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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Ron, the hardware looks great and your fix with the the sheave looks like it was meant to be.
  2. Larry, your progress is looking good. I wouldn't sweat the wood filler too much. You may even want a smoother stern planking for the Niagara's name.
  3. The eagle on the back looks great. It's hard to tell it's a decal as you can't see the transparent film. That indicates some top-notch decal work. The masts and their accompanying bits look really good too. It sounds to me as though you plan on putting some sails on her. I'll be watching for that.
  4. Mobbsie, your planking is looking good and the gunports are really coming along. I'm looking forward to seeing more progress!
  5. The sails and yards look great Frank. You are really getting close to finishing this build now.
  6. Glad to see we're back up and current now. That's going to be a lot of work to get those bolts and plates made up and secured. It will look really nice once it's done though. Since you aren't using paint are you going to blacken that hardware? Also, that's a great picture of the Niagara. One thing pictures like this showcase is how smooth everything is to point that it almost looks like plastic instead of wood.
  7. For a repair you know you've done a good job when you can't tell anything was broken to begin with. A job well done to you sir!
  8. Thanks for the encouraging post Mobbsie! I should have some more progress to post soon.
  9. The deck and coamings are very cleanly done. It looks great.
  10. Mobbsie, take you time my friend. We're all patient enough to begin with or we wouldn't be very successful with this hobby. My building will slow waaaaaaay down when it warms up enough to go fishing.
  11. That color does look like a very dark blue until you cover the coppering with your hand and then it looks like black with florescent lighting.
  12. David, a good question from Larry... Where were the cannon balls for the Niagara kept? Were there any provisions for keeping them on deck?
  13. Re your question about cannon balls on Catch22's log, I posted this response: "Larry, that's an excellent question. It's possible David, aka Bahama's Diver, may know the answer to that. I will pose that question to him. If we don't get an answer there I can always write to the captain at the Erie, PA museum and ask him as well." I will be looking into this for sure as it's a detail that might look most interesting.
  14. Larry, that's an excellent question. It's possible David, aka Bahama's Diver, may know the answer to that. I will pose that question to him. If we don't get an answer there I can always write to the captain at the Erie, PA museum and ask him as well.
  15. Well Larry, if we all followed common sense then we wouldn't be nuts about model ships to begin with.
  16. Thanks for looking in Popeye!. I was somewhat surprised with how tall they turned out, but it really adds to the wow and size factor. I think the boom and gaff will help to give it more horizontal girth when I get them added. We'll see though....
  17. That is looking sweet Popeye! The skylight is looking fantastic in it's place. I'd like to see the eagle decal in place and that's not to mention the quick turn-around on getting the replacement.
  18. The cabin looks great. These are some of the types of details I'd like to incorporate into my Connie when I get started on her. I'm guessing your build is representing Connie's time in around 1803-04? I answered my own question above with some reinvigorated web surfing today. Apparently the Hercules figurehead was never rebuilt and the area was built up as a billethead with similar scroll work as can be seen today until the Andrew Jackson figurehead was installed. Also, sorry to be mentioning things that might add to your work load. That was not my intention. Again, I am mainly looking to see what ideas I might be able to steal from you when my build begins. Your craftsmanship has been excellent and the six window configuration is unexpectedly exciting. With that statement in mind, will you also be following the similar color scheme as seen in Corne's painting?
  19. I believe that is 140 cannons!!! A force to be reckoned with for sure.
  20. I'm happy to see this build log being reposted. I was a silent follower prior to the switchover.
  21. Sjors, the deck furniture looks great. Thanks so much for the pictures.
  22. Wayne, I've always lived by the motto of "It's easier to ask forgiveness then for permission". I will admit though, that motto has landed me in the doghouse from time to time. Looking forward to following along.
  23. Sjors, we want pictures of your San Ildefonso! Let's keep our website rate PG please.
  24. Brian, this is high praise indeed. I do enjoy looking at her and am looking forward to starting on my running rigging. I almost have my boom completely assembled. After that I have to get my gaff shaped and put together and once they are mounted I can begin on stringing up the tan lines. I felt like I had a good rope for my anchor hawsers but am not so sure now. It's just another hurdle to leap over. Funny thing, I was watching a special on the USS Constellation on the History Channel. It was about her role in anti-slavery in the African squadron and toward the end, I do believe I saw the Niagara standing in for some shots of a tall ship. First of all, it was a fantastic show and very factual, and secondly, there was a lot of footage of tall ships in there. I was very impressed by the History Channel's presentation of the subject matter.
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