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James H

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Everything posted by James H

  1. Wait until you’ve done 9 or 10 in a row. They’re like falling off a log by then 😆
  2. That looks so exacting. Loving the photos too. Very clear to follow.
  3. You're always best glossing before decals, and if there's lots of moulded details on the deck, consider using a decal setting solution too. Once your decals are down, gloss over them before any weathering and a flat coat.
  4. Robert Shaw came from a town a couple miles from me too. (Westhoughton). There's a pub named after him. Quite ironic when you consider his predilection for booze!
  5. I think I was 7yrs old when I saw this film. Scared the cr@p out of me. Looking forward to watching this.
  6. She's looking real purdy 😍 There's not too much bare pear can be seen above the waterline, so it should be easy to sort a few of identical shade. I know my poly varnish did sort of level the colour across the ones I chose.
  7. A good degreaser is acetone or nail varnish remover. There should be no need to wash afterwards, but you can just rinse them in water.
  8. I never tire of seeing this one come together. Looks like you've gripped this with both hands.
  9. That really looks like it's coming along very well, and your adjustments have nailed it with the bulwark to deck fit.
  10. STAGE 70: ASSEMBLE TWO MORE ELEMENTS OF THE RIGHT FOOT More toes here, built exactly as before. Pack 8 will be with me shortly, so more soon. 😁
  11. STAGE 69: ADDING A HEEL DETAIL AND ASSEMBLING FOOT PARTS Every foot needs a heel, and this is now fitted, with a single screw locking things into position. Now it's the turn of the toes. Some of these parts are angled, but if you follow the manual, you'll see the toe parts have an indent on one side with a part number on them. I used these ass reference to make sure I got the toes correctly positioned. The grub screw also has a little thread lock to stop it coming part later. The toe tip and other toe part are fitted using a plastic bush insert and ridged pin to lock into position.
  12. STAGE 68: FITTING THE ANKLE JOINT TO THE RIGHT LEG All three pistons are removed from their sprue and the two shorter ones fitted with the rubber end caps with a black, flanged screw. The knuckle joint is also assembled and pushed into the lower leg. I do have to say these pistons are way too sloppy. There's zero traction with the piston bodies and they wobble around like mad. I'll think of something to correct this...maybe a plasticard tube wrap for the shorter pistons. As the longer one has no rubber cap, that can't be changed, but it shouldn't matter with the other two being more sturdy The foot is now pushed into position.
  13. STAGE 67: ADDING ANOTHER PART TO THE LOWER RIGHT LEG And now the right foot is started. The three ball joints are snipped from their sprue and fitted to the foot part using screws. Two more screws are used to fit the lower foot part to this...
  14. STAGE 66: ADDING ANOTHER PART TO THE LOWER RIGHT LEG Onto another piston fits two end caps. These can only fit specifically to the correct ends, and they are simply a push fit. Another screw and bush fitting are used to fit to the lower leg assembly. Small details are fitted using a small drop or two of CA. A single screw and spring washer is fitted, connecting the lower right leg to the T-800. This can be posed in any position, but I left it neutral. I don't know how easy it will be to loosen that screw when complete.
  15. STAGE 65: ADDING ANOTHER PART TO THE LOWER RIGHT LEG Another piston is fitted in the same way as the previous. The lower leg outer casing is now fitted. This also has a keyed system that stops it being incorrectly placed. The shin is now fitted. A few spots of CA are needed at the top and bottom, and once in position, a screw fastens it to the stationary piston.
  16. STAGE 64: ADDING ANOTHER PART TO THE LOWER RIGHT LEG Even though the shin is supplied here, you'll need to wait until the next stage to use it. For the moment, a lower leg piston is fitted to the to top of the lower leg, via a screw and bush that allows the piston to move.
  17. STAGE 63: STARTING WORK ON THE LOWER RIGHT LEG Work now begins on the lower leg as this is slid onto the main leg part and CA'd into position. The groove means it will only fit in one position. The upper leg joint is now fitted.
  18. STAGE 62: FITTING THE KNEE CAP AND KNEE JOINT Another ratchet disc is installed, and along with the knee cap that's assembled with CA, both assemblies now fit to the one in the previous stage. The knee is now fitted to the leg. A hex key is used to tighten the joint. This can later be loosened so the model can be specifically posed.
  19. Pack 7 Pack 7 is finally done, and the T-800 is definitely growing in stature, even if he still doesn't have a leg to stand on. 😆 I am a little wary of now just picking it up via the chest cage, so grab by the pelvis now too. I don't want to put too much strain in one area. STAGE 61: BUILDING THE KNEE JOINT By now, you can see that any pivoting joint has these black ratchet discs than CA into the main part. No difference here. With the knee, a piston interior is also fitted into place.
  20. Hope all goes well. Kidneys can be tricky things at times.
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