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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. So if we put our NRG number in there it looks like it shows up in our profile to the left here. Is that number blocked out for others?
  2. Ben just caught up and am impressed. Esp with the setback and recovery.
  3. Love the Skipjacks. Can't wait to follow your progress.
  4. Truly an inspiration. Upon my return to the forums was sad to hear of Augie's passing. Very glad you had the opportunity to honor him by completing this build.
  5. Very nice. I don't think I've seen a bow section before. I like that it's going to be rigged. I saw a log a few years ago of a midship section in the scratch forums that was rigged and it was very impressive.
  6. This looks like a great find. I grew up on The Bay and remember seeing the Skipjacks when I was younger out working. I might have to add this to my library.
  7. I sold 2 kits to Model Expo and received what I thought was a great price for them. I probably could of gotten more for them if I had put in a bunch more effort but it was the easy option. Very satisfied customer.
  8. So I have been away for a while. My practice went through a massive expansion/contraction/expansion etc etc. Ended up working way too much. I also got somewhat distracted for the last few months building a kayak. I am finishing that up and am cleaning up the shipyard so I can start working again. Here is a picture of where I am now. I like the new site design and wanted to see if I remembered how to get pictures uploaded etc.
  9. After seeing how well the Rattlesnake came out I am looking forward to this one. My Constitution is on semi-permanent hold as I get back into modeling and finish up the Halifax. Interested in seeing your progress with the Hunt practicum as well.
  10. Wish I could of made it out there this year but work was a bit too busy. Maybe next year. Your Echo cross section pretty nice as well.
  11. I just saw this today as well, and was wondering if they were still producing it.
  12. So it seems August has been a wash. However, when I was over in Baltimore visiting my father I was able to get on down to the Naval Academy Museum. I took lots of good pictures. Here are just a few. I didn't use a flash and am going to clean up the pictures a bit but I thought I would show some. I love this museum. Such a great place and the new renovation (since I had been there before) is really nice. The museum staff was very helpful as well. And on the first floor I came across this. Which leads me to... I just got home from a boy scout camporee this weekend with my son. I wasn't really paying too much attention to where we were going as I had so much to do otherwise. I looked up the trip info and I googled Put In Bay, Ohio. Well, well, well. Lots of events commemorating the war 1812 going on all weekend. Was a great time (other than a bit of rain friday night). Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial. Cannon demonstrations etc. The visitors center/gift shop has a pretty nice model completed by Harry Tabb in 1963 Overall a great 2 weeks in ship modeling hobby.
  13. Sorry for your loss. I recently lost my mother and it kinda puts a bit of a damper on some things. Glad you are reposting. You Constitution is excellent. I haven't decided if Pride of Baltimore II or the Constitution is going to be my next build. I started the big C over 10 years ago and got almost to where you are but multiple moves resulted in some damage that I am not sure how to fix. I really love your gratings. The hard wood looks so nice. I will be following along here, learning all the while.
  14. I am not really into reading biography/history type books but this one was very well written and kept me turning pages well after I needed to goto bed.
  15. Outstanding, thanks for posting this. As a bonus I just finished up reading Six Frigates which is reviewed in this issue.
  16. Oooo a mystery. Can't wait to find out! I always wonder why there are not more people building 74s though.
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