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Everything posted by SawdustDave

  1. Beautiful ship, well done Ken. Congratulations on an extremely fine piece of art. Dave
  2. Now this is the kind of modelin I have come to expect when I pull up a chair in Piet's shipyard. You show yer stuff Piet!!
  3. Nenad gives too much credit.... Marc, all this time, I thought it was just me. Glad to know someone else sharing the same experiences.
  4. OK.... So this shipyard sign thing might take a little (a LOT) longer than I originally planned.... Why must I make everything so darned difficult?
  5. Thanks Adam.... you have to get back in the game so we can do this thing together my friend. How's the torn calf coming along?
  6. Ratlines all done. I can get on with life.... It really is great to finally see both models at the same stage of development.
  7. Thank you all.... Remco, you actually hit on the problem, as pointed out to me by my poker pals..... Here is the sign mounted outside my shop before I ever took up modeling....
  8. Aside from tying clove hitch knots, trying to find time to work on my new shop sign.... An old friend created this ships wheel for me .... I decided the flat surfaces of the spindles beg for more detail.... A little better.... not sure how far I'm going to take this.
  9. Great work on the sails Jesse.... Ratlines too. This is turning into a really fine build my friend. Nice fix on the broken truss....looks great.
  10. Simply magnificent job Toni. That is just so darned beautiful. WOW!
  11. Friends who visit my shop and see my little fleet for the first time often go slightly overboard with their "emoticons".... I'm speaking of folks seeing something like a fully rigged Vic for the first time....not real hard to impress....right? My point in telling this is.... They do not realize that my modeling skills would hardly be above average among my modeling friends. So, in order to put things into perspective, I sit them down and take them on a tour of a few of my favorite builds....and I usually save EdT for last....Leaves them speechless.
  12. Beautiful clean work Marsalv. She's going to be a real beauty.
  13. Russ, I really enjoyed this build log. Well done. Looks like it would be fun for about anyone.
  14. So now the fun begins.... As always, like most every other painful thing in our lives, ratlines too shall pass........
  15. Sorry to hear about your injury Adam. Torn calf muscles not fun to go through... Been-there-done-that .... By the way.... Among the very last things I would want my wife trained in would be the art of kicking.... If you know what I mean.
  16. Amazing job on the sails Jesse. You just reminded me of exactly why I stopped rigging sails on my ships long ago. Your Scottish Maid is gonna be really special my friend. Dave
  17. By far, she's my favorite build EVER. And yes, scratch building her was quite a challenge.... especially her bow and stern carvings.
  18. I still have problems envisioning those cannon being fired in those rooms with the glass in the doors. Can you imagine what happens to that glass with the first cannon shot?
  19. Our mates from down under do have a way with words. I like....
  20. Beautiful sunshine this New Years day. Happy New Year everyone! Snapped off a couple of updates as we continue with her rigging.... Seems like I've been stuck here on this for a year....
  21. All the lower shrouds now rigged.... Working on the top shrouds now. Soon be tying clove hitches out the gazoo. OH BOY!
  22. After several years of modeling.... rigging a dozen masted ships.... I am still in complete awe at such beautifully done rigging. Simply awesome work Ken.
  23. Marsalv - You are a true master of the fine art of rigging. Amazing work. Dave
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