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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. A bit earlier time frame but the book The Sloop of War by Ian McLaughlin has lots of great info.
  2. Thanks Jon. There are a bunch of great logs here. Lots of learning going on. I also like the smaller ships as well and would like to see your work when you start it.
  3. Please start a build log when you are ready. Ask lots of questions. And have a great time.
  4. Welcome and please start a build log and as always ask lot of questions.
  5. I squared off the broken tips and added a small filler piece. You can still see the joints but it is very smooth to the touch. With a few test fittings, the planks seem to run very nicely.
  6. Thanks Cliff. Cherry seems nice as that is what my Halifax was made out of not sure about maple though. This bass wood is really soft and it seems to fall apart with almost no rhyme or reason. I have some pear and it really seems nice.
  7. When I was building my Kayak I occasionally had issues with the epoxy being too firm so we just got into the habit of placing the containers into a pan of hot water. That made the stuff flow really nicely.
  8. These really are amazing!
  9. The one on the left is just about the right size (maybe just a touch short). The other non-faired side is about the same hight.
  10. We will see about the kit provided wood. I do have a nice pear replacement package for the Longboat but wanted to try to see what I could do "out of the box" on this one. Hopefully skilling up a bit before I move on to that one.
  11. Very light touch indeed. I wasn't even going across the frames but along them. This wood is crazy soft. I looked for the piece but I think I will have to just remake the tip from the scrap.
  12. Well I guess I am not as gentle as I thought I was. I knocked the tip off of one of the frames while I was fairing it. I was wondering if I should try to shape a small (very small) replacement or will it be fine after planking?
  13. The well is a very interesting project by itself it will be nice to see it.
  14. This is really looking nice and I can’t wait for the next update.
  15. Looks like those parts are super nice and fit really well together. Now comes the fairing with the char...
  16. With all the angles and curves the stairs must have been very difficult. The end result looks great.
  17. This thing is so flimsy without the reinforcements. It feels much sturdier now and when I start fairing the frames I am going to feel much better having these things in place.
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