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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. I don't know what I'd do about a stern for my Niagara then. Guess that'd be my problem though, huh? When I get home from work I'll take a look at things and see if I can remember tackling that. Maybe there are some other opinions out there?
  2. Larry, I believe the profile of the corner filler blocks should match the horn timbers on the counter and ceiling. I do remember that those filler blocks were a royal PITA. I feel like there is something I'm not remembering completely though. It'll make more sense when I get home and look at my plans and compare to my Niagara.
  3. Larry, It's good to see this log back up. I'll be happy to weigh in with advice on your stern.
  4. If you do half as nice a job on this as you did on your Phantom, this will be a great looking Mayflower.
  5. That's a great looking Connie. It doesn't appear that you used the coppering method in the kit. What did you use for your copper bottom?
  6. Jan, if we put this to a vote then I'm sure everyone would agree that you should finish her. It doesn't look like you have much further to go on Prins Willem and she is looking great!
  7. Hi Mobbsie. It's good to see you back online with your enormous model of the Aggie. We're all looking forward to updates.
  8. Robert, the HMS Mars has never looked better. Your choice in replacement lumber has really paid off on an excellent looking build. I'll be following along to the end with this log.
  9. Augie, I'g glad to see the Syren back online. This is one of those ships that are in my list. I've got a soft spot for American sailing warships and this one will definitely eat up some of my time some day.
  10. Hi guys. Thanks again for looking in and glad to have you aboard. Carl, glad to have you looking in on my Niagara. Frank, thanks for the compliment on the rigging. It's my favorite part of building actually. I served the tops of the shrouds but other than that haven't really done anything special with them. Augie, Brockel always has very clean and precise work. I would like to see him finish up with his Niagara as well. Popeye, thanks for stopping in. Larry, I don't have any photos of the stern in progress. In fact, my Niagara was half was completed before I knew of this site. If you haven't already, when you get your Niagara log up and running, post some pictures of where the trouble is and I may be able to jog my memory to lend some advice. Robert, thanks for stopping in and having a peak. Ken, we all need to get some finished Niagara's in our gallery.
  11. Frank, it's good to see you back. From what I remember, there is a lot of posting yet to go for you to catch up. Your build was very memorable to me in that you put some great weathering detail into your Supply and a lot of us don't usually bother with doing it at all. I've always left weathering to my airplanes and tanks.
  12. Sjors... your paint job looks fantastic! I think you are much like me in the respect that waiting until spring is unbearable. I'm happy to see this further progress, That last picture really helps us appreciate the enormous size of that kit. Now you are going to have to build another room to keep it and your other ships in.
  13. Nice Constellation! This is one of those ships on my list. Now, if we all have our stories straight, then you can always say (as Sjors might be hinting at) that you did get this all done in one night! As they say "That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!"
  14. There it is!!! I'm happy to see this build back online also. I've enjoyed looking over your shoulder on this build.
  15. I'm glad to see you and your Pegasus back on board. I was thinking of a new idea for all of us since we all have so many pictures of our builds. When we do this in the future we should be always taking a progress shot from the same side and angle and then when it has completed we can compile the pictures into a flip book and the ship will 'magically' create itself. I think I read earlier that this build log was recreated using your Iphone? That's more tedious than any treenailing job I've ever seen.
  16. You've pretty much recreated in exact detail your old build log. I think that's fantastic. There was a lot of detail in your progress steps that would help other builders more than the actual instructions. Your planking is looking extraordinarily clean ant tight. It really pays off when you put some real time and effort into it.
  17. Gentlemen, thanks a ton for looking in on my build log. Now that all of the rejoining efforts are out of the way, we can all get back to our builds. Sjors, all seats up front are still available! Slog, I decided to go that route with my ship's boats because I wasn't happy with the bread and butter method in the kit. They were good for creating the plugs to frame my own ship's boats though. I should have some more work posted later today. I have my main mast set in place now and will begin to get the shrouds in place.
  18. Hi Anja, I'm glad to see you back! Good going with the quick recovery.
  19. I'm glad to see you back in action! You really got it all back up in no time. Now, what happened to your Mirage?
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