1_10:

  • 4 weeks later...



I have deleted Igor's hijack of this log.  And all of his posts which seem to be reflecting a pirated kit.  I'll continue to monitor just in case.  


Thanks for your forbearance.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



Posted (edited)

Time to update the log after a small amount of work. I am slowly working on the rigging and starting on the deck fittings as shown in the attached. Rigging is not yet trimmed or fixed for the last time as I might need to rejig it just to get in something else such as braces for the yards yet to be fitted.







Edited by Blackie

Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah


That's some excellent workmanship Blackie, and many of the features of this model appear to be very similar to the Carmen that I am working on, so I'll be using your photo's for reference when I get stuck and need some inspiration.  Thank you!


vary nice clean work u have done keep up the great work


I have rigged the boom, main sheet, topping lifts but can't take a photo of it just yet. I thought that I had settled on a main sheet/block arrangement but found that when I rigged it the blocks clashed with the top of the rudder stock. Then I decided on another arrangement and cut off one of the blocks and moved the second one towards the outer end of the boom. Big lesson here - never remove something until you really, really must! I redid the main sheet and realised that while I would change the direction of the sheet through the blocks, I needed to original configuration even if they had to be shifted aft. So I remade the cut strop and refitted it which meant removing the boom from the mast and all of the unnecessary messing about that went with it. I'll think longer before next time I think that I must change something.


Anyway, to do something different I thought that I would make a few oars for the ship's boat. The first two were way too short but good practice. With the longer loom and shank I needed a longer slot to take the blade and it was beyond me to do it by hand past about 6-7mm length used on the shorter versions. My blade in the electric saw cuts a wide slot which in the 2mm shank is too wide and leaves little of the narrow shank to fit either side of the blade. I then decided that as the oars would all be fitted flat onto the boat's thwarts I needed only one side of the shank and have proceeded with that Idea. The part finished oars are shown. I'll probably only fit 6 oars into the finished boat so can choose the best of the lot.


Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah


post-2947-0-23252800-1410570237_thumb.jpegHelp please.

I was about to start rigging my longboat which is hung from davits over the Harvey's stern when I began to question my proposed rigging. 

I propose to use hooked double blocks with falls up through the davits and hooked onto eyebolts within the boat. This is the usual rigging for boats later in the 19th century, say steel baques, schooners, etc.

Does anyone have an opinion on the size of the blocks and diameter of the falls for an early 19th C timber Baltimore schooner?


The boat will require some gripes to stop it swinging and banging into the transom so I was also proposing to fit some type of gripes and gripe rail.  Mondfeld's Historic Ship Models has the info shown on the sketch but it has no rail. In my case I have rudder pendents which might foul the rail and gripes. Any comments on gripe layout?


Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah


Good time of day. I have the same problem. Can not find a diagram how to properly hang the boat. The Mondfel′da is simplified.

  • 2 weeks later...

Slow and steady, but I have finally fitted the boat to the stern davits. The photos are a bit rough but show the work as it progressed. The gripes are made from an old handkerchief which the boss surrendered. It was stained in cold tea and rinsed in diluted PVA glue. After drying I cut some 2mm wide strips which were still reasonably flexible and added some brass rings to tie them to eye bolts in the stern rail. There is a gripe rail with padding between the boat and the transom but the photo of that was out of focus. The gripe rail is required to keep the boat off the rudder pendants and to pull the gripes against, same as for boats fitted to davits along the bulwarks.  





Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah

  • 5 months later...

It's been some time since I added to my log. As you know, other hobbies, travel, etc get in the way. However, I have managed to rig foot ropes and stirrups to the jibboom, boom and the spread yard. I've also rigged halyards, downhauls and sheets to the fore staysail, inner jib and outer jib together with the appropriate blocks. I have also rigged brace and lift pendants to the yards which are almost ready to rig on the model.


All of these are very difficult to photograph so I've included some poor photos of two guns that I have almost rigged. I have decided to rig the starboard side with guns seized up for sailing and those on the starboard side ready for firing or just fired. 



Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone!


I started the kit build and after attaching the  false deck I laid the ship up against the plans. My build is smaller than the plans. Whoops, screeching halt!!

Does anyone have the plans from the Harvey kit that are for the smaller ship?  Please reply to keimach@yahoo.com

I would be glad to exchange plans or pay for shipping if you could donate your copies to a 77 year old with limited funds.

Thanks if you can help.




A few more images showing the build at present.



Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah


Beautiful.  You really should add a ruler to the shot so people realize just how big that ship is!


Keep up the momentum!



  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Mark


Yes I did forget the scale rule, so for anyone interested the following will help:

The model is 1000mm overall length by 710 high from keel to main topmast truck. The hull is 660 long plus 240 for the bowsprit and jib boom and 100 extra for the main boom. Luckily I have place for it in my house when it is completed.


I am nearly finished the gun rigging and then I can fit the yards which are completed.

Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah

  • 11 months later...

The website no longer sends me notifications so probably won't be back so this is likely my final post as the model is near as complete except for a few rope coils and mounting it somehow. I have attached a few quick shots if anyone is still interested. 

This modified version of the Harvey has taken me years because of work and other commitments but I am happy with it in its final Baltimore Schooner form. Probably a few errors in history but I'm not changing it now.










Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah

  • 4 years later...

Hi Blackie

My next build will be the Harvey.  Your instruction notes will be very useful.  Lovely model you made!

The question I have that with many AL kits the scale is actually wrong.  So the question I have, is in your research for the Harvey did you establish what the length of the "real" ship was on deck?



Hi Vytis

Thanks for the comments. I started the Harvey model about 2000/2001 but as I have said it took quite a while because of other commitments. I built the hull first up to the deck just as the kit detailed and then it sat under a dust sheet for a long time. Then over more time, I started to do some research into Baltimore Schooners. No doubt you know that there never was a "Harvey" so I decided to use it to make my version of a Baltimore Schooner. But by then I had a hull and I decided to stick with it - it had taken a lot of work to get that far! As I researched I read books, looked at photos and then drew my own plans for the deck layout and the rigging. I probably used most, Howard Irving Chapelle The Baltimore Clipper 1965 and Lennarth Petersson Rigging Period Fore-and-Aft Craft 2007. These and other books have line drawings with dimensions for the BS craft. The books, especially Chapelle state that the BS craft all varied in dimensions but generally they grew out of the Royal Navy schooners which were "shortish" at 75' to 80', then American built in 1812 to 1820 at about 95' to 100' and then later they became longer when they began in the slave trade. No doubt other members will contradict me but the above is taken form a very quick reread of Chapelle. Those dimensions are the deck length so as the Harvey model is about 610mm on the deck it equates to 100' (30.5m) which is OK for my model which I claim is about 1812. Looking back there are some things I would change but it is completed after many years and other projects beckon.


Perhaps you need to settle on a period that your model will represent and can you get copies of the above books?

Cheers Blackie

PS feel free to contact me anytime



Current build: Amati Shamrock V 1:80

Past Builds: Kits: Schooner for Port Jackson, MSY and St Lucia (Tartane), Panart, Modified Harvey, AL

Scratch: Captain Cook III Pilot Steamer, Kookaburra II motor launch, Sydney Heritage Fleet Steam Tug Waratah


Thanks Blackie.  I already have Lennarth's book and it has been useful in building Scottish Maid.  I'll get the Chapelle book too.

I found some Italian 1964 kit plans for Harvey (that I did not know was a immagination of a BS!) that only shows 8 guns.  Unlike Lynx of 1812 that had several more.  Therefore I think 79" is more to the size of ship I am going to build.   ie 1:40.  But will research a bit more.

Thanks for reaching out.


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