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though not a build log as such, i thought i'd share something i've imagined for many many years, at which time, i partly put together a heller soleil royal........i disliked the hull so much, i gave it away....i really don't know if i can do this but i'm sure gonna have fun trying.....will probably be my swan song 😁

   and now, marc,neko, was kind enough to share his lines, and i got all inspired again...and marc, hubac, found me a good deal on a kit, which i'm expecting in a few days....

   sooooooo....i put the hull together and found a pic of the top bulwarks.....i'll have to wait for the kit to see if i can make it all come together.....mostly working on the revell constitution now, so it will be a while before things come together.....dream on vic dream on....



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ok ok.....i think i just may be able to make it work.......had to narrow the stern top somewhat and fatten the bottom....but it flows ok..for me it's like making a clay sculpture...add some take some away etc...........the deck distances are less on the build up, but i'll just have to rely on craftistic licence i guess....i may try to shorten that decoration at the bottom, and make the gunport higher....we'll see...waiting for some swiss pear for the exposed planking on the gun decks....will use basswood for the rest, which will be whiteish or black......

     it's sure a fun challenge, like searching my brain to find out what makes sense to me....what i can change, and what i'll have to live with....kinda like life 😄.....will only post occasionally, any major resolutions.....my right eye is getting blurry now......i hope i can make it through painting the gold....some guys here have done such a magnificent job, i suffer some anxiety over that prospect.....i mainly wish just to do the hull now, then back to finishing the constitution...  i have to work outside of the retirement apts....i wasn't going to do any more wood....but i just had to try  this, cause it was on the back of my mind for maybe 30 years....



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You know you have my full support, Vic, and it will be fascinating to see what the Heller model looks like with a correct hull volume.  You’ll have some interesting work ahead of you at the head, but I know your artistic talents are up to the task!

We are all works in progress, all of the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

got the bow roughed out, and cut out the fillagree background...would like to get on with the planking, but i have to wait, maybe a few weeks for the pearwood i ordered, cause the fellow's saw broke down...bow is extended compared to the kit, and will move the heads outwards....it seems to all fit, so i think the brain strain is over 🙂

only have primitive tools to work with now...gave all away when i moved into the retirement apts.............but i'll make do....





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  • 2 weeks later...

  ok................got the hull built.....i guess, the most challenging thing i've done....constantly fighting off ''i'm crazy...i'm nuts'' etc.....but i persevered, and ended up with this.....not a work of art, but at least it will give a different perspective to the heller kit, which to me, makes it worth it......i think deck and wales could have been a tiny bit higher at the bow, but that's the way it came out .....painting will be just ok cause i've never had experience with the microscopic before...but all in all i think it will end up looking ok...used a cheap wood lower hull and a quick planking job, because it will be painted.....

   got the wooden decks from czech republic.....but won't add sails......next...finishing the hull......oh i shortened the fore and main topmasts... i just ball parked it.....ha...the whole ship is a ball park model 😃....next post.....some time in the future...cheers,           vc







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This looks awesome and much more plausibly seaworthy than the Heller kit.  And, as a matter of fact, I think you have the forward sheer of the lower wales just right.  On the Heller kit, they rise a little too much.  You sure do make fast work of a tricky project!

We are all works in progress, all of the time.

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guess you're right since i only got the wood a week ago, when i started the planking.....now that the fitting is done, aside from a bit more figuring it out, i think i can now focus on the fiddley-do finishing, which again, will just be ok, as i really wanted to just get it done, so if i died tomorrow, i wouldn't have to be reborn so i could do the darn thing 😄 i'm to old to  practice master building , i leave that to people like you 🙂 and thanks for your encouragement marc....and cheers to you....


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On 5/27/2022 at 6:00 PM, yancovitch said:

though not a build log as such, i thought i'd share something i've imagined for many many years, at which time, i partly put together a heller soleil royal........i disliked the hull so much, i gave it away....i really don't know if i can do this but i'm sure gonna have fun trying.....will probably be my swan song 😁

   and now, marc,neko, was kind enough to share his lines, and i got all inspired again...and marc, hubac, found me a good deal on a kit, which i'm expecting in a few days....

   sooooooo....i put the hull together and found a pic of the top bulwarks.....i'll have to wait for the kit to see if i can make it all come together.....mostly working on the revell constitution now, so it will be a while before things come together.....dream on vic dream on....



I was very happy to find your next build here. I will be happy to watch. Thank you for continuing..:imNotWorthy:


Done : President - https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=90230
Under construction : Roter Lowe - https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=114576


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well...i'm quite sure it's gonna work now thank god.....quite a relief.......pic showing the color combination.....hull is going to be finely sanded and re-painted, but i want to let it completely dry before i try.......will now work on cannons and simple ''secure'' mounts for the lower decks and finger out frames for the gunports.....cheers........




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yea i'm quite  happy with it.....the gold i always use is sheffield metalic deep 2fl. oz. bottle...it's darker, which i really like.. i just ordered some, but i haven't heard anything yet....it's very hard to find although amazon.ca as it for $43.80 a bottle, amazing.....but as a last resort, if these other fellas don't come through........

        ..and i mixed some tamiya flat paints for the blue..a couple of dark blues plus a little grey....hey you guys are up late...12:15 am here....

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  • 2 weeks later...

ha...i'm afraid i just can't do these little things well....i guess that's why i always built big 🙂

   as much as i tried, i couldn't get it close to neko's drawing, and fit the parts in the kit..i should have made the lower gun decks higher.......but anyways.....hands getting shaky now and i again consider this a ''close enough for jazz'' build, as i can never compete with the meticulous fellas here....and painting those little reliefs??...yuk....i could never do them justice....but i just do what i can....and i think it gives one a good idea of what a full hull would look like....opposed to the shallow pregnant one in the kit.....

   waiting for more paint to arrive...and cannons are all ready to attach....with squished down carriages 🙃....couldn't get the right spacing between the decks and the gunports.....but again..i think it will look ok in the end........i will attach the cut out reliefs to the inner wall of the stern galleries......cheers...........


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ok...still lots of touching up to do, but i lowered the two sculptures, and to me it balances much better.......i may re-open the cannon port on the side gallery...haven't decided...all's recessed.....

   lazy bones method of installing cannon port lids....drilled 4  holes....inserted 2 wires on the bottom, which i'll blacken somehow....inserted braided beading wire on top, which will hold paint better...now i can move the lids without breaking anything...the top lines just slide in and out and stay straight....

   working on support for the rails now.....cheers.......




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This is an interesting move to lower Africa and the Americas figures;  it does seem to lower the whole center of gravity of the stern in a pleasing way.  Arguably, they have a more reasonable perch, given the scale of the figures, upon the mid-balcony rail.

We are all works in progress, all of the time.

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thanks mucho for the likes, and i'm glad you approve of the lowered figures........haha...and now i know what they're called🙂....and aside from the gun ports being a bit too low, i'm happy with the results, and can enjoy looking at a ship with a feasible hull....thanks to neko, wherever he is 🙄

lots of touching up and finishing to do now...i just needed to get everything in place........no need to post progress, until the hull is finished, after that...... the rigging..... which, for me, is not the fun part 🙂


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ok....it's probably my last posting until finished, god willing........just wish to show the shape of the hull compared to the heller hull.....the decoration on the stem is temporary, until i figure out something better....and of course, still much finicky finishing to do...and compared to the mess on the inside, it looks ok on the outside 😁..thanks for looking....cheers,........................... vic










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