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Everything posted by Moonbug

  1. Good morning, One additional bit - As I've said, I think it's obviously pretty important to be familiar with the gal you'll be spending so much time with, so I ordered a couple books, looked at a couple Augie had, and did some research on the Confederacy when she came to the shipyard. I didn't want to post it here, because I'm sure most people following Augie's log are already much more familiar with her than I; but if anyone is interested, I put a short synopsis of the Confederacy's history on my blog: http://lehmanshipyard.blogspot.com/2016/02/usf-confederacy-history.html for the other folks who follow along but don't have access to MSW. It's a combination of a few different sources, and there are of course some inconsistencies from author to author. History seems to be nothing if not malleable.
  2. Good morning, I accomplished some actual work last night on the Confed. After several hours of research and trying to get a good handle on where Augie was headed, how some of his ideas differed from the the plans (leaving some rails natural instead of painting, etc.), what he'd left for later, and what he'd done - I picked up with something simple just to get me going; adding the timber heads to the railing. After separating the timber heads, I beveled the top of each one. I started by mounting the lower portions of those on the bow, then matched up the top half. Finally, I spent a little time looking up and matching paint combinations and painted. I still owe them a couple more coats then a finish of clear lacquer. Off we go...!
  3. Thanks so much everyone for the kind words and support. I very much appreciate knowing the team is here! I hope to have some actual progress soon!
  4. Nice job on the repair Peter. I always rationalize with the idea that the final product is going to basically last forever. So an extra hour, or day, or even week to make it right always ends up worth it!
  5. Hello all, We all lost a dear friend, great supporter and member of our Shipbuilding family when Augie Bruno passed in December. No one was as proud of his work or shared in his enjoyment of the hobby more than his lovely wife Diane. After being contacted by Popeye, Diane expressed how helpful and wonderful it would be if someone were able to finish Augie’s work on the Confederacy – both as a tribute to Augie, and as a way to keep us all connected with his memory. As Augie and Diane’s home is only about 15 miles from me, I was asked if I would be willing to take over Augie’s build. I had the pleasure of sharing a cup of coffee, some delightful cookies, and even more delightful stories with Diane – and she assured me that this is indeed what Augie would have wanted. So, it is with a warm heart, and substantial amount of humility that I’ll pick up where Augie left off. Thanks already - and in advance to Anja, Popeye, Mark and Sjors for their support. I’ll do my best give Augie’s build justice, and do right by Augie and Diane. As it stands – I’m embroiled in research, as this is my first American built ship, and I feel it’s important to get to know her as much as I can before I continue the build. Hope to have some actual progress to show soon, but in the meantime – here she is in her new shipyard. - Bug
  6. Nicely done Mark, Thanks for the explanation on the micro-glaze & glass. Great information. - Bug
  7. I agree with Mark! If that's mediocre - please don't ever look at any of my build logs. - Bug
  8. Looks well worth the effort of the re-do. Nicely done. Interested to see how it ends up with the planking, etc. - Bug
  9. Congratulations Nils! Beautifully done! As I've mentioned - I'll certainly be referencing when I get to the Pegasus! - Bug
  10. Hello Jesse... sorry to hear about the feline intrusion. I just wanted to let you you know I've used the suggestion Capt Steven makes: stocking / pantyhose over the end of a vacuum hose trick in the past and it works quite well. Good luck, - Bug
  11. Thanks Frank! Appreciate the comment! The stagecoach is fun and something different, but is not a ship. *laff* -Bug
  12. Well, here's her final resting place in our Foyer, just up stream from the San Juan Nepomuceno. :-) Incidentally, the old map is of a province in Italy I acquired while stationed there many moons ago. It'd had been sitting in my storeroom for 20 years, just waiting for an excuse to be framed and mounted. (Yes - I realize it's not Genoa, Italy where Columbus was from, but I think it's cool none-the-less) - Bug
  13. Hehe, good question Jan, I'm not entirely familiar with the print world, but I am very familiar with broadcast copyright laws. Most of them - in particular with regard to damages - revolve around misuse of material for a profit or denying the original owner profit. So, I think for the most part we're ok here since its use is almost entirely informational. ;-) -Bug
  14. Good morning, Xavier's book is definitely what you're looking for. Here is the cover, and what the plans for the launch look like. - Bug
  15. Thanks so much Joe - I wasn't sure about the aging at first either, but my original intent was for this to be an educational display for my girls' school. That was back before I realized I was going to be two years over deadline. ;-) Anyway, I learned a ton about tarnishing and aging from the forum (and mistakes of course) and am glad I went that direction. Thanks Richard, I appreciate it. I actually rigged a little pulley so the rear deck could be maneuvered up or down. Not easy mind you, but possible. *laff*. I had to leave that deck pretty open as a result, but I'm still happy with the overall effect. -Bug
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