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HMS Speedy by usedtosail - Vanguard Models - Scale 1:64

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I finished up the rigging on the driver boom and moved on to the adding the lift lines to the yards. I started with the lower yards and worked my way up to the topG yard lifts. I think the hardest part of adding these was threading the lines down through the mast tops to the deck without having them foul other lines. I also added the jib boom guys to the bowsprit, which go through eye bolts on the sport sail yard and end with tackles hooked to eye bolts in the hull. These were pretty straight forward.


I am now to the point of adding the sheets, tacks and other sail control lines. I have also been going back and replacing lines that I didn't like the look of, mostly because I had already tied them off and trimmed them but they have gone slack. I am really not happy with the ratlines. As you can see in the close up picture in the previous post, the knots have not stayed tight and many off the end knots have come loose. I may go drastic and remove them all and redo them, even though I have to work around other lines now. I have not have this problem to this degree on past builds, but I used a polyester thread on this model where I usually use nylon thread.


In any case here how the model looks at this point.



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Great job Tom, your sails look great, I can really appreciate the effort you have gone to get such good results on a square rig, adding sails to a Cutter is enough for me at the moment!  :imNotWorthy:
As for the rat lines, yes I feel your pain and the dilemma, but as everything thing else is so great on your build, it would be a shame not to try and tackle them. 😑

Current builds:- HM Gun-brig Sparkler - Vanguard (1/64) 
HMAV Bounty - Caldercraft (1/64)

Completed (Kits):-

Vanguard Models (1/64) :HM Cutter Trial , Nisha - Brixham trawler

Caldercraft (1/64) :- HMS Orestes(Mars)HM Cutter Sherbourne

Paper Shipwright (1/250) :- TSS Earnslaw, Puffer Starlight


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Thanks Andrew. I will be addressing the rat lines as they are now to see what I can do to make them look better. I may be able to replace the few worst ones and clean up the rest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have added the sheets, tacks, and clew lines for the courses but have not tied them off yet. I used a thinner line than suggested on the plans as those lines just looked too thick. I also added the leech lines and buntlines to the courses and added the sail control lines to the jib and topmast staysail.






I am currently adding the sheets and clew lines to the topsails and topG sails, and the leech lines to the topsails.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished adding the sheets, clew lines, tacks, leech lines and bunt lines to all of the sails. I tied off the ends of all the lines so far and fixed them in place. I trimmed the lines that ended at cleats or belaying pins but not those that are tied to the fore or main bitts.






There are so many lines tied to the fore bitts, as per the belaying plans on each rigging sheet, that I am not sure how to finish these off. Do I lead each line down to the deck and add a rope coil for each one, but they would have to be stacked on one another. I thought about making some bigger rope coils and draping them over the bitts but haven't tried it yet. Any ideas you guys have would be appreciated. Some of the braces are also tied to the bitts so I won't add anything until all the lines are on the bitts.


I am now starting the braces and then will finish off with the bowlines. I still have the lines that go down from the ends of the gaff to add and the anchor lines to wrap around the fore bitts also. Plus adding rope coils to the lines on the belaying pins and cleats, but it is getting close.

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