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Everything posted by SawdustDave

  1. Treenailing vs. ratlines..... Hmmmm Hard choice Toni. I envision building a ship and saving all the treenailing until I begin rigging the ratlines. Then I could tie a clove hitch, then fit a treenail....clove hitch...treenail, clove hitch....treenail, etc. Maybe throw a scratch deadeye in the mix here and there just to add a little variety. Hull looks great! Nice work Toni.
  2. Gaaaaallee! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! (Using my best Gomer Pile imitation) Can't put a darned thing past you blokes down under Steve.
  3. Early start this morning, began creating 30 heart shaped deadeyes for the lower shrouds, and 24 for the upper shrouds (smaller). Needing a break from that arduous task, decided to begin working on the ships boat for both Mayflowers. Any guesses as to what those little boats are going to look like?
  4. Thanks for all the visits, and "likes" guys.... good to see I still have great friends to share my love of this very kool art we call "modeling". You are all just great. So I get to begin tomorrow morning by creating a pot load of heart shaped deadeyes, before I can begin fitting any of her shrouds.
  5. Standing Rigging completed this morning.... Oh MAN! Just realized shrouds are next.... and that means I am only one step away from clove hitch...clove hitch...clove hitch...clove hitch.... etc.
  6. For what it's worth.... Gammoning.... Bow Collar.... Main Collar.... Standing Rigging.... just beginning.....
  7. Glad to finally find the time to dust her off Piet. Had a real fun day.
  8. I'll try to take a shot of the gammoning tomorrow Frank, but I don't think it will help much in terms of "how". And you're right about it being kinda tuff to get to. Just apply a little CA to about an inch of your rope to stiffen it....and begin by pulling more than enough length through on the lead end to complete the job. I had to work with the ship laying in my lap most of the time.
  9. OK friends, time to dust off my Mayflower builds. They've sat there gathering dust since mid October and I need a break from the lifeboat project. So, after an hour of thorough cleaning, I added the gammoning to the bowsprit. Added chesstrees and catheads, and began working on the standing rigging. No pics yet. Think I'll wait til standing rigging is done. Cheers
  10. I do not think I have ever seen anything so perfect. Just amazing. Dave
  11. Mr. Piet, Sir.... You never cease to amaze AND thoroughly entertain us. For a modeler, every trip to your build seems like a walk through an endless candy store. So, what cha gonna do with that awful looking "prototype" once you turn to building "the real deal"? I don't even have to tell you what I think you should do with it....do I?
  12. Looking good Frank. She's coming along very nicely. Feels great to finally wrap up a planking job, huh Pal.
  13. Nice work Adam. I found those little crows nests to be a heck of a challenge, but a load of fun to build.
  14. OH MY, but you are good Remco! What a pleasure to see your amazing work.
  15. Beautiful work Mark. So jealous of you. I really love all of the amazing POF builds going on around MSW. Looking forward to the day when I can tackle one. Your Licorne is an inspiration. Dave
  16. Hi Augie: Just playing a little catch up on some of my favorite builds on this quiet Sunday morning. Can 't wait to see your next update on my favorite ship. Dave
  17. Hi Wayne....Trying to play a little catch up this quiet Sunday morning. Anything new with your beautiful Mayflower? Dave
  18. Hi Bob....Just playing catch on some of my favorite builds this quiet Sunday morning. Your Essex is incredible! Beautiful work my friend. Dave
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