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Everything posted by clearway

  1. work continues on the topgallant with the sheets and halliard rigged (still need excess thread trimmed and coiled at pin rail). the piece of dowel in the bows will be the foreyard. Keith
  2. love these old steamships they have soooooo much character (even the workaday ones). Keith
  3. She is evolving nicely and yep the hammock netting is a nightmare (was bad enough in 1/75 scale)! i would leave the davits off till as late as possible because they will deffo get snagged endlessly while rigging the mizzen mast. Keith
  4. back in the shipyard and the topgallant yard is hoisted, though the halliard still need rigged as well as sheets, lifts etc.once the halliard is rigged i will rig the topsail halliards and backstay (not rigged yet to allow easier access to pinrails). take care everyone. Keith
  5. thanks as always for the likes and looking in everyone, with shorter days and not much needing done in garden managed a little bit of time in the shipyard (to quote a famous T.V. series "winter is coming") The rubbing strakes and the timber above the stern/rudder are in place along with a bearing in the sternpost for the prop shaft. have fun all and keep up the good work everyone. Keith
  6. Many thanks Keith- that's not the words i use to describe it at the time though!😜 You will be noticing like me that the nights are starting to close in and winter is creeping up on us- though thanks to gulf stream we can get some nice but shorter days up to November time. Keith
  7. thanks for all the likes and looking in as always everyone, managed a little more on Terror this weekend with the clewlines rigged on the main topsail, the ropes on the main mast pinrail all belayed and coiled and the main topgallant yard ready for the footropes and sail to be added. Take care everyone. Keith
  8. also you can rig vangs to the gaffs if needing downward tension. Keith
  9. work slowly progressing with the stem and keel pieces attached. Also fitted a brass bearing for the prop shaft in place from my spares box. There is a nice pic of her stern in dry dock showing a two bladed prop (spares box the the rescue again)! Also looks like the prop shaft went through the prop and into another bearing on the sternpost so will add that to the sternpost before gluing it into place take care all Keith
  10. Thanks for the likes and looking in everyone. have got the truss pendants, main yard lifts, main tops'l sheets and main tops'l lifts belayed (not coiled yet), rigged as per Lees masting and rigging. Note i havn't glued the chimney for the steam engine in place along with the skid beams to ease rigging in this crammed space! take care all Keith
  11. While my Grandfather was a coal miner he had a small fishing smack at Whitehaven harbour for when he was on his time off (i bet the open irish sea was a blessing after hewing coal in a 3 foot high adit)! - a lot of the old sailing smacks were altered and fitted with diesel engines and wheelhouses and plenty were still around till about 20 years ago. Keith
  12. Nice to see Vicky back on the workbench phil- wow i forgot about the insanely small buckets of doom😁. Keith
  13. that looks better- i was wondering why the original set up didn't look right (i am building Snowberry using the Matchbox 1/72 kit with the Great little Ships upgrade set) though that build resembles the speed of continental drift! Keith
  14. Moving along nicely 😉 On the fore tops'l she was fitted with roller reefing gear- a quick google search will show the idea - which is why it looks thicker on the pics of the real Endurance. Keith
  15. Thanks for likes and comments everyone, little bit of progress in the shipyard with the decks / bulkheads now all planked. take care all, Keith
  16. pity about the soldering as that would definitely hold them secure , but superglue gel should be good, for the bottom of the chainplates you could squeeze the bottom of the wire flat and drill through with a 0.68 mm drill bit in a pin vice and pin to the hull (i am thinking along your lines myself regards chainplates but maybe use the iron wire i mentioned. Keith
  17. Ty Nirvana, gave the hull a bit of a sanding / trimming and also planked the main and quarter decks. As hakazou pointed out in his build log the bulkheads were also planked (i was going to use the 2mm planking as used for deck, but wanted a difference in colour so dug some 3mm strip out of the spares box) Also planked the sides of the island using the 3mm strip. take care all, Keith
  18. Wow really coming along at pace😁- If mounting blocks to eyebolts i use annealed iron wire as used by people making jewelry which is available in different thicknesses to make the strops. Keith
  19. Thanks for looking in and the likes everyone. As mentioned in my terror log rain and nearly empty house has led to shippy time😋. Finally got the walnut 2nd planking near completion, just needs sanding down/ trimmed here and there and a stealer or two. will also need o think about adding the stem, keel and sternpost. Take care all Keith
  20. Thanks for looking in and the likes/ comments everyone. Got a few days off work while the admiral and daughter visit relatives + rain with bits of rain then showers so moved my workshop onto dining room table and managed to get the main topsail hoisted though still need to rig the halliards, sheets etc etc. Take care all Keith
  21. welcome back to the terror club and hope the recovery continues well. Keith
  22. Nice , i have built this kit three times now with two altered slightly with a scratchbuilt smaller wheelhouse and one as a stern trawler, Keep up the good work. Keith
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