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Everything posted by Moonbug

  1. JSGerson, I chose to go with the "pretty" coils on much of my San Juan Nepomuceno because I approached the build with the idea that it was just out of the shipy yard. To accomplish them, I used diluted the rigging in diluted white glue, used a sewing pin to hold one end in place and slowing wrap the rest around the center. I did each coil on a piece of cardboard. Then, after it dried, I slowly cut it away and lifted it from the cardboard by sliding a razor blade under it (much like using a spatula on a pancake) then glued it on the deck. - Bug
  2. Nice work Jas - are you using anything to treat the rigging to prevent fraying? (wax, etc?) - Bug
  3. Good info Bob! I'm waiting for her to shift to the one in / on out system as well. Heh Jas - it's a downside to our little addition for sure. - Bug
  4. Thanks Popeye, but rest at ease - I have a civil war set I picked up when I stayed in Tennessee for my honeymoon years ago. :-) -Bug
  5. Nice work Matti. I envy the opportunity to do a build where you have access to the real thing. - Bug
  6. Man that's clean... For a guy (me) who is all thumbs when it comes to planking, that is something to admire. -Bug
  7. Bob, I've had some success hitting blackened parts with a little bit of spray poly, but overall blackening has been a tough gig for me as well. -Bug
  8. My Swift was also pretty far off where the bow met the keel. I sanded down the stem and created a 'notch' for the keel to fit in between the hull planking. Not necessarily the right way to go but it worked for me. -Bug
  9. Careful Mark.... I grew up in Oregon and I know exactly where Medford is. -Bug
  10. Grant - I have three girls, 15, 14, and 9. I'm all about embarrassing them when I can. I'm the crazy ex combat veteran all the neighborhood boys fear. I like it that way. :-) - Bug
  11. Nice work Bob, and great input from everyone. I'm sure glad you guys are all ironing out the bumps for me before I get to a coppering job! - Bug
  12. That's hysterical Eamonn! A great plan. My middle daughter for one is obsessed with them. Last nights work - display adjustments. When I first moved into my house I built a bookshelf into the wall of the downstairs family room to accommodate the pretty large number of books and movies we have. My San Juan Nepomuceno was on display in the upstairs family room on an end table. Looked good, and people saw it when they came in the house, but it was a little obtrusive and my lovely wife wasn't super fond of it. That led to the discussion of "What are you going to do with the Santa Maria." Then a FURTHER conversation when I started mentioning my future build of an HMS vessel - a more adamant "Well, where's THAT going to go, we don't need giant ships all over our house!" So here's my solution - I converted the bookshelf to hold my builds. The square in the center (that currently houses my Jamaican chess set (I collect chess sets - yes, I'm a nerd) will house the Santa Maria. Then, the shelves on the right will be converted later to house the future build. I still intend to install some plexi-glass over the ship display areas, but I'm pretty happy with the temporary adjustment. Once the future build is done I'll make necessary adjustments and finalize the entire thing and make it permanent.
  13. Great work Grant, and the input for everyone is awesome. Since my next build will be from this time frame, all of this info and trial and error is going to prove enormously valuable! -Bug
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