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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Wonderful shots there. The more I see of the 1/2 planked and 1/2 open style the more I like it.
  2. Outstanding frieze! I agree with you on the painting, I have never been too good at it either.
  3. Interesting project. I have a fondness for the smaller non-rated vessels and will enjoy watching you progress.
  4. Great progress. And a very neat and clean shipyard too.
  5. I like what Janos said "extreme kitbashing". Sounds like a reality tv show As always your build is an inspiration.
  6. Truly excellent work. I am still amazed at how much you can get done so quickly.
  7. Impressed this was the first go. It looks really nice.
  8. Thanks Mike. That link has been bookmarked. Here I was wondering how I was going to use a router to cut channels for the track then that link smacks me upside the head with a duh... Your way is so much easier. Learning something new every day!
  9. Having the cant frames in finally has to make you feel good. It seems from the forums/logs etc that this was one of the more difficult steps in the build.
  10. Wow, you are working very quickly and these last photos are looking great. I also like your build slip/jig. Not so useful for me now but someday I will have to try to figure out how to build one of those.
  11. Thanks Carl. Practice is the name of the game. I am going to try some silver solder with a torch as described in the article on the front page. We will see how it goes. I am also going to experiment with a bit of blackening as well. Also using this article for some tips.
  12. After the second, third, fourth, 10th day faring it gets kind of old however it does really pay off in the end. This is looking good so far.
  13. Wow, I can't believe it has been so long since my last update. I am still alive Unfortunately work has been very busy recently with lots of evening and night shifts. I should be able to get back to the shipyard tomorrow. I was looking ahead to the instructions and I saw that I am supposed to do some soldering on the rudder points. I've never done this before so it's going to be an interesting experiment. I also want to put a breaching rope on each of the Canon. Although I'm unsure as to what diameter line I should use for this. I don't really want fully rig these cannon. I am going to save that for the Constitution. Btw I am reading the book Six Frigates by Ian W. Toll. I am not really big on histories and or biographies but this one is written in such a way as to be pretty interesting.
  14. I always thought the Fubbs was a nice looking ship. When I bought a framed blueprint (by Takakjian) the person threw in the other 3 plans. I always look at it and wonder...
  15. The main wale is looking nice. Are you hand cutting/shaping those planks or are you using a table/band/jig saw?
  16. I am sure the newest one will be even better. Can't wait to see the progress.
  17. What a wonderful build. It certainly gives one something to strive for.
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