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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Same with Model Shipways Pride of Baltimore II.
  2. Chuck's answer is all you need to make an informed decision. That poll and thread pretty much gives a great overview of many of this sites users and their opinions about various manufacturers.
  3. So do zero clearance inserts help with blade flexing or just with tear-out and small pieces jamming into the gap?
  4. They are so small.... and they look really nice in place. Are you going to leave them natural color or are you going to stain/paint them?
  5. The quarter badges and the transom compliment each other nicely.
  6. I think it looks really good and without the macro lens I am sure a regular person wouldn't even notice.
  7. Thank you for sharing your amazing work. I really love seeing these unusual subjects.
  8. I'm not saying that it's impossible to get a good quality cheap tool but usually you get what you pay for. And it definitely pays to make an investment in a better tool.
  9. The Longboat is a pretty popular build. That means there is a 'boatload' of tip tricks and pitfalls documented here on the site. Lots of people willing to help. Looking forward to you build.
  10. Welcome, and don't worry about the language issue. We have plenty of people around here who don't speak English as primary language. When you're comfortable after looking around a while feel free to start a log of your current build. We would love to see it.
  11. Once it stops raining I will try to get some better pictures outside for better lighting. The iPhone is ok for general pictures but not so great in lower lighting.
  12. I really like your binnacle/companionway piece. The pe hinges are very nice. As I was following is a directions in my kit I ended up just using some black paper to simulate the hinges. It came out OK however now after following your building I can see what is possible. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful!
  13. Outstanding buildlog BE! Definitely a go to reference for future builds of this boat.
  14. Thanks Bob Nils and Dave for the comments and others for the likes. The new stand is so much more stable and I feel so much better about it.
  15. Still alive. Finally got some time in the shop. I really didn't like the kit supplied stand. It was a "barrel" about 1 cm in diameter that had a small slot cut in it which you are instructed to use epoxy to glue them to the base. Seemed way too unstable so I used some scrap wood and traced the outline of 2 frames from the plans onto it and made something a bit more stable. Will seal and finish them and decide if I like this board or need to get another one. One thing, I am not sure if the feet on the base should be so wide.... edit: Forgot to show the old stand picture.
  16. It really looks like it's coming along nicely. Amazing how complicated this area is.
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