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hello jeff the gunports are not precut on my build i have to cut them out lol  after i plank the hull not going to be fun if u know what i mean

  • 1 month later...

 Hi Jeff, She's really coming along now. You could try Gary at modellers Shipyard, he should have something there in yellow ochre. Apart from him I just get mine from the local art shop.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Jeff


I'm new to MSW and to sending messages. I'm currently building the HMS Victory Bow Model and am following

your build log. The version I have stops at Page 15. I understand there was some sort of hard drive failure

and most of the data was lost. Is there a more complete version? I also have several questions but I want

to see if this gets to you first.




I've been wondering about Jeff for somwhile, since I have the kit too and have been following – although work has stopped on mine for the time being. It doesn't look as though he's posted since 2nd January. I hope he's ok. So Jeff, if you read this I hope you can respond.


Steve, I believe that's all there is in his log, since I think the crash happened before. As far as his progress goes he's made a few good changes, and its certainly an improvement on the kit straight-from-the-box approach! Let's hope he can return to continue.



Current builds: Sherbourne (Caldercraft) scale – 1/64th;


Statsraad Lehmkuhl (half model) 1/8th" – 1'.


Victory Bow Section (Panart/Mantua) scale – 1/78th  (on hold).


Previous build: Bluenose ll (Billings) scale – 1/100th.

  • 1 year later...

Hi All,


It has been a long time since I last posted on this site, I think around 18 months. I had a break from modelling and some personal issues to deal with plus my computer decided to up and die which involved a lot of mucking around to retrieve the data on the old hard drive. I now have an external hard drive that I save everything too.

I have managed to do some work on the model in the last 12 months and I have taken heaps of photos of the work completed. I will endeavour to add a few pictures each day on the work I have completed until you catch up to where I am currently with the build.

So here goes :D The first photos are of the painted Beak head frames and the upper ochre bands. The  colour I ended up choosing for the bands in between the wales was yellow ochre made by Mantua and supplied by Modellers Shipyard, I know some of you will think it is a bit dark but I think it contrasts really well with the black




I will post some more pictures soon. Please be patient as I have a new image resizer that I'm still getting used to




Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


Hi Jeff,


Good to have you back! Sorry to hear of your personal and computer problems.


I agree with you about the bands, a nice contrast with the black. Looking forward to seeing more as you progress. :)



Current builds: Sherbourne (Caldercraft) scale – 1/64th;


Statsraad Lehmkuhl (half model) 1/8th" – 1'.


Victory Bow Section (Panart/Mantua) scale – 1/78th  (on hold).


Previous build: Bluenose ll (Billings) scale – 1/100th.


Hi Jeff,


that bow looks looks great !....

Super job on the copper plating and that capline....



Current builds

-Lightship Elbe 1


- Steamship Ergenstrasse ex Laker Corsicana 1918- scale 1:87 scratchbuild

"Zeesboot"  heritage wooden fishing small craft around 1870, POB  clinker scratch build scale 1:24

Pilot Schooner # 5 ELBE  ex Wanderbird, scale 1:50 scratchbuild

Mississippi Sterwheelsteamer built as christmapresent for grandson modified kit build

Chebec "Eagle of Algier" 1753--scale 1:48-POB-(scratchbuild) 

"SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" four stacker passenger liner of 1897, blue ribbond awarded, 1:144 (scratchbuild)
"HMS Pegasus" , 16 gun sloop, Swan-Class 1776-1777 scale 1:64 from Amati plan 

-"Pamir" 4-mast barque, P-liner, 1:96  (scratchbuild)

-"Gorch Fock 2" German Navy cadet training 3-mast barque, 1:95 (scratchbuild) 

"Heinrich Kayser" heritage Merchant Steamship, 1:96 (scratchbuild)  original was my grandfathers ship

-"Bohuslän" , heritage ,live Swedish museum passenger steamer (Billings kit), 1:50 

"Lorbas", river tug, steam driven for RC, fictive design (scratchbuild), scale appr. 1:32

under restoration / restoration finished 

"Hjejlen" steam paddlewheeler, 1861, Billings Boats rare old kit, scale 1:50


Hi Jeff.

Never 2 late to carry on with the build.

Looks good from this side of the world.


Regards Antony.

Best advice ever given to me."If you don't know ..Just ask.

Completed Mayflower

Completed Fun build Tail boat Tailboat

Completed Build Chinese Junk Chinese Pirate Junk

Completed scratch built Korean Turtle ship 1/32 Turtle ship

Completed Santa Lucia Sicilian Cargo Boat 1/30 scale Santa Lucia

On hold. Bounty Occre 1/45

Completed HMS Victory by DeAgostini modelspace. DeAgostini Victory Cross Section

Completed H.M.S. Victory X section by Coral. HMS Victory cross section

Completed The Black Pearl fun build Black Queen

Completed A large scale Victory cross section 1/36 Victory Cross Section


Hi All,
The next step was to plank the beak head deck, this was done off the model so both sides could be planked and the underside pained before it was fitted.
The gratings supplied for this deck are etched on a 0.5mm ply sheet, see the first photo below. To allow the gratings to sit flush I marked where they would fit on the deck and then carefully cut away the deck planks to fit them.




Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle

Posted (edited)

I have been away too long I'm having trouble loading the pictures in the order I want them :( if I remember right the pictures used to appear in the order you upload them but now they will jump into different positions and I cant work out how to load pictures into the middle of a post that is to add text before and after the picture. I have had a look at Dan Vad's "how to add pictures to your post ' but the edit button to start the process is gone :o


Any help greatly appreciated :D

Edited by Jeff-E

Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


Hi All,


After completing all that could be done to the beak head deck off the model, including painting the underside black in between the frames, it was fitted to the model.








Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


Here is another shot of the beak head deck fitted and some photos of the copper plates. The first photo of the copper plating shows the plates finished to the gore line. The next line of plates will come form the keel up to this line 





Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


Just a quick note I was sorting through my photos and realised that I have posted the fitting of the beak head deck out of sequence with how I constructed the model, the deck was not fitted until after the copper plating was completed.  

Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle

Posted (edited)

Hi All


The copper plating was now continued from the keel up the last line of plates laid.


The next two photos show the starboard side almost complete and the start of the plates along the keel on the port side. This process was fairly straight forward the hardest part being cutting the triangular shapes to fill the gaps.


The last Photo, hopefully if they come out in order, shows the coppering on the hull completed the next stage is to copper plate the keel and stem post








Edited by Jeff-E

Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


As I had planked the keel and stem post the plates where not  wide enough to cover the edge of the keel so I had to lay the plates in the centre of the keel and then bend a plate on either side of the edge to cover it


I found it easier to pre bend the plates and adjust each one as needed before gluing them on


The first three photos show how I bent the plates


Which no matter what I try I can not get them in the order I want them sorry













Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle




You're doing a great job there, and I like the way you worked the plates. Good point about the plate width too, but a good solution I think. I'll have to remember that, when I eventually get back to mine!


Nice to get the photos in order of course, but don't worry about it too much, as I think we can follow. ;)





Current builds: Sherbourne (Caldercraft) scale – 1/64th;


Statsraad Lehmkuhl (half model) 1/8th" – 1'.


Victory Bow Section (Panart/Mantua) scale – 1/78th  (on hold).


Previous build: Bluenose ll (Billings) scale – 1/100th.


   Hi  Kester,
Thank you for your kind words. It worked quite well and I was happy with the result.
The next pic shows how I shaped the plates to the curve of the keel, I stuck a piece of masking tape where the plate was going to go and trace the outline in pencil and then transferred this to the plate and cut around the outline this gave me rough profile of the shape this was then cleaned up with a file and fitted in place
The next pic shows the coppering of the starboard side of the keel completed


Sorry about the flash reflecting off the plates. I thought I had some more pictures of this stage but I can't find them :huh: they may have been lost when my old computer crashed

Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


Hi All,


The last post shows the completion of the coppering it was a fairly straight forward process except for the fact that it was quite time consuming but I am quite pleased with the result :)


So on with the next stage of the build, and from here on I hope to keep it in sequence :(.


The main rails for the beak head deck are laser cut from 5mm plywood and although it looks like the deck has straight edges there is a slight curve that theses pieces have to be bent to follow, unfortunately I don't have any photos of the jig I made to bend these parts but I can briefly describe how I did it.


Firstly I placed the head rails in tub of hot water to soak for about 30 minutes then I traced a template of the deck on paper and transferred this onto a piece of 10mm plywood and hammered nails along one side of the line.

When the parts had finished soaking I placed them against the row of nails and hammered in another row of nails to hold the part in place along the line. The parts where left to dry overnight.


Once they had dried into shape they hade to notched out to fit over the top wale and the aft end of the deck as seen I the following pictures



Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


Hi Jeff,


Good to see back at the Victory.  You copper plating looks very nice.






HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)


Hi Jeff.

Nice work with the hull plating. Looks very good.

Watching you with this build makes me want to go out and purchase this kit..


All the best.

Regards Antony.

Best advice ever given to me."If you don't know ..Just ask.

Completed Mayflower

Completed Fun build Tail boat Tailboat

Completed Build Chinese Junk Chinese Pirate Junk

Completed scratch built Korean Turtle ship 1/32 Turtle ship

Completed Santa Lucia Sicilian Cargo Boat 1/30 scale Santa Lucia

On hold. Bounty Occre 1/45

Completed HMS Victory by DeAgostini modelspace. DeAgostini Victory Cross Section

Completed H.M.S. Victory X section by Coral. HMS Victory cross section

Completed The Black Pearl fun build Black Queen

Completed A large scale Victory cross section 1/36 Victory Cross Section


Hi Slog and Antony,


Thank you both for your kind words


Welcome back to this log Captain Slog :)


Antony, I think with your skills you could build this model from scratch :)


Once the head rails were dry they were painted as the next lot of photos show.


I forgot to mention in the previous post that the drip mouldings over the gun ports were fitted the supplied parts were shaped brass strip which was epoxied onto the hull and then primed and painted black




Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


Hi All,


The stage was to build the roundhouses on the beak head deck these were made from 2 half round pieces of dowel and 0.5mm ply etching which was bent around the dowel and glued. The ply was coloured gold and black so it had to be painted. I used the mantua yellow ochre and Tamiya sky blue, which I think is a pretty nice combination.


When the ply was fixed to the dowel with the top edge aligned with an edge of the dowel a 4mm gap was left at the other end this was filled with a 1mm X 4mm plank



Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


The roundhouses and the facia were then glued into place and another piece of  1mmX 4mm strip was glued below the facia between the roundhouses.


In the second photo you will notice the supplied part that is supposed to go on top of the roundhouses. I did not use this part I cut the ends off and glued them on top of the roundhouses and glued a piece of 1mm X1mm strip between them and glued some 0.5mm strip around the edge of the ply parts.


Then gave all the bare timber a coat of paint :D







Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle

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